Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2126 Burning Heart Valley! (2 updates)

"Brother Ling, it's really not easy to find you once!"

Tang Yong still looked happy to see Ling Feng, and his eyes shone brightly when he saw Ling Feng.

Looking at the person in front of him, Ling Feng couldn't help but pat his forehead lightly. This guy is really persistent.

"Brother Tang, you're not here to discuss with me again, are you?"

Ling Feng felt helpless and said depressedly.

"Hehe, although I really want to spar with you, but this time, I have another thing to come to you for!"

Tang Yong laughed and quickly explained his purpose.

It turns out that Tang Yong came to invite Ling Feng to form a team to participate in a training mission.

Although he is very powerful, he is only a newcomer after all. He has little status in the inner sect. The veterans are not interested in teaming up with him. Among the newcomers, except for Nie Renjie, there are few who like him. .

After thinking about it, he finally thought of Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng is a disciple of the Dan Sect, he is also a disciple of the Chunyang Palace. Forming a team with him to complete the mission naturally complies with the rules of the Chunyang Palace.

Moreover, this task also happens to require the abilities of Dan Sect disciples.

Fire control ability!

It turns out that Tang Yong's mission is in a place called Burning Heart Valley. Burning Heart Valley is surrounded by extremely terrifying flames all year round. If you are not careful, even the soul will be burned to ashes, so it is called For, Burning Heart Valley.

Tang Yong's mission is to enter the Burning Heart Valley and take a Burning Heart Lotus to earn 300,000 contribution points!

Because this task was too difficult, no one had ever taken it up, so it was Tang Yong's turn.

"Brother Ling, only you can help with this. If you nod, 70% of the contribution points for this mission will be given to you, as long as you help me enter the Burning Heart Valley!"

Tang Yong looked at Ling Feng and said with hope.

"Give me 70%?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, 300,000 contribution points, 7th achievement is 210,000, which is worth the amount of elixirs he has been frantically refining for several months in his current state.

Because he didn't want to be too high-profile, the elixirs refined by Ling Feng were not of a very high grade, so the rate of earning contribution points was not very fast.

And right now, Tang Yong's mission is indeed a good choice.

"Brother Tang, in addition to performing tasks, you have other purposes, so you want to enter Burning Heart Valley, right?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Tang Yong scratched the back of his head and laughed, "Sure enough, I still can't hide it from Brother Ling."

After a pause, Tang Yong continued: "Brother Ling, do you still remember my mountain-shaking violent bear? In fact, my Tang family is originally a beast-controlling family. In addition to our own strength, we also focus on cultivating powerful demon pets."

"In the Burning Heart Valley, are there any treasures that can enhance the level of a demon pet?"

Ling Feng guessed in a deep voice.


Tang Yong nodded heavily, "Where the Heart-Burning Lotus was born, there must be the existence of wild fire stone milk. This is a natural and earthly treasure that can greatly improve the physique of monsters!"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. His energy and blood were also sealed by the seal that sealed the soul. The effects of the Dragon Elephant's divine power and the Bahuang body-building technique were greatly reduced. However, if he could temper his body all over again, , and what effect will it have?

"Okay, I'll join!"

Ling Feng nodded. He was very interested in this task.

"Hey, Brother Ling, I knew you would definitely agree!"

Tang Yong immediately beamed with joy, "With your joining, as long as you can use your strange fire to isolate those heart-burning fires, there is basically no big problem. Then it's settled, tomorrow morning, Shan Meet at the door!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Well, see you tomorrow morning!"

The next day, Tang Yong arrived as promised, and besides him, there were several other companions.

Following the map, the group arrived outside a hot valley in about half a day.

"This is Burning Heart Valley!"

One of the warriors named Lei Chong pointed to the volcanic valley in front, frowned, and cursed in a low voice: "It's really hot to death!"

Ye Feixue, the only female warrior in the team, also wiped the sweat from her cheeks. She was practicing Yuanli with ice attributes, so she naturally disliked this environment.

However, her ice-freezing ability is exactly needed to deal with fire-attribute monsters.

"Heartburning Lotus is among them too!"

Tang Yong had a smile on his face, looked at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, in the outer area of ​​Burning Heart Valley, Burning Heart Fire is not too powerful. You should reserve your strength first, and then expand it when you reach the inner area. Your strange fire!"


Ling Feng nodded slightly, Tang Yong was quite thoughtful.

For a moment, everyone opened their respective Yuan Qi Gang shields. Only Ling Feng, without Yuan Power, had to summon a circle of Nanming Lihuo to wrap around his body.

At the same time, he was also carefully observing the characteristics of the Heart-Burning Fire. Theoretically speaking, his Great Creation Technique could naturally create the Heart-Burning Fire.

If you use the Burning Heart Fire to resist the Burning Heart Fire, it will naturally save a lot of effort.

The group of people entered Burning Heart Valley one by one, with Tang Yong taking the lead and Ling Feng at the end so it was easier to observe the situation of the others.

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