Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1871 A destined battle! (2 updates)


At the same time, the battle between the two camps, Old Jing, and another Half-Saint suppressed by the Blood Shadow Alliance, had come to an end.

From the beginning, Mr. Jing was almost beaten, but Mr. Jing relied on his rich combat experience to fight hard with his opponent for more than half an hour.

As the opponent's half-saint's offensive gradually weakened, Jing Lao's advantage became apparent.

The two sides exchanged palms again, and Jing Lao actually knocked the opponent out of the game.

In this round, Mr. Jing won!

So far, Donglingxianchi and Blood Shadow Alliance have both won and lost.

The final battle, between the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance and the Tianyuan Holy Emperor, was a crucial one.

"Great, Mr. Whale wins!"

Jing Lao's victory undoubtedly inspired the disciples of Donglingxianchi present. As long as the headmaster can win the final battle, maybe the Blood Shadow Alliance will really retreat!

"Junior Brother Tianyuan, it seems that you and I are destined to fight!"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance flew out and stared at the Tianyuan Holy Emperor with a cold expression.

Although the situation at Ling Feng made him somewhat worried.

But there is also a saint-level strongman on his side.

No matter how evil Ling Feng is, can he still rebel against heaven?

The Heavenly Dragon Sword Saint can instantly kill the Half-Saint with one move. No matter how strong Ling Feng is, he has just broken through to the Emperor Realm. Can he still be stronger than Elder Long?

"Headmaster, everything depends on you!"

Jing Lao retreated to Tianyuan Holy Emperor, and as soon as he came out, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although he won the next round, in fact, the opponent only lost in combat experience.

He was completely injured in exchange for a victory. At this moment, the muscles and veins in his body were severed. Every breath he took and every step he took was filled with heartbreaking pain.

Anyone could see that his whole body was shaking violently, veins popped up on his forehead, and he was sweating profusely.

It was obvious that he was in great pain.

The Holy Emperor Tianyuan took a deep breath and took a deep look at Old Jing, then at Old Gui who was lying aside, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and Old Long who had long since turned into a blood mist...

The three half-saints, dead and injured, the only pillar of Donglingxian Pond is himself!

He straightened his spine, strode to the opposite side of the Blood Shadow Alliance leader, and slowly drew out his sword.

He didn't know how many years it had been since he took action again, and he never expected that when he took action again, it would be like this.

"Junior brother Tianyuan, you have been inferior to me since you were a child. Remembering the friendship between brothers and sisters in the past, I will let you go peacefully!"

In the hands of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance, there was a flash of blood, and a bloody long sword was already in the palm of his hand.

"I will prove it to everyone!"

Junior Brother Tianyuan stared at the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance with an extremely tragic look on his face.

"Prove what?"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance sneered, "Prove that the old ghost's choice back then was so ridiculous? Prove that the Dongling Immortal Pond in your hands will only be destroyed?"

"I will prove that Master was right to choose me!"

The next moment, amid the violent shouts of the Tianyuan Holy Emperor, his figure turned into a ray of green light and slashed towards the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

"After all these years, you are still so weak!"

A trace of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the Blood Shadow Alliance leader. As soon as he turned the blood sword in his hand, a "clang" sound was heard. The two swords clashed, sparks flying out.

Then, the Blood Shadow Alliance swung their swords, and a terrifying sword energy directly shattered the void.

The violent power swept across wantonly, and the figure of the Tianyuan Holy Emperor was immediately blown away when he encountered it.


Tianyuan Holy Emperor suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and when he faced him, he was completely at a disadvantage.

However, the next moment, Tianyuan Holy Emperor rushed out again without fear of death, with an extremely determined look in his eyes.

He knew the gap between himself and the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

This gap was already determined when they were both very young.

However, for what you want to protect, it doesn't matter even if you die.

"Hmph, stupid!"

The leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance was fierce with his moves. Almost every collision would make the Tianyuan Saint Emperor vomit blood. However, even if the Emperor Tianyuan exhausted all his strength, he could not leave even a single scar on the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance.

The strength of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance is already very close to the holy level, far beyond what Tianyuan Holy Emperor can match.

However, as long as he has a breath left, he will never fall.

Even if he falls down, he will get up until the last drop of blood is drained.

"Brother Headmaster..."


The voices of countless elders and disciples of Donglingxianchi were choked with tears.

There seemed to be something hot in their hearts that seemed to melt their entire bodies.


With another punch, Tianyuan Holy Emperor was severely knocked away. His cheeks were already highly swollen, and his usual immortal appearance was completely gone.

However, his eyes were as determined as ever!


Tianyuan Holy Emperor spit out a mouthful of blood, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, supported his body with his long sword, and barely maintained his standing posture.

"Trash! I want to see how long you can hold on!"

Anger surged in the Blood Shadow Alliance leader's eyes, and his body turned into a bloody rainbow. He punched hard and hit Tianyuan Holy Emperor heavily in the abdomen.


Tianyuan Saint Emperor flew out like a cannonball and fell heavily to the ground. This time, no matter how he struggled, he could not get up again.


The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader stepped on the face of Tianyuan Saint Emperor and laughed loudly, "Waste, it's waste! Junior brother, don't you want to prove it? What have you proved now? Hahahaha!"


The elders and disciples of Dongling Xianchi rushed towards Tianyuan Saint Emperor like a torrent.

"Let go of Master!"

"Devil, move your stinky feet!"

The angry disciples of Dongling Xianchi all rushed out like crazy. Even facing such a powerful existence as the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader, they all rushed out fearlessly.

"You are looking for death!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader had a murderous intent in his eyes. With a sweep of the blood sword, dozens of disciples who rushed to the front turned directly into a puff of blood mist.

But soon, the air raid was filled by the disciples behind, and they rushed up again like a tide.

"If I die, I'd rather die than be enslaved!"

"I'd rather die in glory than live in disgrace!"

"I swear to live and die with the master!"


This scene was the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader, who was also shocked in his heart.

"Dark Blood, you now understand that the reason why the master chose me was because you only knew how to use fear to enslave your subordinates! You are definitely not a qualified master!"

The Tianyuan Saint Emperor roared, and the power from nowhere shocked the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader back. At the same time, the eight hall masters took action at the same time to rescue the Tianyuan Saint Emperor.

"Hmph, it's just the dying struggle of the weak!"

The Blood Shadow Alliance Leader's eyes flashed with cold light, "You all want to die, right? Then I will fulfill your wish! Go!"

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