Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2107: Guizhou Donkey has no skills? (1 update)

"This is absolutely impossible! It's a mistake. There must be something wrong!"

The expression on the face of the double-eyed alchemist was changing. He looked at Tao Hong on the high platform and did not believe that he had been eliminated.

And Ling Feng actually advanced?

The purple-robed alchemist from Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion was just promoted. Could it be that the quality of the three-marked green spirit elixir refined by Ling Feng was higher than his own?

Tao Hong didn't get angry because of this. In fact, even he felt very unbelievable, but the facts were right in front of him.

Ling Feng, with an ordinary alchemy furnace and ordinary purification and extraction techniques, actually refined the three-line green spirit pill with a higher quality than the heavy-eyed alchemist.

Taking a deep breath, Tao Hong said slowly: "The reason why he advanced to the finals is because the three-line Qingling Pill he refined has reached the fifth-line quality, while you are only the fourth-line."


The double-eyed alchemist's eyelids twitched wildly. The so-called three lines of blue spirit pill, the basic requirement for making the pill is to condense three lines of pill lines.

The elixir Ling Feng trained actually has five patterns?

Just with an ordinary spiritual weapon level alchemy furnace?

How can this be?

The double-eyed alchemist's face was full of disbelief, "This is absolutely impossible, Senior Tao, are you wrong?"


Tao Hong slapped the table, his eyes were cold, he stared at the double-eyed alchemist, and said in a cold voice: "I haven't reached the point where my eyesight is dim yet. If you dare to mess around again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The double-eyed alchemist's face suddenly turned ashen, as if he were mud, and he sat slumped on the ground.

In the end, the ones who advanced to the finals were Ling Feng and the purple-robed alchemist from Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion, Gu Kun.

The rules of the finals are different from before. You need to provide the recipe yourself for the final competition.

"Hmph, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce will definitely lose this time!"

Yan Zhong, the great elder of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, secretly sneered in his heart. Although Ling Feng advanced to the finals, he was somewhat surprised. However, in the final competition, there was no limit on the level of the elixir. The ordinary spiritual weapon used by Ling Feng A super alchemy furnace will become his biggest weakness.

As for the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, Liu Yunyan and others frowned deeply.

Most of the elixirs that Ling Feng had asked them to collect before were only of the third and fourth levels. Ling Feng probably didn't have any high-level elixir formulas at all.

If you don't even have a prescription, how can you compete?

As the saying goes, a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. No matter how powerful Ling Feng is, can he still fabricate a prescription out of thin air?

Thinking of this, Liu Yunyan sweated slightly on his forehead and could only pray secretly that Ling Feng could continue to create miracles.

Little did he know that the rules of this final played exactly into Ling Feng's hands.

I really don’t need too many high-level elixirs.

Although his alchemy level has been affected to some extent because of his inability to use Yuan Power, because he has been able to condense the "Cang Ming Earth Heart Flame", he can also try to refine ordinary eighth-level and ninth-level elixirs. Made some.

Since the organizer provided the medicinal materials, I was able to show off my talents.

On the other side, Na Gukun had already selected the elixir he wanted to refine, wrote down the required medicinal materials, and handed them to the staff to prepare the medicinal materials for him. As for Ling Feng, he was still selecting the elixir recipe.

After all, there are still some differences between Miluo Continent and the outside world. Many spiritual flowers and herbs that are very common in the outside world are extremely rare or even non-existent in this Miluo Continent.

It is not easy to find the right prescription.

Time passed bit by bit, and Gu Kun of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion had already begun to process the medicinal materials, but Ling Feng was still meditating on the spot.

Liu Yunyan and others became more and more nervous, while Gu Kun had a smile with a hint of disdain on his lips.

It seemed that Ling Feng was at the end of his rope.

Finally, Ling Feng wrote down the prescription.


On the high platform, Tao Hong glanced at Ling Feng, a gleam of light flashing in his eyes.

Because Ling Feng actually used an ordinary alchemy furnace to refine a five-line-level three-line green spirit pill, Tao Hong took a high look at Ling Feng.

According to the rules, Tao Hong can directly view the prescriptions written down by the two people in the finals.

Gu Kun chose an eighth-level elixir, which was not easy to refine. If it was successfully refined, his championship would basically be confirmed.

And the prescription written down by Ling Feng...

Tao Hong looked at it carefully several times and was surprised to find that he had never seen this kind of elixir, let alone a similar recipe.

This is an elixir that has never been seen before!

Soon, the staff brought up the medicinal materials that Ling Feng had written down.

Both sides began to make elixirs.

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