Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1901 The Source of the World! (2 updates)

"Feng'er, you have grown up."

The light and shadow woman, Ling Feng's mother, was swaying gently, as if she was excited, and her gentle voice was filled with relief and affection, even a little bit choked with sobs.


Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at the figure condensed by the nine-colored light. For a moment, his mind was filled with thousands of thoughts. It seemed that he had many things he wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start.

The concept of mother has always been weak in his mind.

He even once hated his parents, why he left them so cruelly, but then after he understood the miserable current situation of the Tiandao clan, he began to understand that maybe he left just for his own safety.

And at this moment, when he saw his mother, seeing her tearful look, all the hatred and resentment disappeared.

The mother and son just looked at each other, but neither one knew how to speak.

Perhaps, after not seeing each other for twenty years, mother and son don't know what to talk about between them.

After a long time, Ling Feng calmed down a little from the shock of seeing his mother for the first time. He took a deep breath and looked at the illusory woman in front of him.

He knew that this was just a ray of spiritual thought, not his mother's true body.

And it is precisely because of the existence of this sacred tree that this ray of my mother's divine thoughts can be preserved to this day.

"Mother, can you tell me, where are you and father now? Are you alive or dead?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and asked in a deep voice.

The illusory figure shook his head and did not answer. He just said slowly: "This ray of spiritual thought is just the spiritual thought I left behind in order to see you again one day. As for the original body, it has been cut off long ago. connect."

"So, I have no idea where I am now, alive or dead."

After a pause, the mother continued: "Since you are here, you must have awakened the Eye of the Emperor, or even the perfect golden Eye of the Emperor. My child, the process of this may be... A painful memory that will never be forgotten.”

As she spoke, the mother raised her hand slightly. She wanted to reach out and touch her child's cheek, but it seemed that she was far away from her. She could only use the soft breeze to replace her mother's palm.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, remembering those memories, whether it was when he first opened the Eyes of the Emperor, when he transformed into a demon and slaughtered the entire Su family, or when he watched Lin Xianer die and killed Tuoba Yan and Ling with his own hands. Kun.

All this is like heartache.

"Child, don't blame your grandpa, he is actually the one who suffers the most!"

Tears shone in her mother's eyes. She bit her lower lip, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Do you know my origin?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, looking at the illusory figure, and shook his head in confusion.

Tsk! ——

The next moment, a bolt of thunder surrounded the light and shadow woman, and it was vaguely visible that dense stars surrounded her right eye.

The vision passed in a flash.

"This...this is!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. He was equally familiar with this breath.

The Xuntian Clan!

That's the aura of the Xantian clan!

His mother actually came from the Xantian clan!

My father is from the Tiandao clan, and my mother is from the Xuntian clan?

The hatred between these two clans can be said to be as deep as the ocean, but they actually chose to combine.

And this marriage may be destined to be fruitless.

The shock in Ling Feng's heart could not be greater.

"Feng'er, some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface."

The figure condensed by the illusory light and shadow looked deeply at Ling Feng, feeling both love and worry, but also expectation, and even more comfort: "Do you know that you are very strong, you have the most special power in the world, surpassing the Xantian clan, and surpassing the way of heaven. Clan, one day, you will be strong enough to finally leave this world, and strong enough to finally go to the source of the world and see the truth of this world. "

"The origin of the world? The truth?"

Ling Feng was stunned. Apart from the supreme immortal realm, is there another world outside this world?

"What truth?"

Ling Feng looked at his mother, he couldn't wait to know everything.

"Tell me, mother, tell me! What is all this about? Where is my father? Why, you both had to leave back then!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. He had always believed that the Xuantian clan was his enemy, but his mother said something even more shocking.

The source of the world, the truth of the world?

Could it be that the millions of years of dispute between the Xiantian Clan and the Tiandao Clan actually have a hidden agenda?

The illusory shadow of the mother sighed and said slowly: "Your father was captured at the source of the world, and back then, after your father was captured, I returned to the Xantian Clan to seek help. After that, the connection with this ray of spiritual consciousness was severed.”

"Father was taken away?" Ling Feng was shocked beyond measure, gritting his teeth and said, "Who is he and why did he take father away?"

"Those people are the masters from the source of the world. They call themselves gods!"


What an arrogant title!

Is this the ruler of this world? Even the so-called Tiandao Clan and the Xuntian Clan are only being manipulated by them?

"These guys who call themselves gods, they are the real controllers of this world! The world we live in is just a small existence in the world of heavens!"

"Every ten thousand years, they will search for special bloodlines in the world to find the source of the world."

The mother sighed softly, "Your father possesses the power of the Tiandao clan and is outstanding. The combination of him and me might have been an opportunity to end the hatred between the Tiandao clan and the Xantian clan. However, all of this was blocked by those so-called gods. destroyed!"

When talking about her father being taken away, you can feel that her mother was extremely excited, and she hated her own powerlessness.

Even though she is already a strong person in this world, she is still insignificant in front of the power of God.


The mother looked deeply at Ling Feng, bit her lip and said: "You... practice well. When you set foot in the fairyland and grow up to be able to compete with the Xantian clan, maybe you can find my true self! Let's work together , go to the source of the world and rescue your father!"

"It doesn't matter if I die, your father can't die!" the mother said with great grief.

Ling Feng's heart hurt.

After finally meeting his mother, he found that the enemy he would face in the future was actually more terrifying than he imagined.

Even the Xuantian Clan can ignore those beings who claim to be gods...

Are they really gods?

But soon, Ling Feng still buried that trace of doubt and fear deep in his heart.

He clenched his fists, Ling Feng's eyes became murderous!

So what about immortals?

What about God?

Whether it is the master of the Immortal Realm or the ancient gods, I, Ling Feng, will kill anyone who touches my relatives! !

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