Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2018 Condensation! Ling Feng's Sword Domain! (5 updates)

"Wow, the Thirty-Six Tiangang Sword Formation is broken!"

"This is too fast, it takes less than one stick of incense!"

"Oh my God, there are such terrifying monsters in this world!"

Inside the Tongtian Sword Tower.

Looking at the one hundred sword puppets with astonishing momentum in front of him, Ling Feng took a deep breath.

"Hundred Gods Bombing Immortal Formation!"

Although he had tried the Hundred Gods Immortal Immortal Formation dozens of times, Ling Feng still felt breathless as soon as he stepped into the range of one hundred overlapping sword fields.

He could only hold his breath and keep the prototype of his sword domain intact, otherwise, once the prototype of the sword domain was shattered, he would only be killed instantly.

"The Hunyuan Lock is fully opened!"

"Eight Desolations are immortal!"

"Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique!"

Ling Feng used all the trump cards that could enhance his physical defense, even the Holy Spirit Secret Art. The power of the Holy Spirit covered his whole body, and his aura increased a lot.

However, facing the airtight attack of those hundred sword puppets, Ling Feng could only resist for a while and had no chance to take the initiative to use his sword.

One hundred sword puppets, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice and thunder, shadow, light and darkness, speed and power, sonic poison...

The coordination of those sword puppets can be said to be flawless. This kind of coordination is different from the sword formation formed by human warriors. It does not require running-in at all, and there will be no mistakes.

For more than a month, Ling Feng only increased the time he could hold on in the Hundred Gods Immortal Formation to about the time it takes for a cup of tea.

"Today, we must unite the sword realm!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with energy. For more than a month, Ling Feng had been using the Hundred Gods Immortal Formation to push himself to the limit. Only in this extreme state could he unleash his greatest potential!


Ling Feng's speed was a little slower, and a long sword from behind had already stabbed over, piercing Ling Feng's shoulder without any hindrance.

Although these injuries will probably recover after reaching the outside world, during the process of breaking into the tower, both the pain and the consequences of such injuries are extremely real.

Ling Feng's right arm shook, and his whole body slowed down. Then, with a few more chi chi sounds, his left leg, which had ribs, was pierced by two long swords.

Blood flowed out gurglingly, Ling Feng flew back, and his actions began to appear uncoordinated.

"As time goes by, it turns out that I still can't resist this level of sword domain!"

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead, but he was not one to give up lightly.

"I have reached the peak of the prototype of the sword domain. Whether it is the sword intention or the sword force, I have perfected it. Today, I must break through in one fell swoop to condense the sword domain!"

Ling Feng kept using his sword to fight with those sword puppets. Because he had been injured before, Ling Feng would be hit by one sword almost every three times.

Moreover, after his speed gradually slowed down, it almost became a one-sided killing.

In fact, every time he broke into the tower, Ling Feng endured the pain of being pierced by thousands of swords.

Ling Feng would not leave the tower easily without pushing himself to the limit.

Even if he was unable to resist, Ling Feng had to rely on his astonishing willpower to persist for a longer time under this hundred-layered sword field.

Because every time he persists for one more breath, his chances of condensing the sword domain will be greater.



Ling Feng's whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he couldn't find a complete place at all. The intense pain and the weakness caused by excessive blood loss made him feel that he had reached his limit.

"Hey, it still doesn't work?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. After breaking into the tower many times, he gradually understood the rules of the Tongtian Sword Tower.

In fact, although people who break into the tower are immune to death in the tower, all injuries are grafted onto the origin of their souls.

Every time he was injured in the tower, Ling Feng could feel a feeling deep in his soul that made him convulse with pain and make him miserable.

However, from another perspective, Ling Feng is a soul master who has practiced soul skills. The daily damage to the soul's origin has improved his fighting soul level to a certain extent.

Although it is still at the level of a silver fighting spirit, the dim golden light emanating from the spirit has become more condensed.

"No, I can still think, which means I can continue to persevere!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and his whole brain almost seemed to explode.

The backlash caused by the injury to his soul has made him almost unable to move, like a sieve, being ruthlessly "ravaged" by those sword puppets.

As long as he relaxes his mind a little, he will be automatically transported out, ending all this pain.

But, he didn't do this!

Ten breaths!

Ling Feng seemed to be under the eighteenth level of hell, experiencing the torture of being cut into pieces with thousands of knives.

Twenty breaths!

Ling Feng felt that his soul was about to break out of this body.

The pain was so severe that he almost couldn't breathe.

However, in the midst of this destruction, new power was born!

A soft aura gradually enveloped Ling Feng from the sea of ​​spirit.

And suspended in the sea of ​​​​spirits, the two sword-shaped light groups that symbolize the sword's killing sword intention and the reincarnation sword intention actually merge into one. This is a brand new force.

And Ling Feng was so familiar with this kind of power and power that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

Sword domain!

Ling Feng's own sword domain has finally been completely condensed!

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