Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2084 Both sides suffer! (2 updates)

In the bloody battle space.

A look of horror flashed across the face of the young master of the golden dragon. Ling Feng, who had opened the Eye of Shura, had more than doubled his strength.

Using his hands non-stop, Young Master Jin Jiao continued to condense the demonic fire thunder, and in conjunction with the blood clones, he continued to attack Ling Feng, not giving him any chance to breathe.

"You actually have such strength, and today, I can't even keep you!"

Young Master Jin Jiao had an extremely evil and malicious look in his eyes. Before he was promoted to the Saint level, Ling Feng was so powerful. If he were truly promoted to the Saint level, where would he be able to stand?

"The evil dragon is coming!"

There was a roar, and behind the young master of the golden dragon, what was originally just a huge dragon head shadow became more and more condensed at this moment, and a ray of consciousness seemed to appear in the blood-colored pupils!

Ling Feng's expression condensed.

Could it be that this young master of the golden dragon could actually use a trace of the power of the ancient evil dragon?

"Boy, you are proud enough to be able to force me to burn a drop of evil dragon essence and blood and gain the blessing of the evil dragon's power for a short time!"

Young Master Jin Jiao made an extremely cold voice, and the divine soul behind him also made an extremely low and hoarse voice, which merged with Young Master Jin Jiao's voice, making it look extremely strange.

It seemed that the person talking to Ling Feng was not Young Master Jin Jiao, but an ancient evil dragon!

With the blessing of the power of the evil dragon, Young Master Jin Jiao's strength has once again risen to another level, even comparable to some veteran saints at the fourth level of the Nine Transformation Realm!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Young Master Jin Jiao smiled ferociously. His blood clones also received a wisp of evil dragon power, and their strength skyrocketed.

Boom boom boom!

A clone of Qi and Blood rushed towards Ling Feng madly, bombarding him wildly.

Ling Feng danced his swords wildly, blocking wildly, but in the end, he lost any room to resist under the crazy attacks of those Qi and blood clones.




Ling Feng's body was like a sandbag, beaten so badly by dozens of Qi and blood clones that he vomited blood.

Even with the Eye of Shura open, Ling Feng was still at an absolute disadvantage under the suppression of absolute power.

Fortunately, because he shared life with Zifeng, although he seemed to be beaten very miserably, before Zifeng's life force was exhausted, theoretically, Ling Feng was equivalent to half immortal.

Of course, there is no immunity to the severe pain of being tortured by blood.

"No, little friend Ling Feng, I can't hold it anymore!"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned deeply. In the current situation, Ling Feng had no room to resist. If this continues, the genius of this generation may die.

All the elders of the famous tribe frowned and sighed, but with the powerful Demon Saint in front, they could not save Ling Feng at all.

"Brother Ling!"

Chu Chaonan clenched his fists tightly and muttered in his heart: Old man, where have you gone at this time?

"You're not dead yet, you're so thick-skinned!"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly, the blessing power of the Evil Dragon's Dharma Appearance could not last long, and he had to fight quickly.

Otherwise, once Ling Feng is given a chance to breathe, the situation may be reversed.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Young Master Jin Jiao, and he raised his big hand. The shadow behind him also stretched out his huge palm along with the main body.


Then he saw the young master of the golden dragon, holding Ling Feng's body firmly in his palm from across the distance.

Ling Feng's body was hanging high in the air, caught by the divine soul behind the golden dragon master. The whole body was almost dyed red with blood. He was dying, with more air coming out and less air coming in. Only half of the body was left. A small life.

"it's over!"

Young Master Jin Jiao grabbed Ling Feng tightly, and his palms continued to increase in strength.

He wants to crush Ling Feng completely!

"Yeah, it's over!"

However, at this moment, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and a shadow that had almost completely transformed into golden color floated up from behind Ling Feng.

"Silver soul skill, mysterious curse shadow bite!"

In an instant, the shadow behind him split into three and turned into three shadows, attacking and killing Young Master Jin Jiao.

"Armor-removing thorn!"

"Breaking Blood Sting!"

"Bone Spur!"

Everything happened too fast and suddenly!

Three shadows instantly penetrated the demonic essence around Young Master Jin Jiao, and a blood mark appeared on Young Master Jin Jiao's neck!


A scream rang out, and blood splattered out from Young Master Jin Jiao's neck. The shadow behind him was also shaken violently and became transparent in an instant.


Ling Feng's body lost its restraints, fell from the air, and fell heavily to the ground. There was a "click" sound, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

As for the young master of the golden dragon, he covered his neck and rolled crazily on the ground.

In this battle, both sides suffer losses!

No one expected a lose-lose situation for both parties!

In fact, if Young Master Jin Jiao had not increased the power of his blood tenfold in the bloody battle space, and his vitality had also increased tenfold, he would have been dead when Ling Feng suddenly cast the "Mysterious Curse Shadow Bite" Warped.

"Golden fighting spirit?"

Zhuge Qingtian's eyelids twitched suddenly. He had seen Ling Feng display his fighting spirit before, but now, almost 90% of Ling Feng's fighting spirit had transformed into the golden fighting spirit level!

No wonder, the Supreme Elder of the Xuanyuan family had personally said that if Ling Feng suddenly used his secret hand, even an old guy of their level could forcibly replace one of them.

Now it seems that this statement is indeed true!


Ling Feng spat out a mouthful of blood and struggled to get up from the ground.

His cheeks were stained red with blood, and the vertical pupils on his forehead had closed again.

At this moment, he was extremely weak, and his last soul skill had drained away all the power of his consciousness.

Fortunately, Young Master Jin Jiao was finally severely injured.

He won this battle!

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