Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1997 The whole city was shocked! (2 updates)


The sword in Ling Feng's hand was incredibly fast. After thoroughly understanding the changes in the moves of the thirty-six sword puppets, even if his speed was suppressed, Ling Feng was able to avoid the attacks of those sword puppets before he knew it.

In fact, Ling Feng was able to do this initially ten days ago, but occasionally he would make mistakes and be hit by the swords of those sword puppets.

With the cooperation of these sword puppets, as long as Ling Feng was hit by the first sword, he would basically be suppressed and beaten later, and he would eventually be defeated.

But this time, Ling Feng was obviously in good condition. After sideways avoiding a sword, he even took the initiative to draw his sword and stabbed the sword puppet next to him at a certain point.

Ling Feng had deduced this sword countless times in his mind, and it was a turning point for him to break the formation.


The sword wind roared, and sure enough, the sword puppet struck along Ling Feng's left shoulder, and what was waiting for it was Ling Feng's full-strength sword blow.

"Six paths of ups and downs!"


One arm of the sword puppet was cut off by Ling Feng in an instant. With a "clang", the metal arm and a heavy sword fell heavily to the ground.

A sword puppet's arm was chopped off, which was a good start!

"Thirty-six Tiangang, one of them has been destroyed, it's time to fight back!"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered. According to his previous understanding of the Tongtian Sword Tower, although the Thirty-Six Tiangang Formation has been broken, these sword puppets will soon form a small star formation, and the derivative changes of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Formation will be formed. , without one of them, it can still be reorganized quickly.

What Ling Feng had to do was to completely disrupt the formation of these sword puppets.

Otherwise, with the repair ability of the Tongtian Sword Tower, within a quarter of an hour, the sword puppet will be restored to its original state.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng roared, and then attacked the sword puppet whose moves had slowed down due to the destruction of the first sword puppet.

The entire Thirty-Six Tiangang Sword Formation is a linkage. If there is a problem with one of them, the movement of the second sword puppet will be blocked.

Ling Feng immediately figured out which sword puppet would have the problem and seized this opportunity.

Boom boom boom!

Then, the third body, the fourth body...

Soon, Ling Feng was like a snowball, constantly expanding his advantage. When ten consecutive sword puppets were severely damaged by Ling Feng, the entire Thirty-six Tiangang Sword Formation was in chaos.

"It's time to break the formation!"

Ling Feng roared, and the prototype of the sword domain was activated to the extreme. The speed and power were all exploded to the limit. One by one, they continued to harvest the sword puppets.

Bang bang bang!

One sword puppet after another fell to the ground, and about half an hour later, the crystal on the ninth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower suddenly lit up.

"It's light! Oh my God!"

Outside the Tongtian Sword Tower, a warrior saw the crystal on the ninth floor suddenly light up. The dazzling light was almost impossible to look at.

"Oh my god, am I dazzled? Ling Feng... has broken through the eighth level?"

"It's too outrageous!"

"This Ling Feng..."

"It's just a month later, and it's just... this is too strong!"

The students who were watching were either lost their minds or shouting. Perhaps, even they themselves did not remember how long it had been since they had seen the crystal on the ninth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower light up.

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared under the sword tower, looking very tired.

He did not choose to continue to break into the ninth floor. In his current state, even if he went, he probably wouldn't be able to last even one round and would be severely defeated by those sword puppets.

As usual, Ling Feng did not stay long, and the onlookers all took the initiative to move out of the way, watching Ling Feng leave with their eyes of incomparable awe and admiration.

Storm, a new round of storm formed, and the center of the storm was Ling Feng.

"Have you heard that Ling Feng has broken through the eighth floor of Tongtian Sword Tower?"

"Hell, what I heard is the seventh level. You guys have traveled far beyond the mysterious realm."

"You've been doing this for a long time. Today, today, Ling Feng has broken through to the eighth level!"

"Oh my goodness, isn't this too fierce?"

"This is called genius! I am a genius. Do you understand a genius? A genius is a person who can do things that ordinary people cannot do."

"Genius Niu B, I'm convinced!"

For a time, the entire Single Moon Palace, and even the entire Yueling City, was once again swept by the news that Ling Feng had broken through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower.

That's probably what it means to be popular for a while.

As the central figure in the whole incident, Ling Feng quickly walked to the exchange hall with the contribution points gained from breaking through the sword formation.

Breaking through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower will reward you with 100 million contribution points. This 100 million can just be used to purchase Huangquan crystals.

This crystal can be used to accelerate the ripening of the Underworld Fruit. Not to mention just 100 million contribution points, even if it is a higher price, Ling Feng must win it.

Soon, Ling Feng returned to the exchange hall. Zhuge Waner and Linghu's twin sisters who had fought outside the hall before, in the end, no one could do anything to the other, and they could only leave in despair.

Of course, Ling Feng didn't know these things.

Quickly walking into the main hall, Ling Feng walked directly to the previous window and said urgently: "Sister, I'm back again. This is a 100 million contribution point!"

Ling Feng directly slapped his identity token on the counter. He couldn't wait to exchange it for the Huangquan crystal.

However, the girl's face became a little ugly. She bit her delicate lips, with a hint of shame on her face, and her eyes were a little red: "Yes...I'm sorry, Senior Brother Ling, I...I..."

When Ling Feng saw the girl crying, his heart thumped, and he knew something was wrong.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anyone who could compete with him for the Huangquan Crystal.

A round trip by myself, including the time to break into the tower, would only take about two hours.

"Senior Brother Ling, the Huangquan Crystal was bought by someone first. Wuwu... they forced me to say that I... I am just a small outer sect student. If I don't tell the truth, I..."

The girl had runny nose and tears, as if she had suffered a huge grievance.

"Okay, okay, I don't mean to blame you."

Ling Feng had two heads and two heads. He was already very upset because he had not been able to exchange for the aquamarine, but in the end, this woman was still crying, as if he had bullied her.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng tried his best to stay calm and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, what is going on?"

"'s Senior Brother Guan Shanyue Guan. He took away the Huangquan Crystal first!"

The girl gritted her silver teeth and said, "I don't know how he knew that you had been to the exchange hall. As soon as he came, he directly asked you what you had exchanged. I...I was frightened by his aura. How could he dare to lie? Then when he heard that you wanted to exchange the Huangquan Crystal, he just dropped 100 million contribution points and exchanged the Huangquan Crystal."

The girl looked at Ling Feng with red eyes and sobbed: "I'm sorry, I...I...wuwuwu..."

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