Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2003 It can only be me! (2 updates)

After Ling Feng left, the students around him breathed a sigh of relief. Their spines felt chilly and the clothes on their backs were soaked with sweat.

The pressure that Ling Feng brought to them was too great!

"What a good guy, he actually bought 100 million to bet on himself to win. Could it be that he is really sure of winning?"

One student couldn't help but speculate.

"Must win? Don't say stupid things. He is just blindly confident."

"Is it really just blind confidence? He seems to be very confident!"

"Facing Dongfang Chun, it's useless no matter how confident you are!"

For a time, the news about Ling Feng showing up to place a bet on him spread quickly.

Ever since Ling Feng appeared on the Rookie Swordsman List, basically every move he makes seems to always cause a sensation in Yueling City.

And this time, naturally, it is no exception.

"That boy is so arrogant!"

Within the Eastern Alliance, the six hall masters were furious after receiving the news.

"It seems that we can't allow him to continue to be arrogant."

The first hall leader, Jiang Guangyi, had a cold look in his eyes and said coldly: "Send someone to pass on the news. Tomorrow at noon, I will set up a ring in the Tianwu Square of the Single Moon Palace and wait for that kid to come! I will be there at all times. In front of the students, give this kid a hard time!"

"Boss, it's up to you to take action!"

The eyes of the other hall masters flashed coldly.

Someone should take action to make that kid Ling Feng understand how much he weighs.


At Xuanjian Villa, Ling Feng held a thin booklet in his hand. He scanned it at a glance and threw it aside.

"Brother Ling, it seems that the people from the Eastern Alliance want to give you an unforgettable defeat in front of everyone!"

Chu Chaonan on the side said with interest.

Xiao Juanyun was a little worried and said slowly: "That guy obviously came with bad intentions. Brother Ling, do you want to take it? To be honest, if you give it to Dongfang Chun for free, that's okay, but if you If you lose to Jiang Guangyi, the news will soon spread that you overestimate your capabilities and actually tried to challenge Dongfang Chun, but in the end you couldn't even defeat his subordinates. "

"The so-called fame means nothing to me."

Ling Feng said expressionlessly: "What's more, I won't lose! He wants to leave me without a foothold in front of everyone, how can I let him do it! It just so happens that he invited so many audiences, I don't Wouldn't it be a bit disrespectful to let him lose face? "


Xiao Juanyun smiled. Ling Feng was Ling Feng. The opponent who could make him flinch was probably not born yet.

Noon the next day.

Within Tianwu Square, nearly 10,000 students gathered densely.

Even some deacons and elders came to nearby tall buildings to observe in secret.

Although Jiang Guangyi is not among the top ten, everyone knows that Jiang Guangyi's strength is definitely qualified to be among the top five of the top ten!

At this time, Jiang Guangyi was already standing on the ring, his burly body standing upright, like a mouth holding the sky, standing on the ring, exuding a domineering and stern aura.

However, on the other side, Ling Feng was still not in position, which made Jiang Guangyi a little impatient.

After all, he was the number one leader of the Eastern Alliance, so he condescended to issue the challenge in person, but this Ling Feng actually dared to be late!

This is too disrespectful of yourself!

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped over the crowd and flew directly onto the ring.

"Ling Feng is my prey! The one who defeats him must be me!"

The man said coldly, with a sparkle in his eyes.

"It's him!"

"Isn't this Ji Qingshan, who ranks fifth among the top ten?"

"Oh no, why did Ji Qingshan get up there?"

(PS: Ji Qingshan was mentioned in the previous article. For details, please see "Chapter 2024 The Man of the Year!")

The warriors in the audience looked at each other for a while, none of them were surprised. Jiang Guangyi was clearly challenging Ling Feng, but Ji Qingshan ran up to join in the fun?

"Ji Qingshan?"

There was a hint of joking on the corner of Jiang Guangyi's mouth, "The fifth among the top ten, Ji Qingshan! The person I want to teach you a lesson today is Ling Feng. It's none of your business, so you can leave on your own."

"Hmph, are you deaf?"

Ji Qingshan's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "I told you, Ling Feng is my prey! The only one who wants to defeat him today is me!"


Jiang Guangyi laughed loudly, "Ji Qingshan, do you think that the reason why you are ranked fifth among the top ten is because of your ability? No, it's just because I don't bother to compete with you! Okay, I'll stop here. , if you don’t want to be embarrassed, you’d better leave quickly!”


Ji Qingshan's eyes flashed coldly, "I deserve to be ranked fifth! I will let you understand this! Since Ling Feng hasn't come yet, let me get rid of you first, and then I will Deal with him together! You will all become my losers!"

"Is it?"

A flash of sarcasm flashed across Jiang Guangyi's face: "In that case, it's not bad for you to warm up before Ling Feng."

The two people on the stage were competing with each other, and both of them made shocking remarks.

Ji Qingshan, the fifth among the top ten, has a resounding reputation, needless to say.

And Jiang Guangyi is also an uncrowned king. Although he does not have the title of strong man, his strength is definitely extraordinary.

"Draw out your sword."

Jiang Guangyi smiled coldly and said: "Otherwise, you, the so-called fifth among the top ten, will probably not have a chance to use your sword."

"You will regret saying such ignorant things!"

Ji Qingshan let out a low roar, unsheathed his long sword, and the sword light flashed like an aurora across the sky. His figure flew forward and turned into an arrow from the string. He stabbed Jiang Guangyi in a straight line. He was so fast that he even stayed in place. There was an extremely condensed afterimage.

"This Ji Qingshan is so fast!"

"He is stronger than before. It seems that he has not been idle for a moment during this period!"

Some elders who were quite familiar with Ji Qingshan narrowed their eyes. Compared with more than a month ago, Ji Qingshan's strength had improved a lot.

However, Jiang Guangyi just stood there, motionless.

"Underestimate me? You will pay a heavy price for it!"

Ji Qingshan snorted coldly. When the sword edge approached Jiang Guangyi's body-protecting aura, the sword domain opened instantly. The powerful and condensed sword domain, hiding the edge a little, broke through Jiang Guangyi's aura in an instant, and at the same time stabbed at a faster speed. Toward Jiang Guangyi, when the tip of the sword was an inch away from Jiang Guangyi's throat, the rules of thunder were poured into it, and it exploded instantly.

The power of thunder and the power of wild thunder erupted at the same time, almost crushing everything in front of it!

"Oh My God!"

The astonishing roar was extremely harsh.

Jiang Guangyi's eyes also flashed with surprise. He didn't expect Ji Qingshan to have such strength, so he had underestimated him.


Jiang Guangyi's mouth curled up. Although his strength was not weak, it was nothing more than that!

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