Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1908 Pegasus Ranch! (3 updates)

"Who said that powerful people have to accept disciples? Besides, I am not that powerful." Ling Feng shook his head again. There are so many powerful people in this world, and who can really be called powerful? "But you are much more powerful than our elder. The elder has several disciples. You only accept me. I am smart and well-behaved. I can also massage your back and feet. Accept me as your disciple. You will definitely not suffer any loss!" Li Zui still refused to give up. Ling Feng's strength has left an indelible impression in his heart and has become his only idol. "Haha, you are quite interesting, kid!"

Li Zui's persistence made Yu Junyao interested. She looked at the little guy and thought he was quite pleasing to the eye. She smiled and said, "How about this, I will accept you as my apprentice!"

"No way!"

Li Zui snorted and said in a muffled voice, "Master is Master, and Master's Wife is Master's Wife. I don't want to be told that my skills were taught by Master's Wife!"

"You! What are you talking about!"

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned red. She looked back at Ling Feng and punched Li Zui's head in anger. "You little devil, I am not, I have nothing to do with him!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, but he had seen before that the skinny old man forced out Li Zui's Black Iron Battle Soul.

At such a young age, he has the Black Iron Battle Soul. In terms of soul talent, this Li Zui is not inferior to himself.

Moreover, I had heard before that this little guy seemed to be going to inherit some silver soul skills.

The White Emperor Dharma had said that day that the silver battle soul, combined with the silver soul skills, would be qualified to compete with the Saint-level strongmen. If I could get this silver soul skill...

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's mind became slightly active.

"Your name is Li Zui, right?" Ling Feng glanced at Li Zui and asked lightly.

"Yeah!" Li Zui nodded quickly and said, "Master, you can call me Xiao Zui!"

"Did I say I would accept you as my apprentice?"

Ling Feng frowned, this guy really hit the snake with the stick.

"In my heart, you are already the master!" Li Zui's eyes showed an extremely firm look.

"It's not so easy to worship me as a master. My name is Ling Feng, you can call me Brother Ling!" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled.

"No, the master is the master! I have knocked my head!" Li Zui insisted.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said perfunctorily: "You will be qualified to become my disciple only after you have fulfilled my requirements."

"Okay!" Li Zui nodded immediately: "What requirements!"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but before you officially become my disciple, you can't call me Master."

Ling Feng sighed in his heart. At present, this is the only way to temporarily stabilize this little guy.


When Li Zui heard that he could become my disciple, he stopped entangled and nodded, and shouted very obediently: "Brother Feng! I will definitely strive to become my disciple as soon as possible!"

Butler Wang on the side was relieved in his heart. With a young genius like Ling Feng, let alone becoming my disciple, he could teach Li Zui a few tricks casually. Li Zui's future must be limitless.

More importantly, with the bond of the master-disciple relationship, at least when Li Zui is in danger, Ling Feng will never sit idly by.

"Young Master Ling, the young master is young and likes to make trouble. I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Butler Wang swallowed Ling Feng's pills and recovered a lot. His face also regained its color.

"No problem." Ling Feng nodded slightly. After being disturbed by Li Zui's disturbance, the gloom in his heart was cleared up a lot.

Perhaps, he and this young man really have a master-disciple relationship.

"Can you tell me more about the Pegasus Ranch?" Ling Feng asked.

"Of course." Butler Wang nodded and said, "Pegasus Ranch is the property of our Li family's main family. If the young master can successfully send it to the main family and get the approval of the main family's head, he will naturally have a place. At that time, if the young man wants the Yellow Spring Flower, Wang will definitely help him."

"Thank you in advance." Ling Feng nodded. His purpose is not the high-year Yellow Spring Flower, but the Yellow Spring Fruit.

However, there is no need to make it so clear for the time being. As long as he can find out the location of the treasure land of the Pegasus Ranch, Ling Feng will not hesitate to buy it, steal it, or rob it.

If it really doesn't work, take the Yellow Spring Fruit first, and then compensate it with some Yuanjing.

Anyway, what Ling Feng lacks the least is money.

"By the way, Brother Feng, what level of power are you? Are you the Ultimate Human Emperor?"

Li Zui looked at Ling Feng with admiration.

"I think I am a beginner emperor." Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly.

"Wow, a great emperor!" Li Zui's eyes were full of stars. In their Black Tiger City, there was no great emperor at all. Any great emperor was a legendary figure.

Butler Wang had some guesses about Ling Feng's identity. At Ling Feng's age, he was already a great emperor, and he had such superb swordsmanship.

Is he the powerhouse of the three legendary forces?

In the Western Sword Domain, there are three transcendent powers: Du Yue Tian Gong, Long Jian Tian Fu, and Tian Chuan Jian Fu.

These three sword palaces are in the Western Sword Domain, just like the three holy places in the Eastern Spirit Domain.

If Ling Feng came from the three sword palaces, it would not be surprising to have such power.


Pegasus City is the county seat of Feijiang County.

From the outskirts of Longyan Town, it takes about five days to reach Pegasus City.

The entire Feijiang County is mostly covered with dense primeval forests, in which various monsters and beasts roam freely. It is a place where casual cultivators are very keen to hunt beasts.

Similarly, it is also the training ground for those sects and family disciples.

At this moment, Butler Wang had already purchased a dragon cart in a nearby town, which was pulled by two earth dragons. The overall speed was not slow.

Butler Wang was driving outside the car, and inside the car, Ling Feng and three others were chatting away.

"Brother Feng, you are so powerful, will you participate in the Western Sword Region's True Dragon Genius Competition?"

Li Zui's eyes were twinkling with little stars, and he looked at Ling Feng with great admiration.

"If I have time, maybe I'll go take a look."

Ling Feng looked indifferent. He came to the West Sword Region not only to solve the troubles in Longjian Tianfu, but also to improve his own strength.

If there is a truly strong person in this True Dragon Genius Competition, there is no harm in participating.

"I also want to participate, but unfortunately I am not strong enough. It is said that only people with cultivation levels above the Human Emperor are eligible to participate." Li Zui looked full of longing.

In fact, at such a young age, he already possesses a black iron fighting spirit, and his combat power is already comparable to that of a half-step human emperor.

Give him a few more years and he will be among the peerless geniuses.

Ling Feng glanced at Li Zui and said calmly: "Your soul talent is very high. If you practice hard, you will become a truly strong person."

"Wow, Brother Feng, you praised me!" Li Zui looked excited, looking like a little fanboy.

"The soul talent is pretty good, but it's a pity that you don't have any secret skills to refine the soul. Otherwise, with your talent, you might have a chance to condense the silver battle soul within three years!"

Yu Junyao suddenly grinned, "How about it, do you want to learn?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Feng's ears suddenly stood up. Sure enough, this woman Yu Junyao was worthy of being a direct descendant from the Jiuli Divine Clan. She indeed had the secret technique of tempering the soul!

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