Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2119 Bullying the mentally retarded! (1 update)

"Boy, go to the arena area of ​​the hotel immediately, Master Nie is going to challenge you!"

About an hour later, Nie Renjie's lackey left and returned.

"Not interested in!"

Ling Feng had an indifferent look on his face. He didn't have the time to deal with such a great person.

"Asshole, you dare to insult Mr. Nie and say that he is not worthy of his reputation. Do you still want to pretend that this never happened?"

One of the warriors pointed at Ling Feng's nose and cursed loudly.

"I scolded him?"

Ling Feng sneered and glanced at the hedgehog-headed man. It seemed that this guy was a lot more jealous after he returned!

Still too merciful!

It doesn't matter, good people are bullied. Ling Feng shook his head and stood up.

This battle is over!

On a ring in the Chunyang Pavilion, Nie Renjie stood in the center of the ring with a long sword in his hand, closing his eyes to rest.

However, there was always a terrifying evil aura lingering on him that could not go away.

As the saying goes, even when beating a dog, it depends on the owner. If Ling Feng dares to attack his people, he is not giving him face!

Nie Renjie is extremely talented and powerful, and looks very graceful on the surface, but in fact he has a very high self-esteem and is full of arrogance.

At this time, there were many people surrounding the ring, and there were more and more people.

Nie Renjie, the "Northern Snow Mad Sword", has a great reputation. He is one of the best among the few disciples selected into the Chunyang Palace. His strength is also recognized as strong.

However, although everyone knows how tough Nie Renjie is, they have never seen him fight on stage.

Or maybe he doesn't even bother to challenge anyone.

Now, Nie Renjie stood in the ring for the first time, which immediately triggered a lot of speculation. Could it be that Nie Renjie was going to challenge someone?

For a time, countless speculations were raised and rejected one by one.

And just when everyone was talking about it, Ling Feng finally arrived.

With a thought, a pair of light wings spread out directly behind Ling Feng, and with a burst of wings, he flew onto the ring.

"I wipe it?"

"Isn't it? Just him?"

For a moment, countless people were dumbfounded. When they saw clearly that it was Ling Feng who was fighting with Nie Renjie, they all looked like they had seen ghosts.

After all, Ling Feng was known as the "number one weakling". Tang Yong invited him for more than ten days in a row, but he didn't dare to go on stage once.

Even in the Sword Sect selection, this guy seems to have passed through backdoor connections.

How dare such a person dare to fight Nie Renjie?

I'm afraid this is not a discussion, but a one-sided killing.

"Are you finally going to take action?"

On another arena, Tang Yong was startled for a moment, then showed a smile and stared at Ling Feng with burning eyes.

"Interesting, you finally couldn't help but take action? Now there's something exciting to watch!"

Ordinary people would think that Ling Feng was an out-and-out weakling just by looking at his appearance. He was the only one who had seen Ling Feng's power, which was not inferior to him at all!

There was a lot of discussion and it was very noisy and lively. Everyone had their own opinions, but basically everyone was optimistic about Nie Renjie, while Ling Feng only deserved to be beaten.

"Boy, you are so crazy!"

Nie Renjie's cold gaze fell on Ling Feng.

The murderous aura is very strong, and the violent aura is also very strong.

"I didn't want to pay attention to such boring provocations, but it would be annoying if mosquitoes were always buzzing in front of me."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, completely ignoring Jason Nie's cold murderous intent. With one sentence, the whole audience took a breath.

Good guy, this guy is not only crazy, he is simply a lunatic!

"This kid is useless! He is absolutely useless!"

"Master Nie is not someone to be trifled with. He is going to be in trouble this time!"

Many warriors in the audience began to gloat and were happy to see Ling Feng's misfortune.

Although killing is not allowed here, the so-called sword has no eyes, and it is quite normal to have an arm removed or something.

At this time, Jiang Kun also noticed the situation here and frowned. He wanted to stop this meaningless fight, but at the next moment, he suppressed this idea.

"Okay, let me see how strong this kid is?"

Jiang Kun narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew that Ling Feng's Qi Sea was sealed, and the only thing he could rely on was the strength of his physical body and a ray of spiritual consciousness.

Since he can pass the selection of the Alchemy King Festival, it means that his power of spiritual consciousness should be quite strong.

Against a genius like Nie Renjie, even if he loses, he should be able to survive a few moves.

He waited for Ling Feng to be in danger before taking action, but it was not too late.

On the stage.

"If you kneel down and apologize now, I will consider letting you go. This will also prevent others from saying that I bully the weak!"

Nie Renjie said coldly. .

"People call you Beixue Kuangjian, but you still take it seriously. In my opinion, you are just a simple-minded straw bag. Let me give you a suggestion. Why don't you kneel down and admit defeat to me? I will let you go, so as not to hurt others. Call me a bully for the mentally retarded!”


The expression on Nie Renjie's face froze, and his handsome face suddenly became distorted.

"good very good!"

After a long while, Nie Renjie suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said in a cold voice: "You should be lucky that this is Chunyang Pavilion! Otherwise, you will definitely die! However, I will still give you an unforgettable experience in your life." Lessons!"

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