Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1929 Linghu Family! (3 updates)

An hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

Finally, a clearly visible divine sword appeared in Ling Feng's spiritual sea, seeming to cut off all the heavens and shatter the world.

Then, Ling Feng's figure gradually became illusory and disappeared into the hall in the blink of an eye.


"How can it be!"

A series of incredible eyes looked at the place where Ling Feng was sitting, dumbfounded.

This boy has actually broken through the sixth level of boundaries?

How can this be?

This is only three short hours!

Xiao Juanyun also sighed lightly.

He had already guessed that Ling Feng would definitely be able to break through, but in three hours, he was able to do what he couldn't do in three days or even thirty days. This was a huge blow!

"Brother Ling, Brother Ling, I don't know if knowing you is a good thing or a bad thing!"

Xiao Juanyun shook his head and smiled bitterly. Originally, he thought he was a genius, but after meeting Ling Feng, he felt that he might be a little autistic.

Sometimes, the gap between people is really bigger than the gap between people and dogs.

Enter the seventh floor of Shenxiao Hall.

On this floor, the number of people is even smaller, sparse and scattered, only a dozen or so people.

Moreover, they were all basically at the ninth level of the Destiny Realm, exuding extremely powerful sword energy fluctuations.

All in one color, perfect sword intent!

Moreover, the sword power is also above the Small Perfection level.

What's more, Ling Feng even felt the aura of Sword Domain on several people.

This is the real strong man in the Western Sword Domain!

Ling Feng even believed that those who had comprehended the Sword Domain would definitely not fall behind even if they faced the three half-saints from the Dongling Immortal Pond, and would even win.

Ling Feng's appearance surprised the older generation of warriors, who were mostly gray-haired and the youngest were in their fifties and sixties.

It had been a long time since they had seen anyone enter the seventh dimension from the sixth dimension, let alone such a young boy.

This Shenxiao Hall is not only a good place for breakthrough, but also a treasured place for cultivation.

Those pagoda murals contain mysterious inscriptions of various attribute rules. Although understanding these inscriptions cannot directly improve one's cultivation level, one's understanding of the attribute rules can undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Therefore, even if they cannot break through, many people will choose to stay in the Shenxiao Hall for a long time, just to understand the inscriptions of those attribute rules.

It is not uncommon for some people to have stayed on this level for several years.

Ling Feng ignored these old guys and focused on the surrounding pagoda murals.

The strange thing is that there are no special patterns on the walls around the seventh-level space, and there is just chaos.

But in that chaos, it seems that there are more mysterious things that are all-encompassing.

Ling Feng did not delve into it in depth, but prepared to continue to push the boundaries.

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

Ling Feng's figure began to fade and disappear, and finally successfully entered the eighth dimension.

Likewise, the warriors on the seventh floor were left with endless shock.

Enter the eighth floor of Shenxiao Hall.

There are only three people on this eighth floor. Strictly speaking, they should be three bad old men!

One of them sat cross-legged without moving, staring directly at a spot on the wall of chaos, as if they had turned into a statue.

One was standing with his hands behind his back, pacing slowly in front of a wall. His eyes never left the wall, and he was also meditating, but in a different way from others.

There was another one who was also sitting, but with his head tilted, looking here and there, muttering something unknown.


The old man who was pacing back and forth seemed to have noticed Ling Feng's arrival. He glanced at Ling Feng in disbelief, then nodded slightly towards Ling Feng and said calmly: "Young man, at such a young age, can actually see through the mysteries. , Breaking through the eight boundaries is rare, rare!”

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the old man, and said humbly: "It's a real fluke."

“There is never any luck in the path of martial arts.”

The old man stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "My little friend, since you have come to the eighth level, it is a great opportunity. Seeing that your cultivation level cannot reach the eighth level of the early emperor realm, it is more than enough to weaken the eighth level barrier and break through. There is no need. It’s a waste of time to understand the ninth level of boundaries.”

As he said that, the old man pointed at the old man who looked like a stone sculpture and said calmly: "This man is the Xuanzhen Sword Emperor. He has been sitting here for thirteen years and has gained nothing yet."

He then pointed at the old man who was mumbling words, and continued: "This man is an old man from the extreme realm. It is already his seventh year to comprehend the nine realms. He lost his mind a while ago and became a lunatic."


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. There is no doubt that these people can enter the eighth level of space, and their understanding and cultivation are unquestionable. But even such a strong person can't break through the ninth level?

"Haha, I am Ling Husong, the elder of the Linghu family of the One Moon Palace. Looking at you, you don't have the aura of any of the nine major families. You must not be a disciple of the One Moon Palace, right?" The old man continued to ask.


Ling Feng nodded and replied lightly.

"Hmph, the Du Yue Tiangong's sect is too divided. It is indeed difficult for non-direct descendants to obtain any good resources in the Du Yue Tiangong."

The old man thought for a moment, took out a token, handed it to Ling Feng and said: "Little friend, it is fate that you and I can meet in this eighth boundary. This is the token of my Linghu family. "If you are interested, you may wish to join my Linghu family first, and then join the Duyue Heavenly Palace. Your status will naturally be superior to others."

"No reward for no merit, senior is too polite. What's more, I've always been used to being idle. I'm afraid I can't join senior's family."

Naturally, Ling Feng would not accept this token easily. This old guy was very calculating. If he hadn't entered the eighth dimension of Shenxiao Hall, this old man might not pay attention to him.


Linghusong did not expect that there would be people in the Western Sword Territory who would refuse the solicitation of the nine major families of the Single Moon Palace. However, this made him look at Ling Feng even more highly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Linghusong glanced at Lingfeng, smiled slightly and said, "Then, little friend, you can understand it on your own. The old man is about to leave. If you have any difficulties in the future or need it, you might as well come to Linghu's house to find me."

"Definitely, definitely! That kid should thank the senior first."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. As the saying goes, he is a bastard but does not take advantage of it. Although Ling Feng would not join the Linghu family, if there is an advantage to be taken, he would agree first and he would not suffer any loss anyway!

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