Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1999 The third hall master! (1 update)

At this time, outside the gate of Xuanjian Villa, there was a burly man standing in front of the gate with about seven or eight subordinates. This was the person who was making the noise just now.

I saw this man's long hair hanging down his shoulders, covering half of his face. The eyes under the long hair were sparkling and extremely sharp. Ling Feng could feel the sharpness in them even from dozens of meters away.

"What a strong momentum!"

From a distance, Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he felt a very dangerous aura like a ferocious beast from the long-haired man.

This person is probably also a strong swordsman.

"Who are you and why do you come to me?"

Ling Feng had a lazy look on his face, completely ignoring the dangerous aura emanating from the long-haired man.

"I am Gongshu Liang! The third leader of the Eastern Alliance!"

The long-haired man said coldly, but there was a hint of arrogance on his face, as if he was looking down at Ling Feng from a high place.

"Gong Shuliang? Never heard of it." Ling Feng shrugged, "Where are you among the top ten?"

"The ranking of the top ten is just to fool you ants in the outer courtyard. I voluntarily gave up the ranking of the top ten and submitted to Senior Brother Dongfang. The so-called top ten is just a false name. Following Senior Brother Dongfang, I will compete with others. The ranking of the top ten is so noble!"

That Gongshu Liang raised his head proudly and almost said: I will be a dog for Dongfang Chun, I am proud!

"Oh, then I understand, some people are just mean-spirited at heart. It's not right for a good top ten person to act like a dog to others."

Ling Feng took out a few pieces of Yuan Jing like a magic trick, threw them on the ground, and said with a faint smile: "Come on, dog, bark twice to hear it!"


Gongshu Liang's eyes surged with evil spirit, he stared at Ling Feng angrily, and said fiercely: "Boy, don't think that I won't dare to attack you just because you are hiding in the villa!"


Ling Feng curled his lips and smiled, did he need to hide?

"Senior Brother Dongfang, I cherish talents and decide to give you another chance!"

As Gongshu Liang spoke, he took out a fist-sized gem directly from the Naling Ring, glowing with a bright orange light.

From the gem, a strong underworld spiritual energy emanated.

This thing is exactly Huangquan crystal!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, this guy was so stupid that he sent the Huangquan Crystal to his door.

"This is the Huangquan crystal you want, worth 100 million contribution points!"

Gongshu Liang smiled arrogantly: "One hundred million, for ordinary students like you, is a sky-high price! But for Senior Brother Dongfang, it's just a drop in the bucket! You have worked so hard to break into the Tongtian Sword Tower and tossed back and forth, and you can barely save it. It’s just enough contribution points to buy a piece of Huangquan crystal. But if you join the Eastern Alliance, you can enjoy all this, so why not?”

"Today, as long as you nod your head, go and pay homage to Brother Dongfang in person, and become his follower, the Huangquan Crystal will be yours. With your strength, it will be a piece of cake to become the leader of the Eastern Alliance in the future."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The more Ling Feng listened, the more he laughed, "Follower? I follow him?"

"Yes, good birds choose trees to roost in. I think you are not a fool, right?" Gongshu Liang sneered.

"Sorry, I'm used to being a human being. I don't want to be like you, a dog!"

Ling Feng swung the long sword in his hand, narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Since you have brought the Huang Quan crystal to your door, then I am not polite. I have brought you the belt, how can I have the nerve to let you take it back! So, Stay!”


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Gong Shuliang.

"Damn it!"

Gongshu Liang didn't expect that Ling Feng would take action as soon as he said it, but his reaction was also extremely fast.

This guy is worthy of being the guy who dares to come to the door in person with the Huangquan Crystal. He knows that Ling Feng has broken through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower, but he still dares to come to the door. This shows that his strength is stronger than the previous Guan Shanyue.

"Boy, I think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin! Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Gongshu Liang snorted coldly, and his back danced like a dragon and snake. The terrifying power exploded instantly. His whole body turned into an arrow from the string and shot towards Ling Feng. In just a blink of an eye, Gongshu Liang's body spanned dozens of meters. The sword thrust out, silently, and the sword light was weak.


The swords of both sides collided and passed each other. At the moment of the collision, the terrifying explosive force directly opened a huge pit several feet deep under the two people's feet.

The scoundrels brought by Gongshu Liang around them quickly stepped aside. The strength of the two of them was both strong to a certain extent, and a fight would be earth-shattering.

"So strong!"

Chu Chaonan couldn't help but narrow his eyes, remembering that a month ago, Ling Feng fought with him. It was a long and hard fight, and they were evenly matched, but now...

Although his strength has also improved a lot, he asked himself that the gap between himself and Ling Feng may have widened now.

"What a monster!"

For the past month, Ling Feng has challenged the Tongtian Sword Tower every day, and almost every day he has been covered in bruises. These hardships are not in vain.

In this almost crazy practice, Ling Feng's strength naturally increased.

"Good boy, you really have some skills, no wonder you are so arrogant."

That Gongshu Liang snorted coldly, "But you're still too young! Defeat me!"

With a low roar, Gongshu Liang suddenly turned around and rushed towards Ling Feng again, as if he had turned into a ferocious beast. The long sword in his hand was like a monster's claws, seeming to tear everything in front of him into pieces.

Ling Feng's eyes reflected Gong Shuliang's figure, he approached instantly, thrust out his sword, and was less than an inch away from Ling Feng, his power poured in and exploded.

This sword shows that Gong Shuliang has reached a profound level in power control. The three powers of sword intention, sword power, and sword domain burst out at the same time and condensed into one point!

Gong Shuliang's sword exploded with all his strength, causing wind and thunder to stir. It was extremely powerful and earth-shattering.

But Ling Feng didn't move at all, nor did he draw his sword, just waiting for Gong Shuliang's sword to tear his body-protecting sword.


Chu Chaonan's eyelids jumped wildly. The power of this sword was too fierce. Ling Feng didn't even draw the sword. What on earth did he want to do?

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!


Everyone present could only vaguely see a blur of sword light, which appeared silently. The weak sword light seemed to pass over Gong Shuliang's body, and before that, there seemed to be the sound of wind and thunder.

Then with a "bang" sound, Gong Shuliang's figure flew backwards at a faster speed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in the air, splashing like rain.

Ling Feng's sword was still in the scabbard, as if the vague sword light just now was just an illusion.

One sword!

Gongshu Liang, under this sword, completely lost the ability to fight again.

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