Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2094 The power of creation! (3 updates)

After Liu Yunyan left, Ling Feng also returned to his room. After closing the door, he sat cross-legged and meditated.

"The power of divine consciousness has increased a little!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he still couldn't see inside the spiritual sea, he could only vaguely see a black mist that enveloped his entire spiritual sea. However, there was a golden light in the faint. It seemed to be rushing out of the black mist.

(PS: Some people have doubts about why the power of chaos is sealed. Indeed, the power of chaos is all-encompassing. Even ghost magic such as corpse soul sealing is also included in the power of chaos. It stands to reason that it can be transformed. . However, this assimilation also takes time. For example, if Ling Feng is a body of chaos, wouldn't any attribute be able to harm him? But in fact, Ling Feng also needs to convert the power of chaos into those force attributes. Only then can you be immune to attribute damage.

In the same way, the reason why the power of chaos was sealed was because Ling Feng had never been exposed to ghost magic before. If ordinary people are unable to save themselves from the Soul Seal, then the reason why Ling Feng was able to finally break the seal is because he possesses the power of Chaos! In addition, the power of chaos controlled by Ling Feng is still very weak, so there is a chance of being sealed. )

"No wonder the power of my divine consciousness has been able to increase. It seems that sealing the corpse soul has not completely sealed the origin of my divine soul!"

Ling Feng felt a little lucky in his heart. If the power of his spiritual consciousness could increase, he would also have a certain ability to protect himself.

Especially, there is nothing too powerful in Hierro City.

Suddenly, Ling Feng sensed that a golden inscription was looming between his eyebrows. It was the creative power obtained from the Blood Road Secret Realm!

Even if the corpse soul is sealed, it can't seal the power of creation.

"It is truly a power passed down from ancient times. What a tough guy!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, he activated his only ray of spiritual thought, and imagined in his mind the appearance of destruction in all directions.

The next moment, following the inscription between the eyebrows, golden light flashed, and the divine thoughts combined with the power of creation actually condensed a long sword, which was exactly the same as the one imagined in his mind that would destroy all directions!

"The Great Creation Technique can actually be used!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed, grabbed Shifang Jiannian and waved it.

This Destruction of Ten Directions is actually almost the same as the original Destruction of Ten Directions. It is just because the power of my divine consciousness is too weak that it has changed from the level of an immortal weapon to a level comparable to a treasure weapon. That’s all.

However, with a sword in hand, Ling Feng's strength suddenly increased several times!

After all, Ling Feng is still a swordsman!

About a quarter of an hour later, "Destruction in all directions" disappeared, and Ling Feng felt a sense of weakness in his mind, which was not too strong.

"The Great Creation Technique can not only create living things, but also dead things. Relatively speaking, the mental power consumed to create dead things is not an exaggeration!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although his cultivation was sealed, which was definitely not a good thing, it gave him the opportunity to practice the "Great Creation Technique" steadily and from scratch!

Early next morning.

"Master Ling, are you up?"

There was a knock on the door, it was Liu Yunyan.

This woman is really impatient!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. However, as her fate was at stake at this moment, other people would probably be just as anxious.

Pushing open the door, Ling Feng saw the gentle and graceful Miss Liu, with slightly dark circles under her eyes. It was obvious that this night was a torment for her.

After breakfast, Ling Feng, led by Liu Yunyan, came to the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

Along the way, Liu Yunyan briefly introduced Yuntian Chamber of Commerce to Ling Feng, allowing Ling Feng to have a more intuitive understanding of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce. After that, he even called out the personnel of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce to let Ling Feng get to know him.

Because the funds brought out from the Liu family were limited, the branch of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce looked a little shabby, and could not be compared with the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion.

In the Chamber of Commerce, in addition to the shopkeeper and the clerk, there is also a young man who looks to be in his twenties. His cultivation level is probably at the late stage of Shenyuan Realm. He seems to be the only alchemist in the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that he is Liu Yunyan's distant cousin, named Liu Jun.

If it weren't for this relationship, the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce might not be able to recruit alchemists at all given its current situation.

And Liu Jun’s level...

It can only be said that it is very limited. The success rate of refining third-level elixirs is less than 30%!

After the introduction, the shopkeeper and the waiter went about their business. Liu Yunyan briefly introduced Ling Feng and asked Liu Jun to take Ling Feng to the alchemy room. They were waiting in the inner hall.

Alchemists all have a rule. When refining alchemy, others are generally not allowed to watch. Firstly, it is to prevent their own alchemy skills from being leaked. Secondly, they are afraid of being disturbed and causing the alchemy to fail.

Speaking of which, the reason why Liu Jun's alchemy skills are so poor is because he has no master at all and only learned a little bit from some introductory alchemy books.

Being able to reach such a level shows that he has some talent.

Although Liu Jun saw that Ling Feng had no cultivation at all, he did not look down upon him.

The alchemy room of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce is quite small. There are shelves around it with some medicinal materials placed on it. In the middle is a bronze alchemy furnace, which can barely be regarded as a high-level spiritual weapon. Below the alchemy furnace is a simple alchemy fire array.

Ling Feng recognized it at a glance. This was the most basic Three Yang Fire Formation. This kind of three-yang fire is only an entry-level elixir fire, followed by the three-yang true fire, which is several levels behind the earth core fire.

No wonder the pills from the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce are not competitive at all.

A crappy alchemist, a crappy alchemy furnace, a crappy alchemy formation...

There’s a crappy feel everywhere!

However, now that I am here, I am here to change everything.

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