Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2005 Do you want to fight again? (1 update)

"Want me to draw the sword first?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, with a playful curve on his lips, "Are you worthy?"

"You are indeed arrogant! Well, you have to pay the price with blood for your arrogance!"

Jiang Guangyi roared and slashed towards Ling Feng.

"That Ling Feng has completely angered Jiang Guangyi. This time, Ling Feng will probably pay an extremely painful price!"

Many viewers in the audience shook their heads and sighed. Ling Feng was originally the most evil genius in the One Moon Palace in the past hundreds, or even in the past millennium.

It's a pity that he was so arrogant that he provoked people he shouldn't have provoked before he had grown up.


The void trembled, and as the giant sword in Jiang Guangyi's hand fell, Ling Feng was struck from the forehead by a sword, and was actually cut in half.

"Huh? No!"

Jiang Guangyi's expression changed. He clearly didn't feel like he was hitting the enemy.

"Boy, don't even think about avoiding my domineering sword!"

Jiang Guangyi roared and took action again.

"Hide? You think too highly of yourself!"

The next moment, two figures passed each other.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Ling Feng sheathed his sword with a playful arc.

Jiang Guangyi's pupils suddenly shrank and he lowered his head suddenly. The skirt of his clothes was already blood red!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Guangyi's eyelids twitched wildly, it's impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

He didn't believe it anyway, how could Ling Feng's sword be so fast!

Thinking about it carefully, at that last moment, my swordsmanship seemed to be disturbed, and it was inexplicably slow.

But he didn't know that what Ling Feng was wielding was the Wanxiang True Sword.

Jiang Guangyi clenched his fist tightly. In fact, if Ling Feng had not been merciful, if the sword had been a few inches deeper, it would not have been as simple as injury.

Even his life is at risk!

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Although the behavior of your Eastern Alliance makes me very unhappy, at least it is still aboveboard. You should be lucky that you directly set up a ring to ask me to fight, otherwise, if you come with me to set up a conspiracy, Yes, hehe, it’s not as simple as being stabbed with a sword.”

Cold sweat broke out on Jiang Guangyi's forehead. In fact, he was just too arrogant to bother with Ling Feng.

Who knew that this guy could be so powerful.

It’s so strong that it’s even a bit unbelievable!

"Oh my god, this Ling Feng is really becoming more and more kingly!"

"Yes, even the first leader of the Eastern Alliance was defeated by him. My God, can he really defeat Dongfang Chun?"

"How is this possible? Are you thinking too much?"

A student named Du Yue Tiangong, whether he was optimistic about Ling Feng or not, was obviously shocked again by the strength shown by Ling Feng in his heart.

The members of the Eastern Alliance were crestfallen. They thought they would see the first hall leader rub Ling Feng's energy hard today, but unexpectedly, it actually made Ling Feng's reputation even more impressive.

Guan Shanyue, Gongshu Liang and other hall leaders clenched their fists tightly, their teeth itching with hatred, but they could only shrink their necks, not even daring to fart.

Even Jiang Guangyi was defeated. Who do they think they are?

(PS: The manuscript is almost ready, that is, it will be updated this week.)



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