Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1939 Who looks up to whom? (1 more)

Ling Feng didn't know at the moment that he had just tried to use the rules of the power of time from the Shenxiao Hall, but Zhuge Qingtian, one of the nine major families, had actually seen it. .

However, this is exactly what Ling Feng wants to see.

The more talent and strength you show, the more qualified you will be to truly enter the vision of the senior leaders of the One Moon Palace.

Only in this way can we have enough capital to negotiate terms with Du Yue Tian Palace.

To him, talent is capital.

Xuanyuan Longteng and some elders from the nine major families, the more they looked at Ling Feng, the more mysterious he felt, and they became very interested in him.

However, those warriors who participated in the competition for the swordsman list did not like Ling Feng very much. They even hated this arrogant guy because of Ling Feng's mocking smile when he turned around at the last moment.

Especially the female warrior who rushed at the front had sharp eyes, as if she wanted to shoot Ling Feng through.

After all, if Ling Feng hadn't suddenly come out, the first place would have been hers.

At this time, the warriors who were the first to arrive at the outskirts of Xuanjian Villa began to settle in Jianlu.

There are a hundred sword huts in total, but they are all about the same. It doesn't matter the order. As long as you can occupy a sword hut in the end, you can enter Xuanjian Villa and compete for the sword master list.

Ling Feng randomly selected a sword hut, and as soon as he entered the sword hut, as expected, as Xiao Juanyun said, inside the sword hut, it seemed that his understanding of the realm of swordsmanship suddenly became very clear.

It's like there is a swordsman master in your ears, teaching you earnestly and enlightening you.

Ling Feng's sword power, which had been stagnant at the Dacheng realm for a long time, actually showed a tendency to improve again.

"Good place!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. With the knowledge of swordsmanship in the Sword House, and if he could activate the "Heaven-Seizing Sword Art", in ten days, his sword power might be able to break through to the level of Small Perfection.

Even if we can't reach it, I'm afraid it's not far behind.

Just as Ling Feng was preparing to practice cross-legged, a voice as cold as frost came from outside, like the water of a cold lake, making people shudder.

"Boy, come out here. This sword house belongs to me!"

Ling Feng frowned, and when he walked out of the sword house, he saw that it was the girl who had been in first place.

Although she was not the first, she was also the second warrior to arrive at the Sword Hut area. It was not easy to find a Sword Hut.

However, this woman wanted the room where Ling Feng was.

I have to say, this woman is really competitive!

Ling Feng took a look at this woman. She looked to be about the same age as Xiao Juanyun. Her cultivation level was also at the sixth level of the Destiny Realm, reaching the level of a high-level emperor. Her aura was cold and sharp. Although her appearance could not be called peerless, it was definitely She can be called a beauty. However, that cold and frosty attitude makes people keep away from him.

And to be able to reach this level of cultivation at such an age, this woman is probably from one of the nine major families.

Ling Feng curled his lips, half-leaned on the pillar of the Sword House, pointed to the Sword House next to him, and said calmly: "There are many such Sword Houses nearby, you can just pick one!"

"Humph, this girl wants your room!"

The woman stared at Ling Feng with a look of gnashing her teeth. She almost won the first place, but was snatched away by Ling Feng. Naturally, she felt somewhat unconvinced.

"up to you."

Ling Feng shrugged, and actually walked out of that sword hut, and then very calmly walked into another sword hut not far away.

There are only a few warriors who have arrived here now, and most of the sword huts are still empty and you can choose freely.


The girl's teeth were itching with hatred, as if she had punched with all her strength but hit the cotton.

This guy actually gave up Jianlu just like that?

"You brat, you're stupid!" The girl angrily yelled at Ling Feng's back.

"I just don't want to get into a pointless fight. If you want to fight me, you must first qualify for the Swordsman Ranking."

Ling Feng walked directly into the sword house without looking back, leaving only the girl's elegant back.

"Asshole! Don't be so shameless. Are you the only one who still wants to defend the Sword House and compete for the Sword Master List?"

The girl cursed lowly and gritted her teeth: "Boy, my name is Zhuge Wan'er. My name must be among the top ten swordsmen. Remember it! Just in the audience, look up to this name. Bar!"

Facing Zhuge Wan'er's provocative words, Ling Feng just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

She is just a domineering young lady.

When the time comes, whoever you want to look up to will just have to wait and see.

After walking into the Sword Cottage, Ling Feng sat cross-legged and started to run the "Searching Heaven Condensing Sword Technique" and began to comprehend the kendo insights that filled the Sword Cottage.

With the almost heaven-defying secret technique of "Seizing Heaven Condensing Sword Technique", Ling Feng can absorb the knowledge of swordsmanship more than ten times faster than others, and his swordsmanship cultivation has also increased accordingly. .

Soon, one hundred sword huts were occupied, and then, the one hundred warriors who took the lead in occupying the sword huts automatically became the defenders.

While they are practicing in the Sword House, they must also accept the challenge from any challenger. If they fail to defend the challenge, they can only give up the Sword House.

Then, these losers can continue to challenge other champions, or they can take revenge on those who defeated them.

All in all, it is not easy to hold on for ten days safely.

Of course, everyone's energy and physical strength are limited after all. The rule of this rookie swordsman list is that challenges can only be conducted during the day, and after nightfall, challenges are completely prohibited.

Anyone who disobeys the rules will be automatically eliminated.

To a certain extent, this is also to allow the defenders to practice in the sword house, and on the other hand to recover their physical strength to face the challenge the next day.

The first day of the battle is destined to be a day of endless fighting.

On the first day, in addition to the 100 people who occupied the swordsman list and a group of people who were eliminated by the old Yinbi who were ambushing halfway, there were more than 2,000 attackers alone.

The two thousand people were dispersed into one hundred sword houses, which meant that each challenger had to face almost twenty challenges.

As for some champions with weaker realms, they are even more likely to be regarded as soft persimmons.

Ling Feng is one of them.

After all, his cultivation level is only comparable to the second level of the Destiny Realm. Among these many great emperors, he is definitely at the bottom.

Sure enough, Ling Feng had only been meditating for less than thirty breaths, and soon the first challenger came to the door.

This is a warrior with the fourth level of destiny realm. He is a big man holding a heavy sword. He has a burly body and strong muscles. He looks more like a ferocious beast.

Every time you take a step, the opposite side shakes.

This kind of person is obviously not very good at speed. Although he failed to seize the opportunity, he is definitely a very troublesome existence.

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