Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1973 Nine Clans High Levelers! (2 more)

"Brother Chu!"

Ling Feng walked up to Chu Chaonan and pushed him gently. As a result, he almost pushed Chu Chaonan to the ground without exerting much force.

Ling Feng quickly supported the lost guy and said speechlessly: "Brother Chu, victory or defeat is a common thing for military officers. Your psychological quality is not so bad, right?"

Chu Chaonan then raised his eyes and said with a sad face: "This is not a matter of victory or defeat, but a matter of me not completing the old man's instructions! He asked me to take first place, but I ended up taking second place! I'm dead! It’s dead this time!”

"After all, it's your master, right?" Ling Feng was speechless for a while.

"You don't know how ruthless that old man is. No, no, no, I'll see if he can escape to other domains. Brother Ling, do you have any good suggestions?"

Chu Chaonan looked like he was preparing to flee to the end of the world, which made Ling Feng wonder what had happened between this guy and that Shepherd Lord?

"Why run away?" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Didn't you say that your master once swore not to set foot in Yueling City, so if you stay in Yueling City, wouldn't you be safe?"

"I wipe it?"

Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched suddenly, and the next moment, he left as if he had come back to life again, "Hahaha, that's right! Yueling City is a good place, suitable for retirement!"

As he said that, he immediately started to look around, as if he really planned to stay in Yueling City forever and never leave.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. It seemed that Chu Chaonan didn't take the defeat at his hands to heart at all.

"I remember just now that person seemed to say that he could stay at Xuanjian Villa for two months. It's not bad, it saves the boss a lot of money."

Chu Chaonan's eyes were filled with excitement. It seemed that for him, Xuanjian Villa was just a place to stay, nothing more.

At this moment, high in the sky, a tall figure flew down, but it was none other than the head of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Longteng.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Zhuge also came over from behind, his eyes constantly looking at Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan, wondering what he was thinking.

"Little friend Ling Feng, I didn't believe you when you said you wanted to win the title that night. I didn't expect that you are so powerful."

Xuanyuan Longteng had a smile on his face, and the solicitation on his face was self-evident.

"Master Xuanyuan is so complimentary."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's a good thing that the head of the Xuanyuan family told me that I was in the void that night, otherwise I might not be Xuanyuan Yu's opponent."

The corner of Xuanyuan Longteng's mouth twitched slightly. In the last battle between Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan, he never used any Void Ten Thousand Rings from the beginning to the end.

Even if he didn't teach him about Ten Thousand Void that night, it would still be more than enough for Ling Feng to defeat Xuanyuan Yu.


Xuanyuan Longteng laughed dryly, looked at Chu Chaonan again, and said with a faint smile: "Little friend Chu, I wonder if your master is okay?"

"What about the old man? His life is much better than mine!"

Chu Chaonan glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng and felt a little guilty. In fact, the ancestral graves dug by Mu Shenjun included the Xuanyuan family.

Although Chu Chaonan is quite confident in his own strength, whether it is whether his ten thousand forms are really like swords or his incomplete six aspects of destiny, in front of the Soaring Dragon Sword Master, it is just a child's trick. .

"Speaking of which, Master Ling and I are old acquaintances."

Zhuge Qingtian on the side couldn't help but sigh softly, and said slowly: "Master Ling is indeed a hero of the world."


Chu Chaonan smiled, but secretly cursed in his heart: A hero of the world? Is it just that old bastard?

"The past is like smoke. In a blink of an eye, it has been three hundred years."

Zhuge Qingtian took a deep breath, as if he was remembering some past events, and there was a brief moment of confusion in his eyes, but of course, it only passed away for a moment.

"No further talk." Xuanyuan Longteng's eyes fell on Ling Feng again, "Little friend Ling Feng, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Chu Chaonan was a disciple of Lord Mu Shen, so Xuanyuan Longteng would not try to recruit him, but Ling Feng still had great hope.

Especially since Ling Feng understood the Xuanyuan family's power, he should win him over to the Xuanyuan family.

Otherwise, even if he is easy to talk to, those old antiques in the family may not be able to tolerate Ling Feng's existence.


Ling Feng nodded. According to Xiao Juanyun, becoming the top of the rookie swordsman list also has a default reward, which is to make a request to the senior officials of the One Moon Palace.

Moreover, no matter what the request is, as long as it is not too excessive, Single Moon Palace will not refuse it.

Just putting pressure on Longjian Tianfu, Ling Feng didn't think it was too much of a request.

What's more, I just hope that Du Yue Tiangong can temporarily stabilize Longjian Tianfu.

I will make a final settlement with the Long family on this matter.

He just needs some time.

Some growing time.

Not long after, Ling Feng quickly arrived at the inner courtyard under the leadership of Xuanyuan Longteng.

At this time, the elders of the nine major families had gathered in a hall.

As usual, when the top swordsman makes a request, representatives of the nine major families must be present.

This is a sign of respect for being at the top of the swordsman list. After all, if you can reach this point, if you don't fall in the future, you basically have the potential to become a saint-level powerhouse, and become a being that can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

This bit of respect should naturally be given.

However, in the past, few warriors outside the nine major families were able to take the top spot.

At this time, in addition to the elders of the nine major families who had previously hosted the Rookie Swordsman List, there were also a group of stronger men from an older generation who were also in the hall.

The auras of saint-level experts put an extremely huge pressure on Ling Feng.

In the Eastern Spiritual Realm, it is basically difficult to find a saint-level powerhouse, but in the West Sword Territory, there are so many saint-level powerhouses in the nine major families of Duyue Tiangong alone.

The gap between them can really be described as a difference between clouds and mud.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and was not intimidated by those terrifying saint-level auras. He held his head high and followed Xuanyuan Longteng into the main hall with strode.

Those old men who deliberately released their aura showed more or less a hint of appreciation in their eyes.

He has such willpower at such a young age, and indeed, he deserves the title of the leader of swordsmen.

"Dear elders, Ling Feng, the leader of this year's swordsman rankings, has been brought here."

Xuanyuan Longteng bowed to the elders in the palace. Although he was the nominal head of the Xuanyuan family, in fact, the power of the nine major families was still in the hands of these elders.

These old men are basically the most powerful beings in the nine major families, except for the few ancestors who have never left the world.

"Junior Ling Feng, I have met all the seniors!"

Ling Feng also bowed to the many clan elders in the palace. People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

There are so many saint-level bosses, I'm afraid if one of them spits, he will die.

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