Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1985 Who can bear this? (2 updates)

"Wrong, it's compensation!"

Ling Feng knelt down and looked at Wei Xuantong with a smile. Suddenly, he punched out and knocked out Wei Xuantong's two front teeth.

"Oh, it's over!" Ling Feng grabbed Wei Xuantong's collar, pulled him up, and feigned anger: "Who made your front teeth so sharp that they cut my fist! Fifty million is not enough. , I need to increase the amount! Who knows that I am so easy to talk to? I can add 10 million casually. Let’s take it!”


Wei Xuantong was so angry that he spurted blood. He had his front teeth knocked out and he didn't say anything. But you, the villain, complained first?

Also, are there any scratches on your fists, up and down, inside and out?

"Ling Feng, you little bastard..."

Before he finished speaking, there were a few crisp crackling sounds, and Ling Feng slapped Wei Xuantong's face hard, hitting his whole cheek like a pig's head. He was afraid that even his own mother wouldn't recognize him. .

"Oops, the slap hurts, add ten million more!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and even blew the palm of his hand in a serious manner.

Wei Xuantong was beaten until he was dizzy, angry and humiliated.

Under the eyes of everyone, he, a "Ten Strong Man", was actually humiliated to this extent.

"Boss...Boss, let's just give in, right?"

A scoundrel of Wei Xuantong next to him began to persuade him. If this continues, the price will only get higher and higher, and Wei Xuantong's injuries will become more and more serious.

Wei Xuantong was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he had also discovered that Ling Feng was not joking with him.

If he doesn't let go, maybe he will be beaten to death by this guy.

If his life is gone, then everything is lost.

But if you hold on to this small life, there will still be a chance for revenge.

"Fifty million!" Wei Xuantong gritted his teeth and said, "I only have 50 million, no more!"

"Seventy million, not a penny less."

Ling Feng glanced at those Wei Xuantong's henchmen and said with a smile: "Don't you have so many younger brothers? You can just join them together."

"Minato! Minato!"

Wei Xuantong stared at those scoundrels, feeling extremely ashamed and angry.

Unexpectedly, I had always walked sideways in the Single Moon Palace, and now I had to rely on my younger brothers to raise money to save my life.

Those henchmen of Wei Xuantong were really poor. A dozen or so people worked together for a long time, and they actually managed to come up with 15 million contribution points.

"There's still five million left!"

Ling Feng transferred the contribution points to his identity token, frowned, and seemed not very satisfied.

"It's gone, it's really gone!"

Wei Xuantong almost cried. How could it be so easy to save the contribution points of the Single Moon Palace? The reason why he wanted to seize the opportunity to enter the sword washing pool was not that he wanted to enter, but that he wanted to resell it for auction.

The official price of the college is 100 million contribution points.

As long as he "buys" it from Ling Feng for 50 million with a slight discount, and then sells it for more than 90 million each time, he can make a net profit of more than 100 million!

He originally thought he was a business genius, but in the end he met his nemesis.

"So poor!"

Ling Feng glared at Wei Xuantong, "Forget it, I have a kind nature. You can't show it, and I can't force you to death. I'm not a bad person."

"Yes, yes, you are a good person, a great person!"

Although Wei Xuantong was filled with hatred, he still followed Ling Feng's words and said flatteringly: "You are definitely a good person!"

"Well, let's just repay the remaining five million directly."

Ling Feng looked at Wei Xuantong with evil intentions and said with a smile: "One million for one kick!"


Before Wei Xuantong could realize the meaning of Ling Feng's words, the next moment, a kind of "sadness in the balls" came from his lower body.


A scream like a slaughtering pig rang out, and Ling Feng kicked him in the D-part.


boom! boom! boom!

After a few more kicks, Wei Xuantong foamed at the mouth and fainted.

Damn it, who can bear this?

I can't stand it!

"If you come out to fool around, you'll have to pay back sooner or later!"

With his last kick, Ling Feng kicked Wei Xuantong back to the bastard boys, and then walked away leaving only a handsome figure behind them.

"I guess, why do I think that guy is a bit handsome?"

“Simply chic!”

There was a hint of reverence in the eyes of many students. People like Wei Xuantong relied on themselves to get in touch with the Sun family, and they were somewhat capable. They were used to doing whatever they wanted. Many students from the outer courtyard had been subjected to this. His squeeze.

It's just that all this time, this bad breath can only be swallowed in the stomach.

Today I saw Wei Xuantong being severely punished.

Not to mention, it’s a cool batch!

"Boss! Boss!"

Those Wei Xuantong's lackeys hurriedly stepped forward to help Wei Xuantong up. Seeing Wei Xuantong's head broken and bleeding, and swollen into a pig's head, it was simply...

It’s hard to describe in one word!

Wei Xuantong woke up leisurely and looked at his lower body. It was gone!

It has exploded!

"I want revenge, I want revenge!"

Wei Xuantong roared hysterically. That tragic voice and shrill roar made those who heard it sad and those who heard it shed tears.

After a while, Wei Xuantong calmed down a little.

The younger brothers then boldly stepped forward.

"Well, boss, I just collected two million for you, do you think...ahem?" A younger brother said in fear: "Well, I'm not forcing you to pay back, but you are the boss, so you shouldn't default on your debt. Bar?"

"Boss, I also collected 1.2 million!"

"And mine, one and a half million!"

Each of the younger brothers reported their own contribution points, fearing that Wei Xuantong would default on the payment.

After all, those little contributions are their lifeblood.

"Get out! Get out! Get the hell out of here!"

Wei Xuantong almost exploded with anger. Damn it, none of these dogs are honest!

His life was blown away, and he still asked himself to pay back the money?

Is there any humanity left?

Those younger brothers all shrank their necks and could only leave angrily.

As for those contribution points, I’m afraid there are none!

In the end, only a fat man with a dark face was left beside Wei Xuantong. He smiled and said to Wei Xuantong: "Boss, ignore those bastards. These dogs are not human beings! Come on, boss, I will take you to the doctor." ”

"Wang Laoliu, after all, you are the most loyal!"

Wei Xuantong was moved for a moment. He had always looked down on this fat black man, but now that he thought about it, it was true that a friend in need was a friend indeed!

"Hehe, boss, I didn't make any contribution just now, so it's okay if you don't pay it back!"

The fat black man grinned.

"I, I will fucking kill you!"

When Wei Xuantong heard this, his lungs were about to explode. Didn't you raise the money?

Just because this bastard didn't raise the money, his life was destroyed!

Thinking of this, Wei Xuantong grabbed the fat black man's neck and wanted to strangle him to death.

"Boss, boss, please forgive me! Boss, ah!——"

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