Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2128 Wild Fire Stone Qi! (1 update)

"It seems that you really don't shed tears until you see the coffin. It seems that there will be more dead souls under the magma."

Lin Xiu swung the long sword in his hand, and a murderous intent bloomed in his eyes.

Ling Feng also raised his palm slightly, and a ball of fire appeared in his palm.

The Burning Heart Valley is filled with extremely rich flame power, and the power of the strange fire has naturally increased significantly.

The eyelids of the people across from him twitched, and they realized that Ling Feng actually controlled the strange fire, and they hesitated for a moment.

After all, they came to perform a mission, and their purpose was just to find the Heart Burning Lotus.

Although Ling Feng has no room for growth, he still has some strength, especially in the Burning Heart Valley, where his strange fire is even more powerful.

If they had to fight forcefully, they might be able to defeat the four opponents, but with Ling Feng's attitude of fighting to the end, I'm afraid a few of them would be replaced.

Let me ask, who wants to die here?


Lin Xiu was a bachelor and knew that Ling Feng was not easy to mess with, so he immediately turned around and left.

After a while, Lin Xiu left with his lackeys. Ling Feng looked at the departing figures of these people and dispersed the strange fire, with a trace of disdain on his lips.

It is naturally best not to take action. Otherwise, if I am distracted to deal with them, I am afraid that I will not be able to maintain the "Coat of Strange Fire" on Tang Yong and the others. If this goes on for a long time, they will definitely not be able to withstand the fire of burning hearts. When the time comes, I'm afraid I'm going to die here.

As for Lin Xiu and the others, they seemed to have taken some pills to restrain the Burning Heart Fire, so they dared to go deep here.


At this moment, a scream came from the front, which was so shrill that it made people's scalp numb.

"It's that thundering cry!"

Ye Feixue's eyelids twitched and she immediately recognized the owner of the voice. It was none other than teammate Lei Chong who had abandoned them before.

"Let him die!"

Ning Gucheng snorted coldly. He just ran away without looking back. It would be a shame for such a person to die.

The screams quickly stopped. When Ling Feng and others followed the sound and flew over, they only saw a few bubbles rolling in the magma, and then there was no movement.

Calculating the time, Lei Chong's strange fire coat should not have expired yet, which means that there are other threats hidden under the magma.

For example, monsters!

"Everyone, be careful!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. In an environment filled with the power of flames, his spiritual senses completely fell into a blind spot. No matter how he sensed it, the power of the flames was extremely strong.

And those threats hidden under the magma are often integrated with the power of fire, making them difficult to detect at all.

At this time, Ling Feng began to miss his unlimited vision.

If you can open up unlimited horizons, all crises will naturally be unavoidable.

An hour...

Two hours...

The group spent a long time, but not even half a weed was seen, let alone the Heartburn Lotus.

Even ordinary fire-resistant and heat-resistant spiritual plants cannot withstand the high temperature here.

Finally, Ling Feng discovered something strange.

There are some special airflows in the magma!

These air currents should probably be called wild fire and stone air.

"Tang Yong, what do you think that is?"

Ling Feng opened his mouth and called Tang Yong. Tang Yong looked at it and immediately said in surprise: "It's wild fire stone gas, the steam formed by the evaporation of wild fire stone milk. That's right! Haha, there is wild fire stone milk here, so naturally it is There is a heart-burning lotus!"

Tang Yong's eyes were full of surprise, "Brother Ling, where did you find the Wild Fire Stone Qi?"


Ling Feng pointed to the place where the wild fire stone gas was found before. Tang Yong quickly flew to the magma area with a happy face, "Finding the wild fire stone gas means that we will definitely be able to find the Heart Burning Lotus! Let's look carefully. look!"

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