Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1945 Summoned late at night! (1 update)

He walked straight to his own wing room No. 66. Outside the wing, there was a translucent golden barrier. Only by taking out the corresponding room card could he enter.

And this also avoids some unnecessary troubles and conflicts.

Before the Rookie Swordsman Ranking opens, as long as you stay quietly in the room, there will naturally be no trouble coming to your door.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as provoking the entire nine major families of One Moon Palace.

The layout of the wing room looks quite luxurious. Although it is not open to the public on weekdays, for the wealthy One Moon Palace, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Ling Feng sat down cross-legged on the futon in the center of the room. At some point, an extremely pure enlightenment on the way of swordsmanship rose up from the bottom up invisibly, and went straight to the spiritual world along the back. Suddenly, there was a refreshing feeling, and the spiritual thoughts It has been improved several times and is extremely clear. There is no need to take the initiative on your own, and you will naturally enter the state of swordsmanship.

The realm of swordsmanship is divided into three levels: sword intention, sword power, and sword domain.

Although Ling Feng has reached the level of Sword Intention Small Perfection, it does not mean that the intensity of Sword Intention cannot continue to increase.

In fact, the improvement of sword intent can be said to be endless. Moreover, this improvement will continue to increase the sword's power and even the effect of the sword's domain.

The wing of Xuanjian Villa is like a natural forging furnace, constantly polishing the warrior's sword will.

Ling Feng has a feeling that practicing here for one night will definitely produce better results than practicing in Jianlu outside for ten days!

Time passed bit by bit, and Ling Feng was like a sponge, greedily absorbing the endless stream of swordsmanship insights. His own swordsmanship realm also continued to improve. He had knowledge of sword intention, sword power, and even the sword domain. A deeper understanding.

The night was getting darker, but no one came to disturb Ling Feng. Even that guy Xiao Juanyun, although he said he was coming back to visit, in fact, in this powerful environment of swordsmanship, if he did not race against time to practice, it would naturally not be wasted. time.

"Dong dong dong!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside. Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes. With a thought, the door was pushed open directly by the power of Ling Feng's consciousness.

However, there was no figure outside the door. Only outside the door, the breeze blew through the treetops, and under the moonlight, the shadows of the trees were whirling and swaying.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. At this moment, a voice came from his ear, "Little friend, please come to the inner courtyard for a talk!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, inner courtyard?

Xuanjian Villa is also divided into two parts: the inner and outer parts. The outer courtyard is a resting place for the warriors participating in the swordsman ranking competition, and the inner courtyard is a resting place for the bosses of the nine major families who are in charge of this swordsmanship ranking.

Someone invited me to the inner courtyard. It seems that my performance in the past few days has finally attracted the attention of these big guys?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, but this played into his heart.

I just don’t know which one will invite me to go.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng stood up directly, naturally not rejecting the other party's invitation.

The realm of sword power has reached the level of Small Consummation. If you want to continue to break through, it will be extremely difficult. It cannot be achieved by meditating in a wing for one night.

What's more, he also has a heaven-defying skill such as "Seizing the Heaven Condensing Sword Technique", which cannot be used easily when there are many people. However, when faced with a life-and-death battle, he can directly use it to plunder the opponent's strength. Cultivate your swordsmanship and improve your own swordsmanship.

For him, the opportunity to have a private room in Xuanjian Villa can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

After walking out of the wing room, the courtyard outside the door was empty at this moment. All the warriors were sitting quietly in the room. Soon, Ling Feng came to the junction between the inner and outer courtyards. There were two big men carrying long swords on their backs. Seeing Ling Feng approaching, a person on the left immediately stepped forward to intercept him.

"Stop, this is the inner courtyard. No contestants are allowed to enter! Go back, this is not the place you should be."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the guy who invited him here clearly wanted to test him in school.

After understanding this intention, Ling Feng didn't bother to explain, completely turning a blind eye to the guard, and still walked forward.


The guard frowned, grabbed Ling Feng with his big hand, and was about to push Ling Feng back. Who knows the next moment, he will feel that his eyes are blurred, and Ling Feng's figure is nowhere to be seen.

"Where are people...people?"

The guard's expression changed drastically. It was clear that his energy had completely locked onto the boy, but why did he suddenly disappear?

"Already in."

Another guard pointed to the inner courtyard, shook his head and said with a smile: "This boy is really not simple. No wonder even the head of the Xuanyuan family couldn't help but summon him late at night."

"What the hell!"

The guard who intercepted Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then cursed softly: "I thought I could find out a little bit about this kid's skills."

"Haven't you already figured it out? This kid's application of space rules is so perfect!"

The other guard smiled faintly and said, "Forget it, I didn't really want to stop him in the first place. At least, he has already proven that he is extraordinary."

Walking into the inner courtyard, what comes into view is a very elegant pavilion. Inside the pavilion, there are two powerful warriors playing chess.

One of them had gray hair, but a pair of eyes that shot out with astonishing determination from time to time. Opposite the old man was a man in green. Ling Feng recognized this man as the contemporary head of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Longteng.

The old man made a move gently, as if he didn't notice Ling Feng's presence at all. On the contrary, Xuanyuan Longteng, whose mind was not on the chessboard at all, turned to look at Ling Feng, with a smile on his face and a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Young man has met the head of the Xuanyuan family! He has met this old man!"

Ling Feng recognized one of them and was slightly surprised. As for the other one, although he didn't know him, he must be one of the bosses of the nine major families.

Ling Feng saluted unhurriedly. These two people were both saint-level experts, and they were obviously not on the same level as the Tianlong Sword Master who died in the little goldfish's mouth that day.

"Haha, there's no need to be formal!"

Xuanyuan Longteng did not stand up, but raised his finger to point to a stone bench in the pavilion, and said with a smile: "Sit down!"

Ling Feng was not polite, walked over and sat down, and said straight to the point: "I don't know if the two seniors came to see me. What advice do you have?" Ling Feng asked directly.

"Don't worry, little brother, this is the elder of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Qingtian."

Xuanyuan Longteng smiled lightly and introduced Ling Feng.

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