Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2110 A visit! (1 update)

"The first place is... Yuntian Chamber of Commerce Ling Feng!"

The voice rang over the entire square. Yan Zhong, the great elder of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion, looked ashen for a moment, and his whole body went limp on the chair.

Even if they invited a powerful foreign aid like Gu Kun, they would still fail miserably!

Gu Kun clenched his fists tightly. Although he was unwilling to give in, he still waved his sleeves and walked away.

He actually lost to an unknown person. This kind of thing was really unacceptable to him.

However, the facts are before our eyes. The pill refined by Ling Feng has even caused the pill tribulation. Even if he refuses to accept it, he can only face the reality.

At this point, the Alchemy King Festival has come to a successful conclusion, and the first winner is Ling Feng, the alchemist of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

As a bet, under the witness of Tao Hong, Yuntian Chamber of Commerce obtained 50% of the ownership of Jiuxiao Auction House, and it also became the dominant player in the elixir market in Yeluo City, able to compete with Jiuxiao Pill Pavilion.

For Liu Yunyan, the agreement between her and her family has finally been completed, and she can truly control her own destiny.

In addition to the bet with Jiuxiao Alchemy Pavilion, as the champion of the Alchemy King Festival, Chunyang Palace also gave a pretty good reward, including three sixth-level elixir recipes and above, and several very precious high-level elixirs.

Everyone in the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce was naturally excited.

Compared with the excitement of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, the Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion is completely opposite. They are all like eggplants beaten by frost, listless, and their faces are gloomy. Especially the great elder Yan Zhong, whose eyes are lifeless and has a look of "life is hopeless, It's better to live with nothing than to live."

After all, Jiuxiao Auction House is the hard work of Jiuxiao Dan Pavilion and has extremely huge profits, but now it has to hand over half of the profits to Yuntian Chamber of Commerce.

This is tantamount to cutting off flesh!

The game was over and it was time to leave. The double-eyed alchemist from another city said a few harsh words to Ling Feng, saying that he was just careless this time. Next time we meet again, he will definitely refine an even more powerful weapon than Ling Feng. The high-quality elixirs also left Hierro City.

Ling Feng just laughed at this and didn't take it to heart.

Now, he can at most display 30% of his alchemy level. One day, when he breaks through the seal of "Sealing Souls", the gap between this double-eyed alchemist and him will only increase.

Moreover, he didn't think he would stay here for too long.

The people from the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce left. In Hierro City, the discussion about the Dan King Grand Meeting was very lively and it became the hottest topic, and the signboard of the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce became even louder.

It is conceivable that the business of Yuntian Chamber of Commerce will definitely flourish.

Winning first place was something that was expected for Ling Feng, so he was not too excited.

In contrast, he was more concerned about what level Tao Hong's alchemy level was, and what level it was in Chunyang Palace.

But no matter what, there is no need for him to continue to stay in Hierro City.

Early the next morning, distinguished guests came to the door.

It was Tao Hong, the elder of Chunyang Palace, who came to visit in person with his two disciples.

Everyone in the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce was immediately flattered.

Unexpectedly, such a big shot would come to visit in person. Of course, they all knew that all this was because of Ling Feng!

Soon, the Liu family took Tao Hong to the place where Ling Feng usually made alchemy, and then left out consciously.

They were not qualified to watch the exchange between the two "alchemy masters".

"Little friend Ling Feng, we meet again!"

While Tao Hong looked at this simple alchemy room, he casually greeted Ling Feng. He was not condescending as a great master of alchemy, but instead gave people a very gentle and kind feeling.

Of course, all this was also based on Ling Feng's amazing alchemy skills.

He even refined a heaven-defying elixir such as the "Yin Yang Huitian Pill".

Even Tao Hong had never heard of this kind of elixir.

"It turns out to be Master Tao!"

Ling Feng quickly stood up and saluted Tao Hong with a fist in his hand.

"No need to be polite."

Tao Hong waved his hand and smiled, "I am here this time because I really have many questions and want to ask my friend for advice."

"Don't take it seriously when asking for advice." Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It just so happens that I also have something to do. I hope Master can give me some advice."


Tao Hong narrowed his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Say first, little friend."

"The elders and younger ones are in order. Master should talk first." Ling Feng looked at Tao Hong and asked calmly: "Master, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

"I wonder where my little friend is from?"

Tao Hong looked at Ling Feng, his piercing eyes sizing up Ling Feng, as if he wanted to see through this puzzling young man.

Although there is no fluctuation of Yuan Power in his body, he is actually able to activate strange fires like "Cang Ming Earth Heart Flame" and even refine high-level elixirs that can cause calamity.

All these factors added layers of mystery to Ling Feng.

"Is this important?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "There are some things, but there is no need to get to the bottom of it."

Telling Tao Hong directly now that he comes from a world outside Miluo Continent is undoubtedly a very unwise choice.

At least, he still doesn't know what the attitude of the warriors in Miluo Continent is towards outsiders.

It is not a good idea to reveal your identity rashly.

When he didn't get a satisfactory answer, Tao Hong turned around and stared at Ling Feng. He was a strong man at the peak of the Human Emperor and a master of alchemy. His spiritual thoughts were more powerful than those of the Human Emperor at the same level. Although he did not deliberately spread them, An oppressive force came.

However, Ling Feng was as calm as if he didn't notice anything.

He couldn't see why, but the more he looked at it, the more mysterious it became. Tao Hong simply withdrew his gaze, looked at the bronze alchemy furnace, and said again: "Well, since you don't say where you are from, you can always say who you learned from."

"Do you want to take over from me?"

Ling Feng blinked. He learned this alchemy skill from many, many teachers. It could also be said that he had no teacher at all.

After all, all of my foundation was self-taught from the medical classics left by my grandfather (Ling Hanyang).

"It's not like I have any apprenticeship."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Most of them come from books, and then they come from their own exploration."

Ling Feng's understanding is far beyond that of ordinary people. Even if he has not opened the eyes of the emperor, he is still a unique genius.

Therefore, after groping in the dark, Ling Feng was able to gain entry, but Liu Jun could only get started.

There are indeed differences between people.


Tao Hong looked happy, "In other words, you are self-taught?"

"So be it."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. This was not a lie. Whether it was Duanmu Qingshan or Yan Cangtian, although they had a certain influence on his alchemy, they could not be regarded as his teachers.

Tao Hong felt more and more happy in his heart, and had the urge to immediately offer to accept Ling Feng as his disciple, but he still resisted this impulse. He didn't know enough, and needed more before he could make a decision.

"Although I haven't thoroughly identified the Yin Yang Huitian Pill, my intuition tells me that what you said is true."

Tao Hongdao looked at Ling Feng again: "If I guessed correctly, this should be an ancient elixir recipe that has been lost! You must have obtained some other elixir inheritance, right?"

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