Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1903 West Sword Region! (1 update)

One month later.

As the sun was setting in the west, in a vast desert, a young man in white clothes with a resolute face flew across the desert at a terrifying speed.

Behind the young man, there was a girl in purple clothes. Looking at the young man's back, her eyes slightly frowned.

"It's been a month, and this guy has been silent almost all day. What the hell is he doing!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but mutter. Although Ling Feng had always ignored her, this time, she did feel Ling Feng's abnormality.

A month ago, she followed Ling Feng to deal with the blood spirit corpse, but she was blocked by a barrier.

When Ling Feng came out, it was already three days later.

And there was another woman who came out with Ling Feng. It was not Tuoba Yan, but a girl named Lin Xian'er.

After that, Ling Feng took them back to Luohe City and asked the officers guarding the city to tell the commander of Qingtian Fortress that the threat of blood spirit corpses had been eliminated. Then he entrusted Lin Xian'er to the officers guarding the city and asked them to send Lin Xian'er back to Lingshen Sect. Then, he quietly left Tianbai Empire from Qingtian Fortress.

After that, they traveled for a month, crossing the Tagor Desert between the two domains. At this point, they finally came to the border of the East Spirit Domain.

Strictly speaking, they have now come to the border of the West Sword Domain.

And in this month, Ling Feng almost did not take the initiative to say anything, basically some perfunctory interjections, and sometimes even when he was annoyed by Yu Junyao, he would sternly tell her to shut up.

Yu Junyao felt extremely wronged in her heart. She didn't know what happened, but she didn't dare to ask. But with her intelligence, she could guess that the reason why Ling Feng became so indifferent might have something to do with Tuoba Yan's disappearance.

Therefore, Yu Junyao basically didn't dare to provoke Ling Feng anymore.

Strangely enough, this young lady never had a good temper. If anyone dared to look at her like this, she would have fallen out with the other party long ago.

When facing Ling Feng, she not only didn't turn her face, but also followed this guy wholeheartedly.

Even she herself suspected that she was being a slut!

"Hmph, this lady is not easy to mess with, stinky boy, because you are in a bad mood, this lady will remember this account first! Later, this lady will definitely make you pay tenfold!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth, found an excuse as if to comfort herself, and continued to follow Ling Feng.

This young lady, who had been pampered since childhood, had never experienced so many thrilling and dangerous things. Only by following Ling Feng, she had such an opportunity to see more things.

And gradually, she actually liked this kind of excitement.

Finally, Ling Feng landed in a relatively open space, and looked around vigilantly before landing on the sand with confidence.

In this desert, there are dangers everywhere. If you are not careful, you may be devoured by the beasts that come out from the desert.

However, with Ling Feng's perception, these dangers have basically been detected by him before they get close.

After opening the Golden Eye of the Son of Heaven, Ling Feng can feel that the power of each of his divine patterns has been greatly enhanced.

For example, the range of the infinite vision has been expanded by at least ten times, and it is more detailed.

There are also the Eye of Petrification, the Reversal of the Universe, the Reading of Memory... and so on. All abilities have been improved to varying degrees. Even the annihilation of all directions has been improved by one level, reaching the level of a high-level immortal weapon.

The biggest gain may be the control of the Shura Eye.

Now Ling Feng can open the Shura Eye at will, and basically does not need to worry about the situation of killing intent going wild.

Moreover, even if he does not open the Shura Eye, he can call upon the Shura power in his body, which also has a significant increase in himself.

Ling Feng initially estimated that without opening the Shura Eye, with the help of the Shura power increase, he could already reach the strength of a semi-saint comparable to that of Turtle Old Man.

If all the trump cards were played (except Chaos Reincarnation, which is too costly and will not be used easily), even if he met the Dragon Sword Saint of that day, even if he was defeated, he would still have the strength to fight.

Moreover, he would never be beaten without any ability to fight back like before.

In the early days of the Great Emperor, he had the strength to fight against the Saint-level strongmen of the Nine Transformations. It must be said that the benefits brought to Ling Feng by this golden Son of Heaven Eye are absolutely beyond doubt.

However, if he could choose, Ling Feng would rather not have such power.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged, built a bonfire in front of him, took out a yellowed book, and began to study.

There are too many variables and too many dangers in the Tagor Desert at night.

Even, there is a possibility of provoking some terrible life forms that have reached the Saint level. One night half a month ago, Ling Feng deeply remembered this lesson.

That time, Yu Junyao almost died in the mouth of the Desert Emperor Scorpion, and he was also seriously injured to a certain extent.

If it weren't for the ability of the Petrified Eyes to delay for a while, that time, his ignorance and recklessness might have killed Yu Junyao.

Since then, Ling Feng will no longer travel at night.

Yu Junyao also flew over slowly and sat down not far from Ling Feng.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng curiously. For several days, Ling Feng would study the book. But she took a few sneak peeks and found that there were some messy runes on it that even she couldn't understand at all.

The ancient book that Ling Feng studied was the book on Talisman Refining that he got from the "fake Ling Feng" Li Lin that day. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1840: True and False Ling Feng!" ~ "Chapter 1844: Gift of Secret Technique!")

In this ancient book, there are records about the method of refining holy-level talismans.

With Ling Feng's current spiritual power, he is uniquely endowed with it. It would be a waste if he doesn't use it to study and refine talismans.

When he is about to arrive in the West Sword Region, he will face more powerful opponents, among whom there will be no shortage of strong men with saint-level strength.

For the time being, powerful soul skills are still far away, so Ling Feng has to start refining holy-level magic talismans. Such things are life-saving trump cards. He doesn't know when they will come in handy.

In the past few days, the more he studied, the more Ling Feng discovered that this talisman refining method was profound and profound. No wonder the Tianfu Sect was able to flourish for a while, and even though it declined, it could be passed down for thousands of years.

Refining talismans is indeed not easy. If one masters a large number of holy talismans, an ordinary person can kill holy talismans. This is incredible!

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