Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 206 Even if it’s inappropriate, it’s appropriate!

"Devil Tutor" Leng Jianfeng pushed open the door and walked in. He looked around Ling Feng, touched the beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "Boy, I really took advantage of you. How about it? You feel better all over." !”

Ling Feng nodded, "Thank you, Professor Leng, for the medicinal bath. By the way, Professor Leng, how long have I been unconscious?"

"Oh, it didn't take long, you just fell asleep for two days and two nights." Leng Jianfeng said with his mouth shut.

"Just two days?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and breathed a sigh of relief. He finally did not miss the time agreed with Yan Cangtian.

"Two days and two nights are not enough! Damn it, I spent a lot of money on you, even using the thousand-year-old purple blood ginseng. If you don't wake up, those little bastards will cause trouble!"

Leng Jianfeng chuckled and said, "Okay, now that you've woken up, go back quickly! Don't think that you can be lazy just because you have made some limelight for the students in the East Campus. The two hundred laps during your coma, I Remember, you have to run twenty more laps every day for a month, do you understand?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this guy really deserves the word "devil's teaching"!

However, thinking that he actually took out the thousand-year-old purple blood ginseng to restore himself, Ling Feng still felt a little grateful in his heart, nodded and said: "Yes, Leng Jiaoxi!"

"By the way, from now on, you will be the chief of the East Campus. You will assist this teacher and supervise the practice of all students. Are there any questions?"

"Chief of the East Campus?" Ling Feng blinked, "What's the benefit of that?"

"You kid..." Leng Jianfeng almost couldn't help but want to kick Ling Feng. I don't know how many people want to be the chief student, but they can't get it. This bastard actually wants to get benefits!

"Isn't it good? Let's forget it, Leng Jiaoxi, I'm used to being idle by myself, and I can't even take care of myself!"

Ling Feng shrugged. Are you kidding? He has no interest in caring about other people's cultivation progress. What's more, he has to go to Yan Cangtian every three days to study the "Medicine King's Prescriptions" and treat his poison. How can he? That extra energy.

"Oh no, why did you work so hard that day! Everyone has unanimously voted to elect you as the chief!"

"I...I just think I can run thirty more laps..."

Ling Feng felt helpless. He was so enthusiastic at that time, but ended up cheating himself. Who knew that the first day of training would be linked to being the chief student!

If other people knew that Ling Feng was so dismissive of the chief student, they would probably want to slap him to death with the sole of his shoe. You don't want to leave the opportunity to others! There are many people who want to be good!

"You bastard little bastard, I'm going to give you some face, right?"

Leng Jianfeng kicked Ling Feng out of the room with a flying kick, and made a decision on his own in a very rogue manner, "Huh! As chief, you can be responsible or not!"

Then, the old gangster closed the door with a bang, giving Ling Feng no chance to refuse.


Ling Feng's face looked like he was about to cry but had no tears. It was like a scholar meeting a soldier, and there was no reason to explain.

Ling Feng walked between the pavilions and pavilions for most of the day before he found the place where the disciples with yellow letters lived.

After confirming that it was the "Tianshu East Courtyard" where he lived, Ling Feng strode into the courtyard.

At this moment, there was no one in the courtyard. It seemed that they all went to cultural classes.

According to the course schedule, today should be a course on imperial history and military strategy, and a middle-aged and bald instructor responsible for teaching the rules of changes in the attributes of infuriating energy.

"It's okay if there's no one around!" Ling Feng shrugged and decided to practice swordsmanship a few times and stretch his muscles first.

As soon as he took out his sword, he saw Ouyang Jing and Jiang Xiaofan rushing into the courtyard carrying a fine iron sword.

"Oh no, brother, you are finally back!"

When Ouyang Jing saw Ling Feng coming back, he immediately rushed forward excitedly and said with tears in his eyes: "I thought that old beast, Mr. Leng, took you back and abused you!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy has such a rich imagination. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "It's nothing. Leng Jiaoxi just took me back for treatment."

"That's good. Yesterday, Teacher Leng asked us to send you clean clothes. I thought you were..." Ouyang Jing coughed a few times and lowered his voice: "I thought Teacher Leng had that kind of bad habit. Woolen cloth!"

"What bad hobby?" Jiang Xiaofan was pure at heart and did not understand Ouyang Jing's dirty thoughts at all.


Ling Feng felt a black eye on his head and kicked Ouyang Jing on the butt. When we first met him, we thought this guy was a serious person. Only after we got to know him better did we realize how corrupt he was at heart!

"Hehe... isn't this a joke!" Ouyang Jing rubbed his butt and said with a smile: "Brother, you are now famous in our East Campus! I heard that many female students are secretly doing this for you. I’m secretly wiping my tears!”

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Boring!"

"That's right, that instructor Su who taught the history of the empire today asked about you!" Jiang Xiaofan added: "Instructor Su seemed to be very concerned when she saw that you didn't go to class."

"Hehe, Teacher Su really can't say enough about that figure, that appearance..." Ouyang Jing sighed softly, "If I can marry such a top-notch person in my life, tsk tsk tsk..."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and poked his forehead, saying speechlessly: "Second brother, if you have such thoughts, you might as well practice hard!"

Ouyang Jing put the sword on his neck, "I just want to think about it, but I can't even think about it!"

"By the way, where are Zhou Kai, Feng Mo and the others? Why haven't they come back?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. The arrogant Yang Jun stopped talking. Zhou Kai and the others were usually quite enthusiastic, so they asked a few more questions.

"After that guy Feng Mo finished his course on the history of the empire, he went to the library to borrow books on the history of the empire. That guy is probably a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking."

Ouyang Jing pursed his lips, waved the fine iron sword in his hand and performed a few basic sword skills. He said lightly: "As for Zhou Kai and He Yiming, they seem to have gone to the sword fighting field. But I saw them from a distance. There seemed to be a conflict with the students from the West Campus at the sword fighting arena. I was in a hurry to find Xiao Fan, so I didn’t read on and didn’t know what the specific situation was.”

"Sword fighting arena? What is Zhou Kai doing in the sword fighting arena?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Tianwei Academy was based on martial arts, so it also strongly encouraged competition among students.

The sword fighting field is a place where students compete with each other, not necessarily with swords, but with swords, guns, swords, halberds, and eighteen kinds of weapons.

Moreover, according to the number of people fighting, it is also divided into single sword fighting and team sword fighting.

Because the students trained by Tianwei Academy are all elites destined for the empire, they pay special attention to teamwork and cooperation. Similar to a five-person team sword fighting competition, it is also the most popular mode among the four universities in the imperial capital.

"It seems like it's because of Zhou Kai's sister. I heard that Zhou Kai has a sister who came with him and was assigned to the west courtyard. It seems that his sister was molested!" Ouyang Jing curled his lips and said.

At this moment, there was a "dong-dong" knock on the door, which was ajar, and then a crisp voice came, "Excuse me, does Zhou Kai live here?"

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