Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1953 Compete with you! (3 updates)

"Take your big-headed ghost!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Hey, at such a young age, you look like a monster. It's my fault for guessing like this."

Xiao Juanyun grinned, but thinking about it carefully, the first time he saw Ling Feng was in the Sunset Ancient City. If Ling Feng was really taken away and reborn, then it would be impossible for him to enter the Sunset Ancient City. ah.

Sure enough, there are only worse monsters in this world, not the most monster!

"The second game, Xiao Juanyun versus Zhuge Waner!"

The referee loudly announced the battle list, and when he heard Zhuge Waner's name, Xiao Juanyun burst into tears and said dejectedly: "It's over, it's over, Brother Ling, it looks like my luck has really come to an end!"

Ling Feng punched him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, you won't be so scared that you wet your pants when you see a woman, right?"

"Bah! You're the one who peed your pants!"

Xiao Juanyun rolled his eyes, and then sighed softly: "Zhuge Wan'er is stronger than me. This must be acknowledged. However, I have made a lot of progress during this period, at least..."

Xiao Juanyun clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "At least I have to catch her for more than ten moves!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Zhuge Wan'er was indeed not weak. Xiao Juanyun had basically no chance of winning against her. Even with ten moves, I'm afraid it would be a bit difficult.

Soon, both sides took the stage.

Zhuge Wan'er still used the frost rules that she was best at. Xiao Juanyun was almost crushed in terms of attribute rules. There was no doubt about the outcome of this game.

However, this guy is really a warrior. He actually gritted his teeth and withstood Zhuge Waner's ten moves. Although he was wounded all over his body, the amazing fighting will he unleashed made even Zhuge Waner seem to be stunned. They were all a little moved.

On the high platform.

"Mr. Xiao, this boy from your Xiao family has a good character."

Zhuge Qingtian nodded slightly, Xiao Juanyun was very talented, he was born in the Xiao family, and his resources were not bad. With his character, he would become a strong man sooner or later.

The Xiao family elder shook his head and said with a smile: "Compared to that girl from your Zhuge family, she is still a lot worse!"

However, despite this, it can be seen that the elder of the Xiao family has a satisfied smile on his face, and he is obviously quite satisfied with Xiao Juanyun's performance.

Because of the serious injury, Xiao Juanyun really went up and down this time.

The staff of Xuanjian Villa hurriedly carried a stretcher and took Xiao Juanyun down for treatment. Ling Feng also hurriedly came to visit.

Fortunately, this guy was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The wounds looked scary, but they were not serious.

"Hehe, what do you think, Brother Ling, I, Xiao Juanyun, say ten moves, just ten moves!"

When Xiao Juanyun saw Ling Feng, he grinned, but with his miserable look, his smile was even uglier than crying.

"Then you are so awesome!" Ling Feng patted him on the shoulder a few times, and the pain immediately made Xiao Juanyun grimace.


Xiao Juanyun gasped, "Brother Ling, just praise me if you want, don't do it!"

"I've seen it, your injury can't kill anyone! You should be grateful to Zhuge Wan'er for sparing you a favor!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Zhuge Wan'er seemed cold, but he was not a truly vicious person.

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome."

Xiao Juanyun smiled shamelessly and said: "Brother Ling, I can't continue fighting in the ring. Don't forget what you promised me!"

Ling Feng agreed, nodded and smiled, and said lightly: "Don't worry, your third brother, I will greet you well!"

"That's good!"

Xiao Juanyun breathed a sigh of relief and was carried off on a stretcher. Although the injury was not serious, he might have to lie down for a few days.

At this time, the third game on the stage has also begun.

The two parties fighting were Xiao Yi and a young man from the Linghu family.

Although this Xiao Yi was a bit arrogant, it had to be said that his swordsmanship was indeed quite good, and he defeated his opponent without much effort.

Seeing Xiao Juanyun being carried away on a stretcher, Xiao Yi couldn't help but sneered and murmured in a low voice: "Garbage, it's garbage!"

The game continues.

In the seventh game, Ling Feng finally took the stage. His opponent was a warrior named Tie Yan from the Tie family among the nine major families.

Ling Feng had heard Xiao Juanyun introduce this Tie Yan to him, and he was considered a ruthless character with good strength.

"It was you who easily defeated my incompetent cousin during the battle for the Sword House?"

As soon as both parties took the stage, the atmosphere became tense. Tie Yan's eyes were filled with sparkles, as if they were about to burst out at any moment.

"You're talking about that Tieshan Hao, right?" Ling Feng recalled that there was a guy who was shouting in front of his sword house that day and was knocked away by his punch. It seemed that he was named Tieshan Hao.

"Why, you're not here to avenge him, are you?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "In that case, let's come over here!"

"Revenge?" Tie Yan said, "My skills are inferior to others, so what's the point of revenge?"

With that said, Tie Yan took out a dark heavy sword from his own spiritual ring. No, it was not so much a sword, but an iron pillar similar to a sword!

It is more than one foot long and two feet wide. Where is the sword?

Even Tie Yan's big guy needs both hands to barely hold on to this big iron pillar!

"Boy, I want to compete with you!"

Tie Yan roared at the top of his voice, like a giant ape, holding the big iron pillar and stepping lightly on the stage. The entire Xuanjian Villa seemed to be shaking violently.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Is this guy really a swordsman?

Is this weapon really not a foul?

Secretly squeezing a sweat, Ling Feng drew out Shifang Jiannie and said slowly: "Then, come on!"

The next moment, under the horrified gazes of everyone, the shape of the sword that was annihilated in all directions suddenly increased sharply, from the original appearance of a seven-foot long sword to more than one foot long.

In fact, weapons that have reached the peak level of holy weapons can be freely scaled in size under the infusion of Yuanli. This is not a strange thing.

"Hey, Dejin!"

Seeing Ling Feng enlarge his weapon, Tie Yan roared, then took the sword-shaped iron pillar in his hand and slammed it down on Ling Feng's head.

This big iron pillar alone is estimated to weigh a million kilograms. Coupled with the terrifying strength of the iron rock, Ling Feng drew his sword to block, and heard a loud "clang" sound, and a terrifying sound wave exploded. , almost everyone in the audience experienced a brief moment of deafness.


The ground of the arena cracked open inch by inch. Ling Feng and Tie Yan each took a few steps back. This first collision of forces was evenly matched.

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