Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1941 Come here! (3 updates)

In the distance, on the top of a mountain, the group of elders from the nine major families settled here to get an overview of the whole situation.

"That boy has revealed another incredible ability!"

Xuanyuan Longteng narrowed his eyes and smiled, obviously noticing the battle between Ling Feng and Tieshan Hao.

Next to him was an old man wearing a short animal skin coat. Although he had gray hair, he still had extremely strong muscles. He snorted coldly and said: "You incompetent brat. I usually tell him not to put his eyes too high above his head. This time he failed." Well! However, I don’t know how that little guy cultivated, but he actually has such power, it’s really shocking!”

This person is actually the elder of the Tie family among the nine major families.

The Tie family has been master swordsmiths for generations, and this old man, named Tie Kunlun, is also the leading swordsmith in Yueling City.

This Tie Kunlun was not as narrow-minded as the Sun family elder. Although Ling Feng beat Tie Shanhao, he did not bear any grudge against Ling Feng. Instead, he was quite curious about Ling Feng's strength.

"What this child cultivates comes from the power of Qi and blood."

Zhuge Qingtian on the side said calmly: "If I am not mistaken, when this young man is promoted to the Great Emperor, he must have opened the door of Qi and Blood and the door of Yuanli at the same time!"

"Oh? Two fellow practitioners?"

Tie Kunlun nodded slightly. The geniuses of the two fellow cultivators were not uncommon among the nine major families, so it was not too unusual.

However, they still underestimated Ling Feng.

In fact, Ling Feng is a fellow practitioner of the Third Path!

The first day passed quickly.

Then, the next day...

The third day...

After Ling Feng won the first battle, defeating Tieshan Hao with a crushing appearance, there were far fewer people who came to challenge and harass him.

However, basically there are one or two blind guys every day, but they are all easily defeated by Ling Feng.

The Zhuge Waner next to her saw it, but her teeth itched with hatred in her heart.

She had no idea that such a boy who was at the second level of Destiny Realm could survive so many days!

Could it be that he could survive ten days and compete for the sword master list?

Time passed by and it was the sixth day.

At this time, most of the warriors who had not yet occupied the Jianlu had begun to feel a sense of urgency.

As for those champions guarding the ring, many of them have begun to enter a state of fatigue due to facing successive battles.

The remaining few days are the soldiers' last chance to qualify.

Even if the army is in danger, there is only one fight.

"Boy! Come out, I want to challenge you!"

Finally, outside Ling Feng's sword hut, the voice of challenge sounded again.

Among the one hundred people occupying Jianlu, most of them had strong reputations, but Ling Feng only defeated Tieshan Hao.

Therefore, after careful consideration, everyone still believes that Ling Feng can only be regarded as a lower level among these one hundred people.

Such people are meant to be eliminated.

Even if we fight on wheels, we must defeat him today!

Therefore, outside Ling Feng's Sword House, in addition to the warrior who issued the challenge, there were more than thirty other warriors surrounding it.

These people all reached a temporary consensus and chose to take turns challenging Ling Feng.

Anyway, with the bosses of the nine major families watching, their lives would not be in danger.

Faced with more than thirty people taking turns to challenge him, even if Ling Feng is really capable, he will be exhausted sooner or later.

Eliminating him is only a matter of time!

Of course, this is just their wishful thinking.

"Come out here!"

The leader of the warriors roared loudly. This person was quite powerful. At least, in terms of realm alone, he was even higher than Tieshan Hao.

In the sword hut, Ling Feng stood up. His practice in the past few days gave him a new understanding of the power of the sword.

There is only one final step left before the sword's power reaches a small perfection.

"Just in time, let me practice with you."

Ling Feng shrugged and strode out of Jianlu.

"You brat, you are stalling because you know you will be eliminated soon, so you are delaying it on purpose!"

When the challenger saw Ling Feng walking out slowly, he couldn't help but taunt him.

Ling Feng saw dozens of warriors outside the door, all tense and tense. It seemed that they were planning to use wheel tactics to deal with him.

"The battle is not small."

Ling Feng shrugged and raised his fingers at the challenger, "Come here!"


The challenger did not dare to act rashly. Ling Feng was able to seize the first place, which showed that he was fast enough. In addition, he could crush Tie Shanhao in terms of strength.

Speed ​​and strength are his strengths, so he can only fight with Ling Feng on flexibility and consume Ling Feng's physical strength as much as possible.

He didn't expect that he could eliminate Ling Feng first, otherwise, he wouldn't have brought dozens of companions to surround him.

"Boy, don't do this! Since we are competing for the swordsman ranking, do you dare to compete with me in an upright sword show?"

The challenger was also a scheming man, deliberately using aggressive tactics to make Ling Feng give up his speed advantage.

"Haha, you brought dozens of people to fight me in a wheel battle, and you actually have the nerve to say anything upright?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, a faint light flashed in his hand, and all directions were destroyed, falling into his palm, "Okay, then let's compare!"


When Ling Feng held Shi Fang Ji Destroy, the sword energy, sword intent, and sword power were all natural, and a thin layer of sweat visibly appeared on the challenger's forehead.

Ling Feng's sword seemed to have coincided with the threshold of the domain.

Taking a deep breath, the challenger forced himself to calm down, but did not dare to look directly into Ling Feng's eyes again.

If he continues like this, he will already be weak in fighting even before he fights.

Anyway, his purpose is just to consume Ling Feng's physical strength!

"Take my sword!"

The challenger used up all his sword energy, gave a sharp shout, unsheathed his sword, and slashed out with one sword. In an instant, thunderous sword light swept across the sky, smashing everything into pieces, as if it was going to destroy Ling Feng.

The thunder sword light was extremely domineering and violent. Everyone's eyes seemed to be filled with countless thunders, and they could feel the amazing power, like a thunder dragon.

"Hmph, let me see what you are capable of. How dare you speak such arrogant words in an attempt to compete for the swordsman rankings!"

Zhuge Wan'er was also watching the battle silently outside her sword house.

Facing the challenger's sword, Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged and he did not retreat.


Just listen to an extremely clear sword cry, which instantly penetrates the sky.

With a slash of the sword, in an instant, sharp sword energy tore through the void and shot out.

Sword skills, breaking the mystery in all directions!

This technique was taught by Yan Cangtian when he was at Tianwei Academy. Now, Ling Feng's vision and cultivation are far beyond that of Yan Cangtian, and this set of sword skills is also taught by Ling Feng. With the improvement, it became more and more impressive.

This is Yan Cangtian's own sword skill based on the "Wu Qi Yi Jue", and it is also a sword skill without grades.

And Ling Feng also inherited the "Wu Qi Yi Jue", so in a sense, this set of swordsmanship has unlimited possibilities.

The sword energy exploded, and with the increase of Shura's swordsmanship, each sword energy seemed to tear through the void like a waning moon, emerging from the void, leaving behind a bright and deep luster.


The violent thunder sword light was wiped out in an instant, and with a scream, the challenger's protective body was torn apart in an instant. Under the shock of the powerful force, the challenger flew out upside down, and fell into the air. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

One move, complete defeat!

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