Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2121 Pure Yang Heaven and Earth! (3 updates)

Two days passed in a flash, and everything was calm.

On the third day, Chunyang Palace finally sent someone to pick up the new disciples and lead them up the mountain.

Chunyang Palace is not within Tiandan Holy City, but within Tianyang Holy Mountain.

There is a huge foggy area around Tianyang Holy Mountain, which is also an important part of Tianyang Holy Mountain's protective formation.

The Chunyang Palace has a long history, and the earliest one can even be traced back to ancient times.

This is almost impossible to exist in the outside world, but because in this small world, it is still in a corner, but it can be passed down from ancient times, which may be a kind of luck.

After about a quarter of an hour, Ling Feng gathered his attention, but the shock and admiration in his eyes did not diminish at all.

Jiang Kun smiled faintly, "Boy, I never thought that this tens of thousands of years of inheritance would only be a shock for a quarter of an hour in your eyes."

Jiang Kun shook his head and smiled, thinking that at the beginning, he and the group of fellow apprentices at the same time were so surprised that they didn't come back to their senses for most of the day.

Ling Feng's state of mind was simply not what a young man in his twenties should be in.

Ling Feng just smiled lightly and didn't say much. He had experienced too many things and had already tempered his state of mind at a non-human level. Naturally, it was not comparable to ordinary people.

"Welcome to Chunyang Palace!"

Jiang Kun patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said calmly: "Before I take you to report to Danzong, I want to take you to meet a few people first."

Continuing to move forward, Jiang Kun introduced the specific situation of Chunyang Palace to Ling Feng as he walked.

In the entire small world of Miluo Continent, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively thin, but in this area, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich, almost condensing into a liquid state.

Opposite is the area where the senior elders of Chunyang Palace live. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter easily, and only the direct disciples of the elders are eligible to live in this area.

Not long after, Jiang Kun returned, and then took Ling Feng through the iron rope and arrived at the real core area of ​​Chunyang Palace.

In this area, palaces are even rarer, but each one is majestic and majestic, surrounded by clouds and mist, and looks like a fairy palace.

The journey was smooth, and under the leadership of Jiang Kun, we finally arrived at the final destination: Chunyang Hall.

This is also where senior elders usually hold discussions. At this time, many people were already sitting in the hall. When Ling Feng entered the hall, all eyes focused on Ling Feng, which made Ling Feng feel a little agitated. uneasy.

After all, these elders are all saint-level!

In the front of the main hall, there is the main seat high up. There are two auxiliary seats on the left and right sides of the main seat. There are also six seats on the left and right sides of the back hall, for a total of twelve.

At this time, there was a person sitting on one of the passenger seats. His whole body seemed to be obscured by clouds and mist, and his face could not be seen clearly. It was very mysterious. There were also twelve figures in the other twelve seats, and their faces were also obscured by clouds and mist.

"See the Lord of the Third Palace, Your Majesty."

Jiang Kun looked respectful and bowed to everyone in the palace. His identity was also an elder, but he was just an elder of the inner sect. Each of these people in the palace was a top figure who could cause a big earthquake in Chunyang Palace with just a stomp of their feet.

Ling Feng also reacted quickly and saluted everyone in the hall.

"Forgive me."

The voice was a little gentle, but also majestic. It was the Lord of the Third Palace who spoke.

"Elder Jiang, is this the mysterious young man you were talking about?"

In the row of seats on the right, a black-robed elder who was first on the right looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Indeed, there is indeed an extremely vicious seal in this boy's body."

The other elders also looked at Ling Feng's body wantonly, and their expressions changed when they felt the "soul seal" in Ling Feng's body.


Jiang Kun nodded and said in a deep voice: "Master of the Third Palace, and all the princes, this is the young man I mentioned to you before, Ling Feng! Although his Dantian is sealed, he can defeat Nie Renjie, absolutely. He is a rare talent!”


All the elders' eyes lit up.

It's strange to be able to defeat a genius like Nie Renjie without relying on Yuan force.

Although Nie Renjie concealed that he was a junior and did not pay attention to them, he was indeed a talented person.

Ling Feng's ability to defeat him also proved his worth.

"Boy, what level of cultivation did you reach before you took the seal?"

The elder who was first on the right asked again.

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