Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1898 Shura starts again! (2 updates)

Strong hatred and murderous intent filled Ling Feng's mind, and he almost lost control.

There were so many things that happened in this day. They met the Blood Sword Lord again, met Lin Canglang again, and then Lin Xianer died tragically, and Tuoba Yan also didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

He felt like an invisible hand was strangling his throat, making him almost breathless.

He wanted to resist, but he was like a baby in front of adults, with no room for resistance at all.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and almost the entire eyeballs had turned scarlet.

Especially the blood line on his forehead seemed to be about to tear open at any moment, opening a ferocious vertical pupil.

Since practicing the "Nine Heavens Star Art", Ling Feng has basically been able to control the power of Shura in his body very well, but this time, under the continuous stimulation, he finally lost control.


The next moment, a figure flew from the sky.

Before the person arrived, a cold wind hit his face. Wherever it passed, the world seemed to be frozen, and the whole world turned into a land of ice and snow.

And this breath also made Ling Feng feel extremely familiar.

"Ling Feng, fight with me!"

A familiar voice sounded. Ling Feng stared intently, and his mind seemed to explode.

Yan Jinghong!

This person is actually Yan Jinghong!

Another person who came back from the dead!

And this time, his aura became even more powerful!


Ling Feng, who was dominated by anger and murderous intent, almost without thinking, waved the Destroy in All Directions and attacked them.

And Yan Jinghong also slashed with his sword.


The semi-saint-level powers collided together, and the whole world seemed to be darkened. And where the two of them met, the void even shattered, and dark cracks appeared.


Ling Feng's body flew away like a cannonball. In his rage, he was like a wild beast, with all kinds of trump cards, but he only knew how to slash when he was mad.

Yan Jinghong took a few steps back slightly. In the first confrontation, he still had a certain upper hand.

"This power is so strong!"

Yan Jinghong looked at his fist in disbelief, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, and even showed a hint of sadness.

Even with this amazing power, he is just a puppet after all.

He looked at Ling Feng who had hit a mountain heavily, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

He felt sad for Ling Feng, and Liquid felt sad for himself.

The figure flashed, and Yan Jinghong shot out like a bolt of electricity. He grabbed it with his big hand, and condensed a spear of frost more than three feet long in his palm.


In the next moment, the Frost Spear flew out of his hand and shot hard at Ling Feng. Wherever it passed, the air seemed to condense. The terrifying cold air contained the power of the sixth level of Frost Rules, and even time and space could be frozen.


Ling Feng was knocked away by Yan Jinghong and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Before he could react, the Frost Spear had already arrived.

The terrifying power was suppressed, and Ling Feng spurted out another mouthful of blood. Yan Jinghong's current power was no longer something he could resist.


The murderous intent in Ling Feng's body went on a rampage. Finally, under the pressure of the outside world and the murderous intent in his body, the vertical pupils on Ling Feng's forehead finally opened again.

Shura Eye, reappear!

In an instant, a blood-colored light curtain, like a curtain hanging from the sky, shrouded down, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the calamity was shrouded in this light curtain.

The entire light curtain was filled with a terrifying aura of killing.

The Shura Killing World has been automatically released with the opening of the Shura Eye.

Ling Feng's aura surged countless times in an instant. He waved his hand and punched, shattering Yan Jinghong's Frost Spear to pieces.


Under extreme anger, Kai Lingfeng's consciousness was almost completely out of control. He could only vaguely see Yan Jinghong. He wanted to crush the person who hurt him into powder.

Yan Jinghong will never forget the terrifying scene when Ling Feng transformed into a giant ape with a vertical pupil on his forehead.

If he had a choice, Yan Jinghong would definitely run away, but at this moment, Yan Jinghong couldn't dodge.

The order of the old man in black robe was to let him fight Ling Feng, and he should not back down.

Bite the bullet, Yan Jinghong kept condensing the spear of frost and shot it fiercely at Ling Feng. He struggled to support the frost domain, but under the pressure of the Shura Killing World, it kept compressing and squeezing.

Boom boom boom!

Under the terrifying increase of the Eye of Shura, Ling Feng's speed and strength were greatly improved, constantly shattering Yan Jinghong's Frost Spear. Finally, he approached Yan Jinghong and punched him hard. came out, shattering Yan Jinghong's body-protecting aura.

The fist with bulging veins penetrated directly through Yan Jinghong's chest, blasting all his internal organs to pieces.

Boom boom boom!

The intention to kill raged in Ling Feng's mind, and he had almost turned into an angry Shura, born only for killing.

Yan Jinghong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the blood mist splashed on Ling Feng's cheek. His eyes had almost turned into blood fountains, without any human emotion, only the terrifying aura of killing.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Ling Feng pulled out his fist fiercely and punched out again. The desire to kill had completely devoured him.


At this moment, a figure flew straight towards this side from a distance.

Ling Feng almost didn't think about it, or rather, he had completely lost the ability to think now.

He turned around and punched hard.


The terrifying power exploded, blood mist splashed, and a beautiful body seemed to turn into the most gorgeous light in the sky.

The next moment, Ling Feng saw an extremely familiar face.

The pair of beautiful eyes, with crystal tears, looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, and then showed a bitter smile, "Ling Feng, I... don't blame you!"


Tuoba Yan suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and her body instantly fell straight down in the sky.

After enduring a punch from Ling Feng in a violent state, Tuoba Yan's life was completely cut off, and she died!


The pair of sad and beautiful eyes were imprinted in Ling Feng's spiritual sea. He suddenly woke up and hurriedly hugged Tuoba Yan's body, but it was too late.

He had killed Tuoba Yan with his own hands!

The beauty in his arms was no longer breathing, her body was cold and full of blood.

And this was all thanks to him!

"No! No! No! What have I done? What have I done!——"

Ling Feng was completely crazy. He was trembling all over, trembling violently. He felt his eyes, extremely hot, and that burning heat seemed to swallow him up completely.

Something seemed to be broken in his body, no, the whole world seemed to be broken.


Just then, a very cold laugh came from his ears, "Angry? Painful? Hahahaha, no, this is not enough! This is just the beginning!"

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