Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1888 Reincarnation is also a skill! (1 update)

One day later, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived at Cambrian County.

Lingshen Sect is located within the Xianzong Mountains, and Cambrian County is the only way to enter the Xianzong Mountains.

Ling Feng stayed at the gate of the city for a long time. He recalled that he had befriended the Ouyang family at the auction. Now, three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and he doesn't know what happened to that boy Ouyang Jing.

When he was at Tianwei Academy, he, Jiang Xiaofan, and Ouyang Jing were sworn brothers. With his own perseverance, Xiaofan finally managed to keep up with his footsteps and is now practicing in Dongling Fairy Pond.

Ouyang Jing, on the other hand, is more expressed in his enthusiasm for the family business.

For the Ouyang family, his talent and cultivation are enough to stand alone.

"Since I'm here, let's drop by to see my second brother."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He was actually younger than Ouyang Jing, but when they were sworn brothers, he was the eldest brother.

In this world, strength must speak for itself after all.

I left the Eastern Spiritual Realm this time, and I don’t know when it will be when I come back, so I might as well go see this brother on the way.

"Hey, brat, what are you doing there?"

Yu Junyao frowned and turned around to glare at Ling Feng.

"You should have a lot of emotions when you revisit your old place."

Tuoba Yan opened her red lips and spoke slowly.

Is she one of the companions who has been with Ling Feng for the longest time, or she knows Ling Feng the best.

"Tch, you are so young, you seem to have gone through a lot of changes in the world!" Yu Junyao rolled her eyes and muttered.

Ling Feng ignored her and just walked towards the Zhenbao Pavilion.

Nowadays, the Ouyang family relies on the power of the Ling Shen Sect, and its status in the Cambrian County has naturally increased, and it is almost like a local snake.

Ouyang Jing also graduated from Tianwei Academy half a year ago, and his cultivation is already at the late stage of Huayuan Realm. He is also a rare opponent in this Cambrian County.

After a while, Ling Feng found this former good brother in the back hall of Zhenbao Pavilion.

"! Is it really you! Why are you here!"

When Ouyang Jing saw Ling Feng, he could hardly believe his eyes.

"Haha, I'm getting ready to go out for training. I happen to be passing by Cambrian County, so I came to see you!"

Ling Feng patted Ouyang Jing's shoulder and saw that his eyes were slightly red, so he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

This guy!

Ouyang Jing wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and when he saw the two beauties standing behind Ling Feng, he was immediately surprised and said: "Miss Yan'er is here too, haha! And who is this?"

When he saw Yu Junyao, his pupils obviously shrank slightly, which is also a normal reaction for a man to see a beautiful woman.

"This unimportant guy insists on following me!"

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly.

"Brother, you are so charming!"

Ouyang Jing cast an ambiguous look at Ling Feng, and the ambiguity was mixed with a trace of wretchedness.

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. Apparently, this guy was led astray by Feng Mo (current Emperor of the Tianbai Empire, Mo Feng)!

"Brother Jing, look at the accounts of the past two months..."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from inside, and a green figure slowly walked out. Ling Feng stared at it, and after thinking about it for a moment, he remembered that this woman was at Tianwei Academy in the past. , the woman Ouyang Jing pursued, Zhou Yun, was also their roommate, Zhou Kai's sister.

I think back then, among the brothers in Tianshu East Campus, this guy was the only one who was the first to be single!

Today, Zhou Yun has her long hair tied up and is wearing a slightly wider emerald green dress, but it still cannot hide her slightly bulging belly.

Good guy, it turns out that these two guys are actually married, and Ouyang Jing also made her pregnant!

" Ling!"

When Zhou Yun saw Ling Feng, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but soon showed a hint of joy.

When he was at Tianwei Academy, Ling Feng took care of her and Zhou Kai. Zhou Yun always kept this favor in mind.

"Junior sister Zhou."

Ling Feng nodded towards Zhou Yun, then looked back at Ouyang Jing, shook his head and said with a smile: "You, a brother, didn't tell me when we got married?"

"Haha..." Ouyang Jing scratched the back of his head, "You can't blame me. You went to Donglingxian Pond to practice. If I had waited for you to come back and get married, the child would have been born!"

"You guy!" Ling Feng punched Ouyang Jing in the chest, "I haven't even congratulated you on marrying Junior Sister Zhou, and I have to congratulate you on being a father soon."

"It's my first time and I have no experience!"

Ouyang Jing put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, while Zhou Yun leaned in Ouyang Jing's arms very lovingly, with a slight blush on her pretty face.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Ling Feng even felt a hint of envy.

After you take Mu Qianxue away, will you be able to settle down and live a normal life?

The hatred of the Tiandao clan has passed for so many years. Do I still have to fight to the death with the Xantian clan?

However, after a moment, Ling Feng gently brushed away this thought.

If you really think that the Xantian clan will let you go, then you are probably too naive.

My parents and grandfather both disappeared mysteriously, and I don’t know whether they are alive or dead. Isn’t this the biggest warning?

Since I have the blood of the Tiandao clan, perhaps I am destined to fight for the rest of my life!

After thinking for a while, Ling Feng took out several bottles of pills and a bottle of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow, and said lightly: "Since you call me big brother, this child will also be my nephew in the future. These things are a gift for the unborn child. Sister Zhou, you can swallow one of these soul-enhancing pills every month to improve the child's innate spiritual roots. In the future, the child's qualifications will naturally be superior. As for this spiritual liquid, after the child is born, take a bath with the spiritual liquid diluted a hundred times every day to temper the body!" "This..." Ouyang Jing and Zhou Yun looked at each other, both of them were a little at a loss. Although their cultivation was not high, they still had vision and knowledge. This kind of thing that can improve qualifications is a first-class treasure no matter where it is placed! "Take it!" Ling Feng patted Ouyang Jing's shoulder, and Ouyang Jing's heart was naturally excited. As the saying goes, who doesn't want their children to be better than others? "Big brother, thank you so much!" Ouyang Jing said gratefully. "Brothers, there's no need to talk about this!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and at this time, Tuoba Yan also came over and took out some treasures as gifts for the unborn child.

She was a disciple of Huiyue Shengji after all, so her skills were not bad.

Yu Junyao saw that Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan had both given gifts, so she followed suit and threw out a defensive holy weapon, which made Ouyang Jing and Yu Junyao's eyes go straight.

The unborn child, I don't know if he saved the world in his previous life. He has all kinds of treasures before he is born. So, sometimes, reincarnation is also a technical job!

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