Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1924 Nine major families! (1 update)

All the way west.

While passing through a larger county, Ling Feng finally found an opportunity and purchased a detailed map of the West Sword Region.

What surprised Ling Feng was that the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce actually existed in the Western Sword Territory, but its influence was far less widespread than in the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

However, this is good news for Ling Feng. Comparatively, as long as it is a branch of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, his Supreme Black Diamond Card can come in handy.

After getting a map from the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, Ling Feng's speed obviously increased a lot.

Finally, half a month later, Ling Feng finally arrived from Feijiang County on the border of the West Sword Region to the sphere of influence where the Duyue Palace was located.

As long as you inquire a little bit, you can quickly get the specific location of the One Moon Palace.

From the information he got back, Ling Feng also learned that the family behind Xiao Juanyun was considered the backbone of the One Moon Palace. No wonder that when they were in the Sunset Ancient City, most of the disciples of the One Moon Palace were faintly Xiao Juanyun is looking forward.

In addition to the fact that Xiao Juanyun's strength is indeed not weak, part of it is because this guy comes from the Xiao family lineage among the nine families in the Duyue Tiangong, and he is also a direct descendant!

At this time, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao were temporarily staying in an inn in Yueling City, and this Yueling City was where the Single Moon Palace was located.

Compared to the three major holy places in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, the situation in the Single Moon Palace is slightly different.

The entire Yueling City is actually a gathering place for the nine major families, and the Duyue Palace is a dojo, or a school-like existence located in the center of Yueling City.

Basically, all the core disciples of the Single Moon Palace are the children of the nine major families, rather than the descendants of the nine major families. Unless they are extremely talented, they can only be regarded as ordinary disciples. It is difficult to obtain the true core inheritance of Du Yue Tian Palace.

Although this approach has some suspicions of self-preservation, to a certain extent, it also eliminates the threat of disciples defecting from the sect.

After all, the core disciples are all descendants of the clan, so there is basically no big problem with family loyalty.

After learning the news, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

It seems that it is quite difficult for me to get in touch with the real senior officials of Du Yue Tian Palace!

"Miss Jade, I have some things that need to be taken care of. Why don't you stay here and wait for me for a few days?"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao, who was eating nonsense opposite him, and said lightly.

Whenever this woman goes to a place, she must try all the local delicacies. She is a typical foodie.

Perhaps because she stayed with Ling Feng for a long time, Yu Junyao no longer cared about the image of a lady. At this time, Yu Junyao's mouth was full. After hearing Ling Feng's words, she immediately stood up and said: "I protest, what fun is there, why don't you take me with you! You probably want to get rid of me!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "Miss, were you reincarnated as a starving ghost in your last life?"

"Hmph!" Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and said, "Haven't you ever heard someone say that food is the only thing you can't live up to!"

Ling Feng shrugged and continued: "Then you stay here to eat delicious food. I said I will come back to you and I will come back!"

Seeing the serious look on Ling Feng's face, Yu Junyao nodded, "Well, you can't escape my girl's Wuzhishan anyway!"

Yujunyao said, making a fist gesture and letting out a sinister smile.

In fact, Ling Feng tried to get rid of this woman at the beginning, but later he discovered that Yu Junyao always had a way to find him. This woman had definitely done something to him.

Over time, Ling Feng gradually became accustomed to this woman's existence.

Especially after experiencing the death of Ling Kun, Ling Feng was really depressed for a long time, and the only person by his side was Yu Junyao.

In Ling Feng's heart, he gradually accepted this somewhat annoying young lady and regarded her as his companion.

"Then don't get into trouble here."

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and wanted to give some advice, but in the end he swallowed his words.

Although this woman's strength is not as good as his own, she is full of magic weapons. Even if a saint-level powerhouse comes, Ling Feng believes that she will definitely have the means to escape.

After all, she is a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan!

After having enough wine and food, Ling Feng went to the counter to prepay the room fee for three days before leaving the inn and preparing to go to Xiao Mansion to look for Xiao Juanyun.

If things go well, he should be able to move into the Xiao family soon and have a place to stay.

After all, he helped Xiao Juanyun retrieve the Xiao family's "Ling Xiao Sword" that day, which was a small favor to the Xiao family.

The entire Yueling City covers a huge area, more than ten times larger than the Tianbai Imperial Capital.

The nine major families each occupy one area. The sphere of influence of each family is basically equivalent to the imperial capital of an empire. This shows how profound the foundation of these nine major families is. It is far from being comparable to the Li family in Pegasus City. of.

Among the nine major families, the power of the Xiao family can only be regarded as the lower reaches. Although it is not at the bottom, it is only ranked eighth.

As for the strongest clan, it is the Xuanyuan clan.

This Xuanyuan clan has had saint-level strong men for generations, and the strong man who founded the Duyue Heavenly Palace is even known as the "Xuanyuan Sword Ancestor"!

Although Du Yue Tian Palace is jointly managed by nine major families, in fact, every generation of palace owners must come from the Xuanyuan lineage.

Not long after, Ling Feng finally arrived at the Xiao family's sphere of influence, and soon found a complex of buildings that was as luxurious as an imperial city. It was surrounded by high walls more than three feet high, with buildings in the southeast, northwest and four directions. There is a gate that is almost like a city gate, which shows the extraordinary heritage of this family.

As Ling Feng approached, a group of swordsmen with long swords on their backs immediately surrounded them. With serious faces, they scolded Ling Feng: "No one else can come near!"

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing black attire. There was a slanting scar above his left eyebrow, which only added to his ominous aura.

This person obviously saw that Ling Feng was unusual. He raised his hand to the subordinates behind him, walked slowly to Ling Feng, bowed his hands and saluted him, his tone was slightly softer, and he said slowly: "Who are you, come to me?" What's the point of the Xiao family?"

"I'm Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng took out a token from the Naling Ring, handed it to the middle-aged man, and said calmly: "I'm here to see Brother Xiao Juanyun from your mansion."

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