Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2016 Don’t blame me for being cruel! (3 updates)

The next moment, Bu Jinglei from the Thunder League and a few scoundrels around him forced their way into the hall.

Anger surged in Bu Jinglei's eyes. He stared at Jiang Guangyi fiercely and cursed: "You bastard, what did you say at the beginning? You said Ling Feng wouldn't be there, why is he here? Are you kidding me?"

"Leader Bu, you can't say that!"

Jiang Guangyi tried his best to stay calm and said slowly: "We did set up the barrier, and we did watch Ling Feng walk into the barrier, but he came out of the barrier later, so there is really nothing we can do."

"Fuck your mother!"

Bu Jinglei covered the wound on his chest. Because he was too excited, the wound burst open and the front of his clothes was stained red with blood.

"It's your problem that you failed to do what you promised. Now that I have been disgraced, you, the Eastern Alliance, must compensate! If you don't contribute one billion points to compensate, I won't leave!"

"I think you are being unreasonable!"

Jiang Guangyi sneered and said: "Bu Jinglei, how seldom do you give me a slap in the face! Who said that Ling Feng was nothing to worry about? Even if he showed up, you would give him a painful lesson? Now it's better to use your own skills. You are not as good as a human being, and you come to our Eastern Alliance to act wild?"

Jiang Guangyi stared at Bu Jinglei coldly and said in a cold voice: "I'll give you ten breaths to get out! Otherwise, I don't mind beating you up again! You seem to be seriously injured now!"

"Are you still mad at me?"

Bu Jinglei's teeth itched with hatred, "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if I destroy you, it will still be more than enough!"

"Then give it a try!"

Jiang Guangyi was also scolded by Bu Jinglei. He was already angry. After the two of them scolded each other for a while, they could no longer suppress their anger.

Clang, clank!

For a moment, there was a tense situation in the main hall, and with the sound of a teacup being thrown, the two sides immediately fought together.

The skinny camel was bigger than the horse. Although Jing Lei was injured in that step, his strength should not be underestimated. With his long sword, he was able to suppress all the six hall masters.

On the other side, the younger brothers on both sides were also fighting fiercely, and the whole scene was in chaos.

After the two sides fought hard for half an hour, they were both out of breath. The thunderous step was even more tragic. Old injuries were added to new ones, and they were almost unable to get up.

The Eastern Alliance still had the numerical advantage and finally suppressed the Thunder Alliance.

"Hmph, you dare to act wild in our Eastern Alliance, Bu Jinglei, you are so shameless!"

Jiang Guangyi spat out a mouthful of bloody foam and stepped on the wound on Bu Jinglei's chest. The pain made Bu Jinglei scream.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

At this moment, a misty voice suddenly came over, suddenly high and low, distant and close, and clearly fell into the ears of every warrior in the hall.



Everyone in the hall suddenly became alert, and everyone looked solemn.

"Have all your conflicts been resolved?"

The voice gradually became closer and closer, and finally, a white shadow, like a ghost, suddenly tore out of the void.

It's actually Ling Feng!

It turned out that Ling Feng did not return directly to Xuanjian Villa, but came alone to seek revenge with one man and one sword.

"Ling...Ling Feng!"

Jiang Guangyi was startled, "Why are you here!"

Ling Feng sneered, "Now that your conflict has been resolved, it's time to resolve the conflict between us!"

Just now, when the Eastern Alliance and Thunder Alliance were scolding each other, they explained all the ins and outs clearly.

Ling Feng did not accuse them wrongly.

"you you……"

Jiang Guangyi's eyelids twitched wildly. He never expected that Ling Feng would appear here.

Moreover, the primary election happened when the leaders of their six major halls, He Bu Jinglei, were almost exhausted.

Little did they know that the sound of the tea cup being thrown was also caused by Ling Feng.

"What are you, you, didn't I say before, if you dare to cheat on me, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, he stared at Jiang Guangyi coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Today, I will fulfill what I said!"

"Wait, wait!"

Jiang Guangyi was horrified. He couldn't beat Ling Feng in his prime, let alone this situation.

This is simply a one-sided killing!

However, Ling Feng didn't give him a chance to speak.

The next moment, there was an attack one after another.

Guan Shanyue, Gongshu Liang, a hall leader named Dongfang Alliance, and poor Bu Jinglei were all kicked into the sky by Ling Feng, and then, just like kicking sandbags, he kept letting them fly up from the sky, Fall, fly, fall...

That scene was simply spectacular!

As for the other members of the Eastern Alliance and the Thunder Alliance, they didn't even dare to say a word for fear of being brutally tortured by Ling Feng.


With a scream, Guan Shanyue went up to the sky and cursed: "Ling Feng, you must die a good death!"

There was another scream, and Gongshu Liang went up to the sky, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Ling Feng, I have something to say, I have something to say! I give in!"

Then, Jiang Guangyi also went up to heaven, "Ling Feng, Senior Brother Dongfang will never let you go! He will never let you go!"

"Oh no!"

Next, Bu Jinglei was thrown high up, crashing the roof directly. He was foaming at the mouth, with stars in his eyes, and he was shouting incoherently: "Oh my god, I'm afraid of heights!"




Screams came one after another, after ravaging these guys for eight hours.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

The six hall masters plus Bu Jinglei fell heavily to the ground, foaming at the mouth, bruised all over, and their faces were swollen like pigs' heads. I guess even their mothers couldn't recognize them.

"This is just a small lesson! If there is a next time, you can think about it yourself!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and in the fearful and horrified eyes of the crowd, he walked away.



In the hall, Jiang Guangyi and others, some vomited blood, some spit white foam, some had empty eyes and looked like they had lost all hope, and some banged their heads on the ground, in agony.

After all, they are the top masters in Du Yue Tian Palace. They were beaten so badly in front of so many younger brothers.

Don't they have face?

How will they survive in the future?

However, what made them even more upset was that Ling Feng came back in less than 30 breaths.

"Well, I wasted so much time today and played with you for so long. Should I pay some labor fees or something?"

Ling Feng stretched out a finger and said calmly: "My request is not high. One billion! One billion contribution points, take it out and I will leave now, otherwise, we can play for a while."

Jiang Guangyi looked at the unlucky guys around him and wanted to die.

It is true that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Looking at Ling Feng's malicious smile, Jiang Guangyi and his friends dared not disobey him. The seven people gathered together and took out one billion contribution points and handed them to Ling Feng together.

"You are wise!" Ling Feng patted Jiang Guangyi's cheek, grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and then turned and left.

"Oh my God!"

"Is there any justice in the world?"

Looking at Ling Feng's back as he left, Jiang Guangyi and the others couldn't help but burst into tears.

This is too much bullying!


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