Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2040 Divide the blood! (3 updates)

"Bloodthirsty - plunder!"

Ling Feng couldn't remember how many times he had opened the Predatory Demonic Eye since then. He only felt that the power of Qi and blood in his body was about to burst him, about to burst him.

As a result, the golden hair on his body turned red, and his whole body exuded an extremely strong smell of blood, as if he was a Shura who emerged from the Nine Nether Hell.

Gradually, those vampires finally felt the danger of Ling Feng and no longer dared to provoke Ling Feng. Even thousands of feet away, they felt Ling Feng's terrifying and evil aura from a distance. Stay away.

At this time, there are still three hours before the end of the Blood Moon!

The long night is still slow.


Ling Feng gasped for breath. He felt that the predatory eyes on his forehead were almost scalding hot, and his whole head was about to burn.

If another batch of vampires came, he felt that the Yuan Seizing Blood Beads would exceed the load and explode.

The huge power of Qi and blood accumulated in his limbs, like cement, almost solidified in his body. Every time he breathed, there was a feeling of swelling and pain like being exhausted.

The hair of the giant ape he transformed into was soaked with sweat. After resisting waves of mental shocks, Ling Feng felt that he was extremely tired.

"Such a huge power of Qi and blood cannot be refined in a short period of time and can only be stored."

Ling Feng's thoughts changed rapidly. If he didn't transfer the power of Qi and blood, he might not even be able to move freely.

"Zifeng, come out!"

With a thought, Ling Feng directly summoned Zifeng. In a flash of light, a figure fell on Ling Feng's shoulder.

Although this guy used the origin of mutated earth in Long Xingye (PS: See "Chapter 1769 The Origin of Mutated Earth" for details, Zifeng used the body of Long Xingye of the Long family to evolve into a human form). But he still liked to be cute as always, so he transformed into a human boy and stood on Ling Feng's shoulders, which was about the same size as Ling Feng's head when he transformed into a giant ape.

"Master, the evil spirit on your body is too strong!"

Zifeng frowned. If he hadn't sensed the soul connection between himself and Ling Feng, Zifeng wouldn't have believed that the monster in front of him was his master.

"Something has happened. Please think of a way to remove some of the energy of blood from my body."

Ling Feng frowned deeply. Such a huge power of energy and blood was probably enough for him to refine the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique to over 500 dragon elephants. It would be impossible to complete the refining in a short period of time.

Zifeng looked at Ling Feng, shook his head and said: "This is too much. With my ability, I can only transfer one-tenth at most."

"With such a good thing, why don't you call me this divine beast!"

There was a flash of dim light, and that fellow, Jian Donkey, jumped out with Xiao Qiongqi in his arms and landed on Ling Feng's other shoulder.

With Ling Feng's current huge body, it is more than enough to stand on a donkey.

"Well, what a pure energy and blood power!"

The bitch looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "Hey, boy Ling Feng, I saw that you were in trouble, so I came out to help this time! Look, I even brought Xiao Qiongqi out!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This guy didn't come to help, he clearly came to take advantage of the situation!

The power of Qi and blood absorbed by Zifeng can be returned to himself. If this bitch sucks it, it will be refined by himself, and it is impossible to return it.

However, given the current situation, we had no choice but to let them suck it.

How much can you suck!

In his current situation, he would have to absorb at least half of it before he could regain his normal mobility.

"Suck it! Suck as much as you can!"

Ling Feng glared at Ling Feng angrily, and the guy immediately burst out laughing. He immediately lay down on Ling Feng's shoulder, opened his big mouth, bit down on Ling Feng's shoulder, and started drinking.

This guy's way of devouring the power of energy and blood is really primitive!

Then, Xiao Qiongqi and Zifeng also took action, and Ling Feng even thought that their speed was too slow, so he released the underworld dragon and let him also devour the power of his blood.

About half an hour later, Xiao Qiongqi was the first to be defeated. He rolled his eyelids and passed out from drinking.

Not long after, Zifeng set up the formation, and the underworld dragon set up the formation. Finally, the bitch burped, as if he was drunk, and fell directly from Ling Feng's shoulder with a thud.

"Hold...hold this beast to death! Ugh!"

The bitch fell to the ground. Instead of crying out in pain, he held his belly and vomited out two mouthfuls of blood. Then he quickly covered his mouth and sucked back the vomited blood.

"Can't waste it, can't waste it!"

Ling Feng's lips twitched as he saw this, this bitch would die sooner or later because of his greed.

However, with the efforts of Jianlu and the others, the power of qi and blood accumulated in the limbs and bones was finally released, and the power of qi and blood circulated continuously, transforming into his own strength.

Ling Feng struck while the iron was hot, and Dragon Elephant's divine power rapidly increased.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng had already raised the power of the dragon elephant to that of a hundred and fifty dragons!

Since breaking through to the Emperor Realm, this is the first time that Ling Feng has made such a huge improvement in the body refining process.

Not only that, the impact of the resentment of those vampires also tempered the origin of Ling Feng's soul to a certain extent.

The golden light emitted by his silver fighting spirit became much more intense.

Perhaps, it won't be long before he can completely transform into a golden fighting spirit.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng raised his palm. Although affected by the power of the blood moon, the state of the real body of chaos could not be relieved. Regardless, at least he could move freely.

"You guys go back first!"

With a wave of his hand, Ling Feng sent Bitch and the others back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. With a sweep of his mind, he noticed Chu Chaonan hiding in the cave and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

This guy's registration ability is quite good. I didn't throw him into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace in time just now, but he still survived strong.

"Brother Chu!"

Ling Feng called softly. Although he deliberately lowered his voice, it was still like thunder.

Chu Chaonan crawled out of the hole and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no other vampires around.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyelids suddenly twitched, a strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously, and he stared in the direction behind him.

In the distance, he could vaguely see several small black dots speeding towards this side, and behind them, there seemed to be some terrifying existence chasing them.

Ling Feng could only see an extremely huge black shadow at that time!

Gradually, through the moonlight of the bloody moon, Ling Feng could vaguely see clearly that the black shadows were a pair of huge wingspan, nearly ten feet in size.

It was one, the king of the blood clan!

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