Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1942 Another sword! (1 update)


The challenger fell heavily to the ground. Yangtian spat out a mouthful of blood, then his eyes went black and he fainted.

The power of Ling Feng's sword was just right, just enough to knock the opponent unconscious, but not to hurt the opponent's life.

After all, in this competition for the Rookie Swordsman Ranking, killing is not allowed. If the opponent's shot is too heavy and hurts the opponent's life, it is equivalent to being directly disqualified from the competition.

For a moment, there was silence all around. Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other.

Almost all warriors believe that even if the challenger loses, they can still have a fierce battle with Ling Feng and consume a certain amount of his physical strength.

After all, the challenger's cultivation level was several levels higher than Ling Feng's.

What was completely unexpected was that Ling Feng defeated the challenger with just one move without even revealing his true strength.

"What...what should we do now?"

Those aggressive warriors who want to use wheel fighting to deal with Ling Feng are all spitting out the pressure of hardship.

It seems that all of them together are not enough for Ling Feng to drink a pot.

"What else can we do, retreat! Do you want to stay here and get beaten?"

Those warriors left in despair, looking for other defenders who were easier to deal with.

Ling Feng is obviously not a soft persimmon.

When Zhuge Wan'er saw the warriors who challenged Ling Feng disperse one after another, she bit her silver teeth, glared at Ling Feng, then slammed the door and returned to her sword hut.

There have been some people challenging her in the past few days, but the strength shown by Zhuge Wan'er cannot be underestimated. She has dealt with all the challengers neatly.

On the top of the mountain, the nine powerful men have obviously listed Ling Feng as one of their top targets.

"If I read it correctly, that boy's swordsmanship has become a whole of its own. I can actually feel the shadows of several swordsmanships in just that sword!"

Feng Zhiwei, the elder Feng Zhiwei, had a hint of surprise in his eyes. For ordinary people, having a swordsmanship inheritance would already make him stand out among ordinary people.

And Ling Feng actually seems to have mastered many kinds of swordsmanship at the same time, which is simply incredible.

Little did he know that Ling Feng had mastered ninety-nine types of swordsmanship. If he knew about it, he would probably be so envious that his eyes would turn red.

"This guy is really good!"

Xuanyuan Longteng on the side nodded slightly and looked at Ling Feng with a look of admiration and satisfaction.

On the other hand, the elder of the Sun family snorted coldly, with a pair of sinister eyes flashing coldly, wondering what sinister plan he was thinking of.

This old man who is determined to take revenge is obviously still holding a grudge. Ling Feng eliminated two juniors of the Sun family with one move.

Next, there were three very pure days.

Because Ling Feng instantly killed a challenger with one sword and scared away dozens of guys who wanted to use wheel tactics to deal with him. At this time, Ling Feng already had some reputation. Ordinary warriors would not dare to do so easily. Challenge him.

Xiao Juanyun, on the other hand, is not having an easy time these days.

Although he is also a direct descendant of the nine major families, the competition for the swordsman ranking will not be compromised just because of his status and background.

Because his strength ranks in the middle and lower reaches, Xiao Juanyun has to face challenges from many warriors every day. However, under such high-intensity battles, his swordsmanship level has improved a little faster.

For nine consecutive days, he still persisted.

In the blink of an eye, it was the tenth day.

This is also the last day of the battle to defend Jianlu.

And this day is also the last chance for those warriors who failed to seize the Jianlu.

This day was destined to never be peaceful again.

Except for those unshakable top warriors, other defenders will face almost crazy attacks from those challengers.

Early in the morning, when the challenge ban was lifted, each Jianlu was challenged one after another.

Ling Feng's side also welcomed the first one, a powerful emperor at the seventh level of the Destiny Realm.

The strength of a high-level emperor is naturally extraordinary!

"Boy, you should be content with letting you stay in this Jianhut safely for nine days. Get out of Jianhut quickly to avoid a severe beating!"

The high-ranking emperor stood arrogantly outside Ling Feng's sword house and roared loudly, shaking the forest.

Ling Feng still walked out of Jianlu lazily.

On this day, his aura underwent some subtle changes.

Three days of peace allowed his swordsmanship to reach a higher level.

The Dacheng level sword power has finally broken through to the level of Small Perfection!

It has to be said that the kendo insights contained in this sword hut are indeed of great benefit to the improvement of kendo realm.


Seeing Ling Feng's lazy look, as if he didn't take him seriously at all, the high-ranking emperor frowned and immediately slashed with his sword.

"I drive you crazy, fall down!"


For a moment, the strong wind swept across, and the high-level emperor took action, and the power was naturally extraordinary.


At that critical moment, Ling Feng drew his sword!

One sword, another sword!

With the same move, Bafang Po Xuan, the waning moon-like sword light directly split the long sword in the hand of the high-ranking emperor into seven or eight pieces. Then, a terrifying force went against the trend and directly smashed the sword into seven or eight pieces. The high-level emperor flew out.


The high-level emperor vomited blood and flew backwards, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Is this kid really just a junior emperor?

In the darkness, those warriors who were ready to take action against Ling Feng fell into hesitation one by one.

That sword was too powerful.

In front of Ling Feng, the high-level emperor looked like a toddler.

It was a kind of comprehensive suppression at the level of swordsmanship, as if Ling Feng was already standing on the shoulders of giants.

Others can only look up.


Zhuge Wan'er snorted. She never expected that Ling Feng would be so powerful!

Recalling what I said a few days ago, I actually asked this kid to remember my name and asked him to look up at me from behind, and my face couldn't help but feel hot.

Maybe, I may not be able to defeat him yet!

At this moment, a man in black strode up to Zhuge Wan'er's sword house, cupped his fist and saluted her, and said calmly: "Miss Zhuge, please enlighten me!"

"Hmph, look for a fight!"

Zhuge Wan'er snorted softly, her sword came out like the wind, and she and the man in black were fighting together in an instant.

However, a quarter of an hour later, Zhuge Waner was knocked back a few steps by the man in black. With a hint of horror in her eyes, she looked at the man in black and gritted her teeth.

If you observe carefully, you can see that Zhuge Wan'er's right hand holding the sword is trembling slightly!

"Miss Zhuge, is it still necessary to continue fighting?"

The man in black smiled faintly. His appearance was of a very ordinary kind. He was almost completely inconspicuous among the crowd, but such an unspectacular guy actually suppressed him in terms of swordsmanship. Such a genius as Zhuge Waner!

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