Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2148 Open the Star Gate! (3 updates)

"The Star Festival sounds interesting, I want to go too!"

Yu Junyao snatched Ling Feng's invitation, and after seeing the content on it, she suddenly showed an eager expression.

"Everyone go, everyone go!"

Ling Feng nodded. As long as he had an invitation letter, he could bring the two of them with him. Since he had two places anyway, it was a waste, so he just happened to bring Yu Junyao and the others with him.

"The Ancient Star Gate can be exchanged for ancient treasures. It's a pity that my Dantian is sealed and I can't take out the treasures in the spirit ring."

Ling Feng shrugged. This time at the Star Festival, he might just be able to enjoy the feast.

Suddenly, Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao again. This woman was also a descendant of the God Clan, and she had a lot of treasures!

If she takes out something, she might be able to exchange it for some valuable ancient treasures.

"Hey, why are you staring at this girl? Your eyes are so treacherous!"

Yu Junyao felt a little scared when Ling Feng stared at her, and couldn't help but glare at Ling Feng.

"Miss Jade, how about we discuss it?"

Ling Feng laughed.

"No need to talk!"

Yu Junyao raised her middle finger directly towards Ling Feng, "Hehehe, all good things belong to me!"

"Don't be so stingy!"

Ling Feng rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Which one of us will follow which one?"

"Come on, I have nothing to do with you!" Yu Junyao snorted, naturally she would not let go easily.

In the end, Ling Feng had no choice but to take out his Naling Ring and ask Yu Junyao to forcibly erase the soul imprint on it, then open the Ring and take out several treasures inside as backup.

For this reason, Ling Feng also gave all the remaining wild fire stone energy to Yu Junyao as reward.

However, it's a good thing that there is Yu Junyao around, otherwise, letting others activate their own spiritual ring would be quite risky.

First of all, you must be someone you can trust. Although you can trust Fu Xueqing, a silly girl, she is too weak. If you want to erase the imprint of your soul, three days and three nights may not be enough.

Although Yu Junyao acted a little recklessly, he was still a trustworthy person.

On the second day, a major event in the Underworld City, the Star Festival, was finally held as scheduled.

As a well-known tradition in the imperial city, countless people participated.

Not only the people of the Time and Space Underworld God Clan, but also the major forces and major chambers of commerce in Miluo Continent also sent representatives to attend this grand meeting.

After all, as long as you provide enough cherished treasures, you can have a chance to win an ancient treasure. Once successful, it will be a great blessing for the entire sect.

Of course, the tradition of the Star Festival has lasted for tens of thousands of years. As time goes by, the probability of exchanging ancient treasures within the Ancient Star Gate is relatively small, and sometimes, some inexplicable things will be exchanged.

Once, I exchanged an item that looked ordinary, but it was bought directly at a low price.

Later I found out that this object was actually an incomplete holy treasure!

(PS: Regarding the grading of treasures, it was also mentioned earlier. From low to high, they are divided into: star treasures, sun and moon treasures, and heaven and earth treasures. Below the holy level, the heaven and earth treasures are already the highest. After the heaven and earth treasures, they are divided into holy treasures. The most precious treasure of the Tao, the most precious Tao.)

Therefore, during the Star Festival, all parties will often invite famous treasure appraisers to participate in order to avoid getting treasures without knowing it, or mistaking garbage for treasures, causing a big joke.

The Seventh Prince directly invited the Three Duobaos to come. A large part of the reason was that he hoped to make use of their profound knowledge.

When the sky was still bright, there were imperial guards leading Ling Feng and his party to the venue of the Star Festival.

The mysterious ancient star gate is in the middle of the period.

On weekdays, this place is a forbidden area for the Kongming God Clan, and no one is allowed to enter at all.

When Ling Feng and others arrived at the venue, they saw the three Duobaos already seated, and beside them was the seventh prince.

Although the Seventh Prince suffered a huge loss of face at the previous banquet, he finally invited the Three Duobaos, and he was destined to dominate today.

As for His Highness the King of Flame, he also brought several master treasure appraisers with him. Although they were not as good as the Three Treasures Masters, they were also famous masters in Miluo Continent.

When King Yan saw Ling Feng coming with Yu Junyao, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, but he still moved his eyes aside.

It seems that the story about the princess has not spread. After all, Yu Junyao's origins are mysterious, and very few people have seen her. As long as there is no news in the palace, outsiders will naturally not know about her situation.

Otherwise, the news about Princess Yan's love being stolen by someone else would have already caused a stir in the city.

Because he was directly invited by the Underworld Emperor, the seat where Ling Feng was seated was only a little below the Three Duobaos, and even in front of many famous treasure appraisers, which showed that the Underworld Emperor valued Ling Feng.

Seeing Ling Feng's arrival, the three Duobao deities nodded to Ling Feng, which immediately shocked many onlookers in the audience.

"Where did this young talent appear again, and even the Three Masters of Duobao looked at him differently?"

"Oh my god, he is actually sitting so far forward. Even the Lord of Dongfang City of Guyue City, a member of the Golden Eyes clan that has been inherited for thousands of years, is actually behind this kid?"

"I'm afraid this guy's origins are not simple!"

"Not only that, this boy is also very handsome. The two beauties around him are both gorgeous! Especially the taller girl in the purple skirt, she is really charming!"

There was a flurry of discussion among the crowd, and the eyes looking at Ling Feng were full of envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Because of the special regard of Duobao Sanzun, coupled with his very front seat and the two beauties around him, he became the focus of everyone.

Ling Feng felt helpless. He clearly just wanted to be a low-key person, but why did things always backfire?

Soon, a waiter came forward to add wine to him and told him some rules of the Star Festival.

After all, it was Ling Feng's first time to participate in the Star Festival, and as for the others, they were probably already familiar with the rules.

From this point of view, the Hades Emperor was quite attentive.

About a quarter of an hour later, His Majesty the Underworld Emperor finally arrived belatedly, and with him were four powerful old men.

"Welcome everyone to participate in the Star Festival held every ten years by our Kongming Divine Clan. I believe that everyone can't wait. The Four Elders of Kongming and Kongming open the star gate!"

Following the Hades Emperor's order, the four old men's figures flashed and spread out, each occupying a position and hanging high in the sky.

The next moment, the four people simultaneously took out a disk-like treasure. For a moment, four beams of light were shot out from four directions, southeast, northwest, and all converged towards the ancient star gate.


The void trembled, a crack appeared, and a nine-color divine light suddenly burst out from the Ancient Star Gate, shooting straight into the sky!

There is an extremely obscure power hidden in the light!

What made Ling Feng's pupils shrink slightly was that the East Emperor Bell, which had been sleeping in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, actually moved again, and this time the movement was more violent than the last time at the Baobao Market!

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