Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1965 Six Phases of Destiny! (3 updates)

"Chu Chaonan?"

At this time, everyone remembered that among the current undefeated strong men, there was Chu Chaonan.

However, compared with Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Yu, they seem to have no sense of existence.

Because, Chu Chaonan's previous competitions all used basic swordsmanship.

Others competed with all kinds of gorgeous and dazzling moves, but Chu Chaonan was better, stabbing with a sword, picking with a sword, blocking with a sword, slashing with a sword...

Back and forth, all the most basic sword moves.

In the Western Sword Region, this is a swordsmanship for children around six years old.

After all, it is a swordsman-level swordsmanship showdown. Who wants to see your swordsmanship showdown?

Not shocking at all, not eye-catching at all!

In other words, it’s boring!

But he is such a boring guy, but he has won all the way until now without losing a single defeat.

"Hahaha, Xuanyuan Yu is about to take action. Once Xuanyuan Yu comes out, this Chu Chaonan may not be able to survive!"

"Yes, I don't believe that he can defeat Xuanyuan Yu with basic swordsmanship!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Chu Chaonan and Xuanyuan Yu each stepped onto the stage.

Xuanyuan Yu's words, deeds, and actions were undoubtedly the focus of the eyes of most of the female warriors present.

"Wow, he's really handsome!"

"Oh my god, if being handsome is a sin, Xuanyuan Yu has already committed a heinous sin!"

"If he could smile at me, I would live ten years shorter!"

Amidst the shouts of a large group of female warriors, Xuanyuan Yu finally slowly drew out his sword.

"Wow, your top-notch posture is so handsome!"

"Isn't the way you walk handsome?"

"The way you breathe is so intoxicating!"

Similar shouts kept coming from outside the stadium, one after another.

Xuanyuan Yu seemed to have been used to similar sounds for a long time and had automatically blocked the interference of these sounds. He cast a slightly apologetic look at Chu Chaonan and said lightly: "Sorry, I hope they will not affect your sword use. "


Chu Chaonan pursed his lips and slowly pulled out the ordinary-looking, somewhat dark sword.

Compared with the handsome young master Xuanyuan Yu, Chu Chaonan seems too ordinary. Whether it is appearance, clothing, sword, or even temperament, he is so ordinary that he has almost no sense of existence.

Xuanyuan Yu smiled faintly, waved the long sword in his hand, narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "I have watched all your previous matches. If you think you can interfere with my swordsmanship, I will not be able to do it." If you use your own sword skills, then you are a little too naive."

"I also noticed this."

Chu Chaonan had a nonchalant expression on his face and said calmly: "Your will and level of swordsmanship are only slightly stronger than mine. If I want to use the Wanxiang True Sword to interfere with you, I can't do it. "

"Then, if there is no other trump card, you will lose."

Xuanyuan Yu seemed a little uninterested, as if he was a strong man who longed for an opponent but could not win.

"It seems that everything is impossible, but I still have the six aspects of destiny!" Chu Chaonan grinned, "I think you won't be disappointed."

"Well, let me see."

After saying this, Xuanyuan Yu's aura suddenly changed, and his original lazy attitude was completely gone.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yu's eyes were filled with light, and his whole body was exuding a terrifying power that scorned all directions.

The terrifying aura alone can even stir the void!

"Natural sword body!"

On the high platform, many elders' eyelids were twitching wildly, and they couldn't help but look at Xuanyuan Longteng.

The elder of the Sun family even exclaimed: "Master Xuanyuan, no wonder you said that Xuanyuan Yu will definitely win the first place in this year's sword master list. This Void Sword Body, combined with the Xuanyuan Family's Void Ten Thousand Ren Sword Technique, is unrivaled among his peers." !”

Xuanyuan Longteng narrowed his eyes and smiled, and murmured to himself: "The descendants of Lord Mu Shen were finally defeated by the descendants of my Xuanyuan family. Lord Mu Shen, Lord Mu Shen, if you want to get back the tone you had before, I'm afraid you will have to Failed."

After Xuanyuan Yu exposed the Void Sword Body, this game seemed to have no suspense.

Chu Chaonan's Wanxiang True Sword is indeed very powerful, but it cannot affect Xuanyuan Yu who uses the Void Sword Body. Then, what awaits him is a tragic defeat.

On the stage.

"Is this the source of your confidence? You are indeed blessed with a natural sword body."

Chu Chaonan held his chin, his eyes full of admiration, and kept chattering, "Back then, the old man always complained, why was it that I wasn't born with a sword body? It was all born in my mother's womb. Do you blame me?"

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling, "Let's take action!"

"As you wish! I am the only one who respects you!"

Chu Chaonan shrugged and said no more. He shook the sword in his hand and his whole aura suddenly changed.

This is the first time since the beginning of this swordsman ranking that Chu Chaonan has used other abilities besides basic swordsmanship.

The next moment, Chu Chaonan let out a low roar, as if a Sanskrit sound was heard, roaring in all directions. His whole body was instantly majestic, with a scornful, self-centered air. When he drew his sword, his swordsmanship swept across, and he was extremely domineering.

Xuanyuan Yu's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly waved the long sword in his hand. The void trembled, and sword energy shuttled through the void, attacking the vital points of Chu Chaonan at extremely cunning angles.

Chu Chaonan's sword came out like crazy, with golden light all over his body. He seemed to be standing tall and strong, and his crazy fighting spirit actually made Xuanyuan Yu's sword heart waver.

It seems that there is only one person who controls the world, and this person is none other than Chu Chaonan!

"What's going on? Then why does Chu Chaonan seem to be a completely different person? He used to be such an ordinary guy, but now he looks like the king of domination, the supreme monarch?"

The audience in the audience shook their heads repeatedly, trying to put that thought away, but every time they looked at Chu Chaonan, this thought became more and more ingrained.

A solemn look flashed in Xuanyuan Yu's eyes. He did not dare to confront Chu Chaonan head-on. He used the power of the void to shuttle through the void. For a moment, Chu Chaonan's domineering sword power failed every move. It also began to turn from prosperity to decline.

But immediately afterwards, Chu Chaonan's aura changed again, his aura and demeanor changed from being self-centered and arrogant. Instead, his brows were three-quarters happy and seven-quarters innocent, otherwise he was not at all worldly, like a young boy, unnatural.

Then, Chu Chaonan's sword moves also suddenly changed. Everything was integrated between heaven and earth based on instinct.

Chu Chaonan's energy changed, and Xuanyuan Yu's offensive collapsed instantly. He exclaimed in his heart, and escaped into the void again. The sword energy burst out, overwhelming the sky, and shot towards Chu Chaonan.

However, Chu Chaonan seemed to be in harmony with the sword energy, and despite the heavy rain of sword light penetrating his body, he was unscathed.


Xuanyuan Yu's expression changed greatly, and he appeared again, stabbing Chu Chaonan fiercely with his sword. He wanted to see whether this Chu Chaonan was the real person or just an afterimage.

However, the next moment, Chu Chaonan's aura changed again, from an innocent boy to a wise old man.

He has a sharp eye and is good at calculation. During the examination, he has already seen the flaw in Xuanyuan Yu's moves. He thrust out a sword with his backhand. Xuanyuan Yu could not avoid it, and his right arm was pierced by the sword.


Xuanyuan Yu groaned and quickly used the power of the void to hide in the void again, feeling extremely horrified in his heart.

There was clearly only one person in Chu Chaonan, but he could change so many auras. Could these be what Chu Chaonan called the Six Phases of Destiny?

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