Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1881 The Origin of the Little Goldfish (Part 2)

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he glanced at Jie Donkey in surprise, "Could it be that you know?"

"This mythical beast is just a guess."

The bitch put on a thoughtful look, held one donkey's hoof in front of his chest, supported the other donkey's hoof, rubbed his chin, and slowly analyzed: "If this divine beast guessed correctly, this little goldfish, Not just any fish!”


Ling Feng's forehead went dark, and he almost had the urge to make donkey meat into meat and burn it.

After spending a long time pretending to be with this guy, you came to such a conclusion?

Why do you even need to say this?

Can an ordinary fish swallow a saint-level powerhouse in one gulp? Can you crush an immortal weapon with one bite?

"Don't be anxious! This mythical beast hasn't finished speaking yet!"

The bitch grinned widely, "From this little goldfish, this divine beast can sense several different auras. The easiest one to detect is the same divine beast bloodline as this divine beast, although I don't know what it is. There are many types, but it feels very mixed, as if it contains the blood of several ancient beasts!”

"Could it be that this is an ancient divine beast with fused bloodline?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, looking at the little goldfish swimming freely in disbelief.

"not that simple!"

The cheap donkey continued: "In addition to the aura of the divine beast, there is also the aura of a strong immortal. Every drop of blood of a strong immortal contains the power of heaven and earth. But this little goldfish can't see clearly its cultivation. It’s a realm, but it can integrate the rules of heaven and earth!”

"There is a third breath, you should have felt it too, that is the breath of void life!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "If you say so, it is true that this little goldfish has the breath of void life. I thought it was just because it stayed in the void lotus pond for too long. After all, the Holy Lord of Nothingness is known as the void. , must also master the power of the void, right?”

"The power of the void controlled by humans is essentially just the rules of space. The life of the void is different. Their power comes from the magic core in their bodies!"

The bitch snorted, rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, and continued this time: "And the fourth kind of breath is the breath of the demons! And this kind of demons' breath is also very mixed, ranging from several kinds The aura of the high-level demons is really confusing.”

"In other words, this little goldfish actually has the blood of the divine beast, the blood of the fairy, the blood of the void and the blood of the demon?"

Ling Feng was completely confused. These four powers were probably the four most powerful races in the world, and this little goldfish could actually be integrated into one?

So, what kind of existence is it?

But thinking about it carefully, I am from the Tiandao clan and have the aura of the immortal clan. At the same time, I have the pupil of the void of the demon queen, and I also have the aura of the demon clan.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that this little goldfish behaves quite intimately with him.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng summoned the Void Double Blade again and summoned the two sword spirits together.

One black, one white, two groups of light and shadow, gradually condensed into human shapes.

"Wow, it's so rare, Master, you finally remembered me!"

Wushuang Sword Spirit Xiaoshuang immediately jumped up and hugged Ling Feng's arm.

Xiaoxu, the Void Spirit Sword Spirit, stood aside with a cold face and glared at Xiaoshuang angrily, as if he was a little ashamed to be associated with this guy.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. In the final analysis, he was more comfortable using the Destruction of All Directions, so let alone the Double Blade of Nothingness, even the Divine Bow of Yi rarely used it.

However, under certain circumstances, the Void Double Blade can also produce some unexpected effects.

After all, these are also two immortal weapons, and they are a pair of immortal weapons, and their power is quite impressive.

He broke his arms out of Xiao Shuang's arms. Although this guy and Xiao Xu were siblings, their personalities were completely different. One was cold and the other was hot. They were two extremes.

"Hmph, stinky master!"

Xiaoshuang gave Ling Feng a resentful look, which made Ling Feng feel weak, as if he had bullied her.

Rolling his eyes, Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Xiaoxu, Xiaoshuang, do you know that there is a strange little goldfish in the void lotus pond where the Holy Lord of Nothingness is?"

"Little goldfish? What little goldfish?"

Xiaoshuang glanced at Xiaoxu, then shook her head like a rattle, "The Void Lotus Pond stores the owner's body, how could there be any little goldfish? Besides, the water in the Void Lotus Pond is all water of nothingness, don't What a little goldfish, even if our two sword spirits get a drop of it, they will all be wiped out."


Ling Feng frowned, that little goldfish was obviously met in the void lotus pond!

"Have you never entered the Lotus Pond of Nothingness?"

Xiaoxu nodded, "That's right, except for the time I took you, Master, we have never been close to the Void Lotus Pond, because the Master has told us that there is only the Void Lotus Pond in the tomb, and we should not set foot on it easily."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment. No wonder, when the Void Double Blades took him to the Lotus Pond of Creation, he didn't dare to get too close. He knelt down at the door from a distance, not even daring to raise his head.

It seems that although the Holy Lord of Nothingness is dead, he still hides many unknown secrets.

For example, this little goldfish with four heaven-reaching bloodlines must be one of them.

"Do you really know nothing at all?"

Ling Feng sighed softly and asked again to confirm.

"I don't know."

Xiaoxu shook his head again. Although Ling Feng had some doubts, he had to give up.

For the time being, that little goldfish has no ill intentions towards him, and he once saved his life, so he will keep him for the time being. Sooner or later, he will definitely be able to figure out the origin of this little goldfish.

"That's fine."

Ling Feng looked at the Void Double Blade and said slowly: "You guys go back first."


Xiaoshuang nodded, glanced at Lingfeng, and seemed hesitant to speak, but Xiaoxu glared at him, so he could only shrink his neck, turned into a white light, and disappeared.

Ling Feng shrugged, looked at the little goldfish again, and then left the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

There are still many things outside, waiting for you to deal with them.

At least, how to deal with the Dragon Sword Tianfu Half Saint who was captured alive is still a problem.

Within the sword spirit space.

"Brother, why don't you let me talk to the master about that matter?" Xiao Shuang glared at Xiao Xu angrily.

"You are stupid. That thing is obviously just a seed, how could it give birth to a goldfish? Besides, the old master also said that the thing will be sealed under the water of nothingness forever and will never appear, so don't worry about it in vain. . That little goldfish may be just a void life that undoubtedly entered the lotus pond."


Xiao Shuang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Xiao Xu: "Didn't the old master say that under the void lotus pond, there is one of the passages leading to the Demon Realm. Well, it can't be that thing anyway. There is no need to tell the master.”


Xiaoshuang nodded, thinking about the origin of that thing, and couldn't help but feel horrified. After all, the reason why the Holy Lord of Nothingness fell was inextricably related to that thing.

(PS: The chapter of Dongling Fairy Pond has almost come to an end. What kind of tests will Ling Feng face next? Ling Feng’s grandfather and Ling Feng’s parents will also gradually clear up the mystery. Although for some reasons, The update has indeed been a bit slow recently, but don’t worry, it won’t be unfinished!)

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