Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2116 The number one weakling! (1 update)

Chunyang Pavilion is very large, so even though there are many warriors participating in the selection, they are all assigned a separate guest room.

For more than half a month, Ling Feng basically sat on the back of the big bull and was idle. He used this time to practice the Great Creation Technique.

Although the speed of improvement in the power of divine consciousness is very limited, the use of the Great Creation Technique has been improved by several levels.

The power of creation is based on one's own spiritual thoughts, so even though there is no elemental power at all, it does not affect the practice of the Great Creation Technique.

On the contrary, because he was unable to practice other techniques, Ling Feng could concentrate on the practice of "Great Creation Technique" without any distractions, and his progress was naturally rapid.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days have passed. Ling Feng's use of the power of creation is improving every day.

Ling Feng stayed in the room most of the time. In addition to comprehending the power of creation, he also tried to use his spiritual thoughts to break through the seal that sealed the corpse soul, trying to communicate with his own spiritual sea.

Unfortunately, the seal was too strong, and most of Ling Feng's efforts were in vain.

But Ling Feng never gave up. The so-called drop of water piercing the stone cannot be achieved in a day.

Sooner or later, the water will eventually penetrate the stone.

In addition to practicing the "Great Creation Technique", Ling Feng would also go out and wander around the streets and markets of the Tiandan Holy City.

Refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill requires many high-grade elixirs. Now that I have come to the Holy City of Tiandan, I naturally want to find out whether there are the elixirs I need in the holy city.

After ten days, Ling Feng has searched for most of the needed medicinal materials. Unfortunately, although Ling Feng is now different from what he used to be. He has gained a lot of wealth through the Yuntian Chamber of Commerce, but compared to the precious spirit flower spirits used to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill, Damn it, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

If you want to use the Forbidden Breaking Pill to weaken the seal that seals the corpse soul, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

Because there are complete rules and regulations in Tiandan Holy City, and there are guards patrolling day and night, there is no conflict in the city.

On the other hand, here at Chunyang Pavilion, there are many battles every day.

"Brother Ling, do you want to come up and compete?"

Ling Feng had just returned to Chunyang Pavilion. When he passed by a ring, the people on the ring suddenly shouted to him.


Ling Feng shook his head. This was not the first time, and the person who challenged him to fight was the same person, that is, the young man riding the mountain-shaking bear, Tang Yong, whom he met on the road before.

Ling Feng was not surprised to meet Tang Yong here. After all, his purpose was to enter Chunyang Palace.

However, this guy is indeed a fighting maniac. Since he moved into Chunyang Mansion, he has spent almost most of his time in the ring, either being challenged or initiating challenges to others.

Moreover, without exception, they all defeated their opponents with their amazing strength.

In the past few days, Tang Yong has also made a name for himself in Chunyang Hotel.

However, what is strange is that this guy challenges a young man named Ling Feng almost every day, but the guy named Ling Feng does not have any fluctuation in his energy.

After several attempts, Ling Feng became famous.

However, it is not a good name, but the number one weakling!

A guy like this looks gentle and thin, but he has no strength at all. I really don't know where he got the courage to participate in the Sword Sect selection of Chunyang Palace.

However, only Tang Yong knew that Ling Feng's strength was by no means as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Haha, Brother Tang, please don't embarrass that boy. He looks like he can't even kill a chicken. How dare he fight with you!"

"That's right, look at that kid, he looks so cowardly, he's almost scared to death!"

Many warriors around burst into laughter and pointed at Ling Feng's back.

Ling Feng didn't care what others thought of him. After rejecting Tang Yong's invitation, he went back to his room.

If he is willing, it is not difficult to defeat Tang Yong.

However, for now, his methods are too single-minded, and it would not be a good thing if they were exposed.

Of course, the most important thing is that such a battle has no meaning at all.

"It's so boring!"

Tang Yong looked at Ling Feng's back and couldn't help but frown, and whispered softly: "Didn't he say he was going to the Dan Sect? Why did he come to participate in the selection of the Sword Sect? But also, with his strength, It’s more than enough to participate in the Sword Sect selection, but it’s such a waste to go and make alchemy!”

"Sooner or later, one day, let you fight with me with all your strength!"

Tang Yong raised his fist. The more Ling Feng didn't take action, the more interested he became in Ling Feng and the more eager he was to know how strong Ling Feng was!

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

A voice sounded throughout the Chunyang Pavilion, asking everyone to gather in the open space of the other courtyard.

Excitement suddenly emerged from the bottom of their hearts. They knew that the Sword Sect selection in Chunyang Palace was finally about to begin.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone left the room and gathered in the open space of the other courtyard, densely packed with thousands of people.

I have to say that although Miluo Continent is not very big, it is full of geniuses and is not simple at all.

In the mid-air in front of the crowd, a figure floated, with his hands behind his back. He was a middle-aged man wearing a yellow-brown robe. He had a majestic look on his face, and his eyes swept over him, making people feel heavy pressure.

This person is the elder of the Sword Sect of Chunyang Palace and is responsible for presiding over the selection of the Sword Sect of Chunyang Palace.

In the past few days, Ling Feng has also learned something. The warriors who live in Chunyang Pavilion all have to participate in the Sword Sect selection, and Master Tao Hong clearly told him that with the championship token of the Dan King Festival, he can You can directly become a disciple of Dan Sect.

There is something weird about this.

He is obviously already a disciple of Chunyang Palace, so why does he still need to participate in the selection?

However, Master Tao Hong's letter to him did mention that after arriving in Tiandan Holy City, he went to Chunyang Pavilion to report.

Could it be that Tao Hong was secretly causing trouble because he rejected him?

This seems unlikely.

Although Tao Hong is relatively old-fashioned, he is a very principled person and should not do such a thing.

Is it difficult? There is only one possibility.

That is, the person who sent him a message was obstructing him.

Although Tao Hong would not do this, his two disciples, especially the guy named Zhuo Ming, would not necessarily do so.

Although he realized that he was probably being cheated, he had no choice but to press on.

Regardless of whether he is a Dan Sect or a Sword Sect, he must enter Chunyang Palace no matter what!

"I won't say any more. To enter Chunyang Palace, you need to pass three tests."

After a pause, the Jianzong elder said loudly: "Now, let's proceed to the first level of assessment."

As he spoke, the Sword Sect elder's eyes shot out two rays of yellow-brown light, which shot out in a fan shape and swept across. When they reached the area where Ling Feng was, the middle-aged man's eyes focused and fell directly on On Ling Feng's body.

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