Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1879 Mr. Gui is not dead! (1 update)

At this point, the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance died, the Heavenly Dragon Sword Master died suddenly, and the remaining disciples of the Blood Shadow Alliance were either dead or caught. Although the Dongling Immortal Pond was severely damaged by this impact, it was finally Avoid the fate of destruction.

Huiyue Shengji looked back at Ling Feng and recalled that when Ling Feng had just entered the inner sect, she had wanted to expel Ling Feng from the fairy pool in order not to let Ling Feng affect Tuoba Yan's martial arts heart. Thinking about it now, Saint Huiyue couldn't help but feel a little guilty in her heart.

The remaining four palace masters had a hint of sadness in their eyes. The masters of Liuhuo Palace, Xingchen Palace, and Jingfeng Palace were not spared after all.

There were also Elder Long and Elder Turtle who died one after another, Elder Whale was seriously injured, and Holy Emperor Tianyuan was also seriously injured. I am afraid that it would be difficult to recover without decades of seclusion.

The impact brought by the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance this time was simply a disaster for Donglingxianchi.

But, no matter what, Donglingxianchi survived!

After experiencing what happened this time, I believe that Xianchi will be even stronger in the future!

Because they have Ling Feng!

Although Tianlong Sword Master was not killed by Ling Feng, in everyone's opinion, that little goldfish was probably Ling Feng's spiritual pet.

Although this "spiritual pet" is a bit scary.

For a moment, everyone looked at Ling Feng almost subconsciously. This boy was much younger than most people present.

However, when the sect was about to face the fate of destruction, it was he who stood up and turned the tide.

Such Ling Feng is destined to become a legend.

"He did it! He created a miracle again!"

Tuoba Yan's eyes filled with excitement. She had been with Ling Feng for a long time. Although she witnessed the opportunities created by Ling Feng time and time again, this time, when facing a saint-level powerhouse, he actually also Can create such a miracle.

"In the near future, he may become the master of Donglingxianchi!"

Chu Tiange murmured to himself, and beside him, many inner disciples nodded secretly.

When Ling Feng is the headmaster, no matter whether he is a disciple or an elder, he is absolutely convinced.

On the top of the distant mountain, Yu Junyao, who followed Ling Feng all the way to the Dongling Fairy Pond, also stirred up a great uproar in her heart.

She witnessed all this with her own eyes. When Ling Feng was subdued by Tianlong Sword Master, she thought everything was over.

However, the final outcome was unexpected by Ling Feng.

"What kind of spiritual creature is that little goldfish? It can kill even a saint-level powerhouse in an instant?"

Yujunyao was puzzled. Even with her eyesight, she couldn't identify the origin of the powerful little goldfish.

"Sure enough, this kid still hides many unknown secrets."

Involuntarily, Yu Junyao couldn't help but compare Ling Feng with Mu Qianxue's fiancé, and then shook her head, "I'm so stupid, how could I compare them? If it's that guy, Tianlong Sword Master , It’s just a flash sale.”

It is true that Ling Feng is already very good, but compared with the real monsters among the gods, there is still a big gap.

At this time, after Ling Feng completely killed the Blood Shadow Alliance Leader, he exhaled a long breath: It's finally over!

This battle really exhausted him.

Flying down to the body of Dragon Sword Saint that day, the little goldfish was still swimming freely in mid-air. Suddenly, there was a squirming movement in its abdomen, and then it opened its mouth and spit out a skull.

Obviously, that was the head of Tianlong Sword Master.

The little goldfish's body shone with light, and a look of satisfaction seemed to appear on its very human face.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This little goldfish seemed to have completely swallowed up the soul of the Dragon Sword Saint that day.


With a flash of golden light, the little goldfish jumped directly onto the lower half of Tianlong Sword Master's body. Then, in the blink of an eye, only a bare skeleton and a few fragments were left of Tianlong Sword Master's body. The flesh and blood on his body and All the other treasures were swallowed up by this little goldfish.

After devouring Tianlong Sword Master's "legacy", the little goldfish burped, glanced at Ling Feng with satisfaction, waggled his tail, and swaggered back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. This little goldfish seems to eat everything, and it is so powerful. If it gets extremely hungry one day, will it also eat the Five Elements Heavenly Palace?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng felt a little nervous in his heart. It seemed that he had to study carefully about the origin of this little goldfish.

However, he has more important things to do right now.

Although the problem of the Blood Shadow Alliance has been lifted, whether the Dongling Fairy Pond can regain its strength next is the top priority.

The most important figure among them is undoubtedly the leader of Donglingxianchi, Tianyuan Holy Emperor.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng flew to the side of Tianyuan Holy Emperor. He was sitting slumped aside at the moment, while the master of Chiri Palace was delivering his energy to him and helping him regain his vitality.

With the Tianyuan Saint Emperor's current injuries, ordinary pills could no longer restore him.


Ling Feng walked up to Holy Emperor Tianyuan and bowed to him.

Holy Emperor Tianyuan slowly opened his eyes. In one day, Holy Emperor Tianyuan seemed to have aged hundreds of years. He looked at Ling Feng, studied it for a moment, and then said slowly: "You are very good!"

"As a member of Donglingxianchi, this is what a disciple should do."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Master, let me heal your injuries. It just so happens that I am proficient in some medical skills."

"I'm interested, but you'd better go see Mr. Jing first. He's injured more seriously than me."

As the Holy Emperor Tianyuan spoke, he coughed violently a few more times. Because the injury was so serious, he even spit out some internal organ fragments when he coughed.

The viciousness of the leader of the Blood Shadow Alliance can be seen clearly.

In fact, Ling Feng's own injuries were not serious, but because he had practiced the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique, his recovery ability was extremely strong. Coupled with the few drops of spiritual fluid from the little goldfish before, he basically no longer had any injuries. What's the big deal.

Nodding, Ling Feng looked in the direction of Mr. Jing again.

This was the first time Ling Feng met Mr. Jing.

Among the three half-saints, he has the deepest relationship with Elder Gui. As for Elder Long and Elder Jing, he has had no contact with them before.

Especially Mr. Long, he was already dead before he even met him.

He quickly walked up to Elder Jing. The white-haired old man was looking at Elder Gui's body without blinking, as if he was still immersed in the sadness of losing his old friend.

Ling Feng sighed lightly. Among the Donglingxian Pond, Mr. Gui was undoubtedly the best person to him and a very respectable elder.

If it weren't for Mr. Gui, maybe he would have been kicked out of Donglingxian Pond long ago.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Mr. Gui. I'm still late after all, but you can rest in peace. Dongling Immortal Pond is not destroyed. The Immortal Pond in the future will definitely be better!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and knelt down to Gui Lao's body.

However, when Ling Feng approached Gui Lao's body, a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.

Although Gui Lao has lost all his breath, as a Taoist doctor, Ling Feng can feel that Gui Lao's vitality map has not dissipated!

In other words, Mr. Gui is not dead!

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