Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1951 Arrogant! (1 update)

"Second match of the first round: Xiao Yi vs. Bai Yuanzhan."

Xiao Yi walked towards the ring with his head held high, jumped lightly, and landed on the ring. Bai Yuanzhan took a deep breath, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"You'd better admit defeat on your own, so as not to waste everyone's time."

Xiao Yi showed a smile, full of confidence, and said to Bai Yuanzhan.

Bai Yuanzhan gritted his teeth. He also felt that he was not Xiao Yi's opponent and lacked confidence. He was hesitating whether to admit defeat. At this time, when Xiao Yi said it, he aroused the arrogance in his heart and said in a hateful voice: "Whoever kills the enemy will win, not yet." Definitely!"

"In that case, I will let you know the gap between us."

Xiao Yi laughed loudly and swung the long sword in his hand, making a crisp sword cry.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. No wonder Xiao Juanyun would let him teach Xiao Yi a lesson. Indeed, judging from his arrogant and arrogant attitude, his character was probably not much better.

When the competition started, Xiao Yi was worthy of being a strong man on the last swordsman list. His swordsmanship was indeed extraordinary. He easily defeated Bai Yuanzhan in less than ten moves, and it seemed that he did not show his true strength at all.

Generally speaking, compared with ordinary warriors and geniuses from the nine major families, the gap in their birth largely determines the gap in strength.

"Xiao Yisheng."

There is no doubt about the result of the game.

After several more rounds of competition, it was Xiao Juanyun's turn.

Xiao Juanyun's luck was pretty good. He didn't meet a seed player. His opponent was a high-level sword emperor with similar strength to him.

Originally, with Xiao Juanyun's strength, he might not be able to win the opponent reliably, but when preparing for the swordsman ranking competition, Xiao Juanyun frequently competed with Ling Feng.

During the competition, Ling Feng gave him some pointers, and now they come in handy.

"Xiao Juanyun, win!"

As the referee's voice sounded, Xiao Juanyun felt excited, he actually won!

He clenched his fists tightly and looked in Ling Feng's direction, feeling both excited and grateful.

She knew very well that the reason why she was able to defeat her opponent was not only because of her breakthrough in cultivation during this period, but more importantly, because she had such a powerful opponent like Ling Feng to feed her.

Because of this, his sword skills can be used more smoothly.

Xiao Juanyun was excited, walked quickly to Ling Feng's side, and said excitedly: "Haha, Brother Ling, I actually won!"


Ling Feng patted his shoulder lightly. The warriors who can participate in the Sword Master List are all the leaders of the younger generation in Yueling City.

Although I only won the first round of the battle, it was already very good.

"Humph, I'm just lucky to have met a rubbish opponent."

At this moment, a very discordant voice came. Ling Feng and Xiao Juanyun looked back, but it was Xiao Yi who came over with a sneer.

Xiao Yi glanced directly at Xiao Juanyun, seemingly disdainful of his safety, and just sneered: "Seventh brother, your luck has always been good."

"Yeah, I'm no better than Third Brother, I can only rely on luck."

Xiao Juanyun clenched his fists, and it was obvious that he was dissatisfied and afraid of this Xiao Yi.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. The bigger the family, the cooler the relationship between brothers. There are too many examples of brothers killing each other for profit.

And this Xiao Yi, from his eyes, it can be seen that he only has disgust and disdain for Xiao Juanyun, and there is no trace of brotherly love at all.

"I hope your luck doesn't end too early." Xiao Yi smiled coldly and walked past Ling Feng and the other two.

His game is over and he can return early to rest.

However, when passing by Ling Feng, Xiao Yi lowered his voice and said through his spiritual consciousness: "Boy, you really like to be in the limelight! You'd better pray not to meet me, otherwise, I will let you know that this month Lingcheng, whose territory is it, can't tolerate a nobody like you to show off!"

Ling Feng sneered and ignored Xiao Yi's threat.

Even without Xiao Juanyun's request, Ling Feng would beat one of these people, or two of them, for free!

"The seventh game of the first round..."

"The eighth game of the first round..."

Time flies, one game after another starts and ends, two and two go to the ring to compete, the winner stays and the loser leaves.

"Game 9 of the first round: Ling Feng vs. Li Xiangling."

The referee announced with an indifferent expression.

"Brother Ling, it's your turn!" Xiao Juanyun laughed loudly, but his mood did not seem to be affected by Xiao Yi.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, jumped up and jumped directly onto the ring.

Immediately afterwards, someone jumped up from the opposite side. In an instant, a gust of fragrant wind blew towards my face. My opponent in the first round was actually a woman.

This Li Xiangling looks very delicate. She is dressed in lake green clothes that highlight her graceful figure. She is lightly painted with powder and pink. Her appearance is not the most stunning, but she is very attractive.

"It turns out it's you! Little brother, please give in to me!"

Li Xiangling smiled lightly, with two pear dimples showing on her cheeks, and she looked very cute and cute.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said a little strangely: "Do you know me?"

"I happened to see the scene where you and Zhuge Wan'er fought." Li Xiangling looked at Ling Feng with a smile and said slowly.

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's hand, and everything in the ten directions was destroyed, and it quietly slipped into the palm of his hand, "In that case, don't you admit defeat?"

"How heartless!"

Li Xiangling frowned slightly, pretending to look sad, but before she could finish her words, the woman had already thrust her sword towards her.

"Take the move!"

With a scream, he immediately thrust out his sword, and a strong wind came straight towards him.


As soon as Li Xiangling took action, Ling Feng knew that Li Xiangling's swordsmanship was not bad either. In one sword, the artistic conception of wind was integrated. Not only was the speed extremely fast, but it also incorporated a trace of the tearing rules of wind. It seemed that even the void would be torn apart. Come.

But for Ling Feng, such swordsmanship is not enough.


The two swords clashed, with both sides going back and forth. After about a dozen moves, Li Xiangling was finally defeated.

"Humph, I don't know how to cherish a woman's beauty at all!"

Li Xiangling pursed her lips slightly and stared at Ling Feng with a pair of watery eyes, as if to make Ling Feng feel guilty and admit defeat directly.

It's a pity that Ling Feng perfectly explained what it means to be a straight man, and Li Xiangling's tricks didn't work at all in front of him.

Seeing that Ling Feng was not moved at all, Li Xiangling stomped her feet a few times and jumped off the ring.

"Ling Feng wins." The referee announced loudly.

With the end of this game, and the fact that Ling Feng had previously severely injured Zhuge Wan'er during the battle for the Sword House, Ling Feng gained the title of "Ling Yan Luo, who destroys flowers with a ruthless hand" and even became the leader of all female warriors for a time. public enemy.

"The tenth game of the first round..."

The referee read out the list again.

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