Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1896 I can make you live, or I can make you die! (3 updates)

"Ling Feng, we will arrive here soon. Take this girl with you and kill her in front of him!"

The voice of the old man in black robe was calm and cold, but it gave people a creepy feeling.

"Kill her?"

Lin Canglang was slightly stunned. He had never been a good person, and he had once endangered Ling Feng with Lin Xian'er's life.

But he still had some feelings for Lin Xian'er, his adopted daughter.

"Master...Master, with your strength, if Ling Feng comes, isn't he just throwing himself into a trap? There is no need for any hostages."

Lin Canglang said with a smile: "What's more, if I kill Xian... this woman in front of Ling Feng, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape death."

He will never forget how powerful Ling Feng is.

"Even if you die, you can be resurrected. You don't have to worry about anything."

The voice of the old man in black robe was cold and ruthless, "I can make you live, or I can tell you to die. I'm not asking what you mean, but giving you an order! You'd better follow my orders word for word. implement!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Canglang felt a stinging pain in his mind like a needle pricking his whole body. He immediately nodded and said, "Please don't worry, Lord, I will definitely do it!"

After saying that, he quickly grabbed Lin Xian'er and flew out of the grotto.

"The next step is you."

The yin and yang fish in the eyes of the black-robed old man floated again, and a ray of light penetrated into Yan Jinghong's body. After a while, Yan Jinghong also "resurrected" again.

Similarly, the old man in black robes quickly and completely tamed Yan Jinghong, but he did not assign any tasks to Yan Jinghong. He just asked him to wait aside and wait quietly.

But in the old man's eyes, there was a hint of expectation, as if he was waiting for something to come.

Not long after, Ling Feng finally arrived at Wangduan Mountain. With his current ability, the barrier outside Wangduan Mountain would naturally not be able to trap him.

"Huh? Didn't that woman follow?"

Ling Feng looked back, but did not see Yu Junyao's figure. Although it was a bit strange, Ling Feng didn't think much about it.

With Yu Junyao's strength, and the various life-saving trump cards she possesses, even Ling Feng can't gain any advantage in fighting Yu Junyao unless he gives his best.

Therefore, Yu Junyao should not be in any danger.

And if even Yu Junyao encounters a threat that he cannot face, then even if he is here, he may not be able to resist it.

"It's okay that I didn't come with you. This matter is really bizarre and that woman shouldn't be involved."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and after a while, he easily passed through the barrier outside Wangduan Mountain.

At this time, the interior of Wangduan Mountain had already turned into a corpse city, just as Ling Feng had guessed.

Moreover, most of the blood spirit corpses seemed to have been drained of their essence and could only fall to the ground, waiting for their bodies to rot.

Even if these blood spirit corpses are rescued, they may not survive for a few days.

This is the final result of the Blood Spirit Corpse. No matter how powerful the Blood Spirit Corpse is, its final fate is to become Li Qingling's "food" and return all its energy to Li Qingling's body, becoming Li Qingling. Qingling is alone.

Looking around, there were shocking scenes, and Ling Feng clenched his fists.

Although I don't have a deep friendship with Wang Duanshan, I still have a lot of tolerance and are very friendly to myself.

And even I couldn't help but feel a little angry when I saw the current miserable situation, let alone Tuoba Yan.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel worried about Tuoba Yan. He opened the scope of his infinite vision to the maximum, only to find that there seemed to be a unique prohibition in the Wanduan Mountain that could actually block his infinite vision.

"It seems that the person behind everything is waiting for me here!"

Ling Feng frowned deeply. He couldn't imagine who could subdue someone like Li Qingling.

What kind of powerful enemy would this be?

Ling Feng didn't know, but he would not give up Tuoba Yan.

Among the companions around Ling Feng, Tuoba Yan is undoubtedly the one who has been with him the longest, and has a very important place in his heart.

Therefore, even if it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, Ling Feng must break into it.

He took out a few pills to restore his strength and drank them. Now, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, so we must maintain the best condition.

At the same time, Ling Feng summoned the Void Witch Spirit to create a copy of himself and keep it in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace for backup. At a critical moment, this copy might have miraculous effects.

In addition, Ling Feng also took out the Yi Divine Bow and the Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow, and carried them behind his back. Almost all the trump cards he could use were ready.

He had a hunch that this would be the most difficult battle he would ever face!

"If I'm not wrong, the person behind the scenes just wants to lure me into a trap, so there's no need to go around the corner and just move forward."

Ling Feng spread out his body skills and moved quickly towards the core area of ​​Wuduan Mountain.

The surrounding mountains and buildings were retreating rapidly, and Ling Feng's speed had almost reached the limit of what he could achieve.

Not long after, Ling Feng saw a familiar figure. He was extremely familiar with this person.

However, this is a person who should not exist in this world!

"Ling Feng, it's been such a long time!"

Lin Canglang sneered and stared at Ling Feng, still wearing his iconic evil smile, and the resentment in his eyes only increased compared to before.

"How is it possible? You are obviously dead!"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. He clearly killed Lin Canglang with his own hands, but the person in front of him was clearly Lin Canglang!

"You're not dead yet, how could I be willing to die in front of you!"

Lin Canglang stared at Ling Feng fiercely, as if he wanted to eat his flesh.

"Since you are not dead, you should really find a place to hide and spend the rest of your life! Unfortunately, you are only afraid of dying again today!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the killing sword intent suddenly swept across.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't act rashly!"

Lin Canglang laughed, and the next moment, a figure emerged from behind a rock beside him.


Ling Feng suddenly shrank in pain, and saw that Lin Xian'er was wrapped with strong chains one after another, and a ball of rags was stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had become red and swollen.

She originally just wanted to leave Lingshen Sect temporarily and go out to relax for a while, but in the end she was caught by a mysterious old man and brought here.

Lin Canglang took out the rag from Lin Xian'er's mouth and said with a ferocious smile: "How about it, I didn't expect you would meet again in this way, right? Hahaha!"

Lin Xian'er burst into tears, looked at Ling Feng, bit her lip and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Ling, I...I have become a burden to you again! I didn't want to, I..."

Ling Feng sighed softly. He now understood who the two women Li Qingling was talking about before he died. Unexpectedly, Lin Xianer was also arrested.

"Lin Canglang, what do you want?"

Ling Feng secretly released his own copy. As long as he temporarily stabilized Lin Canglang, his own copy could seize the opportunity and save Lin Xian'er in one fell swoop.

"What do I want? Jie Jie Jie!"

Lin Canglang stared at Ling Feng with a ferocious smile, his eyes full of enthusiasm, and said coldly, "Kneel down!"

(PS: The content of this part will be an important part in revealing Ling Feng’s life experience and the identity of the man in black. It is also the filling part of some of the pits dug earlier. It is a relatively important plot. In addition, writing a book is not easy. Please understand more. Be less impatient and abusive.)

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