Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1932 Sister-in-law? (3 updates)

Yes, it was the ten-breath time when the Sword of the Divine Sky appeared.

Ling Feng had one year to understand the rules of various attributes, while warriors from the outside world only took ten breaths.

The gap between this can be imagined.

"Phew, it's finally done!"

During the process of enlightenment, Ling Feng didn't know the passage of time, he only felt that a long, long time had passed.

He suddenly remembered that Yu Junyao was still left in the inn!

Also, if I have been delayed here for so long, has Longjian Tianfu already taken action against Donglingxianchi?


Only then did Ling Feng realize the seriousness of the problem, and the energy in his body surged.


The sound of thunder sounded, and something seemed to be shattered within Ling Feng's limbs. In one thought, he was directly promoted to the second level of the Destiny Realm.

After breaking through the ninth level boundary, the breakthrough of the realm is simply extremely easy.

"It's time to go out!"

With a flash of his figure, Ling Feng rushed out of this chaotic nebula. He only hoped that he would not waste too much time.

If it was as I felt, a year had passed, then it would be over, the day lilies would be cold.


A figure flew out from the hall.

However, it did not attract the attention of others.

After all, there are countless people coming in and out of Shenxiao Hall every day.

Ling Feng's face was a little solemn, because he didn't know how long he had stayed in the Shenxiao Hall.

However, as soon as he came out, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a vague shadow in front of him, kicking towards him.

Ling Feng subconsciously raised his hand and punched. The fifty-headed dragon elephant was full of magical power and was about to suppress the opponent with force. Suddenly he realized who was coming and quickly withdrew half of his power.


The fists and kicks exchanged, but Ling Feng remained motionless, while the guy who kicked him also turned over in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

The guy who attacked Ling Feng in this song was none other than Yu Junyao.

"Crazy woman, why are you so crazy!"

Ling Feng frowned. If he hadn't withdrawn his strength in time, the punch just now would have seriously injured this woman.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, her beautiful eyes filled with frost.

"Hehehe, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

At this time, Xiao Juanyun immediately stepped forward, stopped between the two of them, and persuaded with a smile: "Brother Ling, the couple are fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed! Brother Ling, as men, we have to endure it. Bear with me!”

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, what the hell was this guy thinking about, and how could he and Yu Junyao be together?

If he looked carefully, Ling Feng also found that Xiao Juanyun seemed to have something wrong. It seemed that he had an extra pair of panda eyes!

Could it be that someone beat him out?

Yu Junyao on the other side became even more angry when she heard Xiao Juanyun's words, "Xiao, I'm going to hit you too lightly!"

With that said, he kicked me again.

Ling Feng reached out and grabbed Xiao Juanyun's shoulder, rolled him behind him, and pushed Yu Junyao away with his palm, frowning and saying: "Okay, stop fooling around!"

"Who is fooling around!"

Yu Junyao bit her lower lip and glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Who told you to leave me in the inn and cause me to be kicked out? Since I was a child, when has I ever suffered such humiliation?"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "It's not like you don't have money!"

"I don't care, anyway, this girl is just unhappy, unhappy, unhappy!"

Yu Junyao waved her little fist, pointed at Xiao Juanyun and said: "Huh, you're lucky, I beat him up and I feel much better. I'm not as knowledgeable as you!"

"..." Ling Feng was speechless for a while, then looked back at Xiao Juanyun with a look of sympathy.

"Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

Ling Feng patted Xiao Juanyun on the shoulder. It turned out that this guy had blocked a beating for him.

Although this guy's cultivation level is pretty good, and his realm has broken through to the seventh level of Destiny Realm, there is still a big gap compared with the eldest lady of the direct line of the God Clan like Yu Junyao.

Yu Junyao wanted to beat him, but indeed, he couldn't bear it at all.

"Hey, don't mention it. I'm just trying to save my brother!" Xiao Juanyun touched his panda eyes, "It's just a pity, I have such a handsome face!"

"..." The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. When he was in Sunset Ancient City, he didn't realize that this guy was so narcissistic.

It's so narcissistic that it's a bit shameless!

"I said……"

Xiao Juanyun suddenly lowered his voice and came close to Ling Feng's ear, "Brother Ling, where did you find the Hedong lion? Isn't it too big?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Xiao is overthinking it. She and I are not in that kind of relationship. To put it bluntly, she is the cousin of one of my best friends."

"Oh?" Xiao Juanyun's eyes lit up, showing a coquettish look, "So it's the little...sister-in-law? Hehe, they say the half-assed sister-in-law is the brother-in-law..."


Before Xiao Juanyun could finish speaking, Ling Feng knocked over with a bang. Xiao Juanyun quickly shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Just kidding, just kidding! Who told that woman to be like this when she first came? You look like a resentful woman, so I thought she was looking for you, the heartless man, all over the world!"

"It's better to stop this matter."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Now that Xiao Juanyun is still here, and Yu Junyao should have guessed that it won't be long, it seems that the passage of time in the outside world is different from the passage of time on the ninth floor of the Shenxiao Hall.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, how long did it take after we separated on the sixth floor?"

To confirm, Ling Feng asked again.

"Probably about four days."

Xiao Juanyun blinked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing." Ling Feng shook his head and thought to himself: It turns out that the passage of time on the ninth floor is almost ignored!

If I had known earlier, I should have stayed a little longer!

Wasted, wasted!

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out another bottle of elixir, handed it to Xiao Juanyun, and said calmly: "Brother Xiao, this is a bottle of elixir for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. I am here to help you on behalf of Miss Yu."

Xiao Juanyun took the elixir and said with a wry smile: "Yes, that aunt, you are the only one who dares to confront her head-on, Brother Ling."


Yu Junyao folded her hands on her chest and glared at Ling Feng, obviously not completely relieved yet.

Ling Feng curled his lips and calculated that he had indeed broken his trust with her this time.

"Miss Jade, this time it's my fault. I didn't expect that the Shenxiao Hall would be so time-consuming. I apologize to you. I can't forgive you!"

Ling Feng walked up to Yu Junyao and bowed to her, his attitude was quite sincere.

"Humph, I am not a petty person!" Yu Junyao's expression softened, "Since you sincerely apologize, I will forgive you since I don't remember the faults of others!"

"You've forgiven him. Who did I offend?"

Xiao Juanyun on the side, who had been beaten innocently, was inevitably a little unhappy and muttered in a low voice.

Yu Junyao glanced at Xiao Juanyun sideways, and the guy immediately gave up, "It's really an honor for me to be beaten by Miss Yu!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched again. I really didn't expect that this guy is really "flexible and flexible"!


Xiao Juanyun quickly changed the subject and said: "Brother Ling, we just saw the true form of the Sword of the Sky outside, which proves that someone has broken through the ninth level. That person is you, right?"

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