Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 219 The treacherous Yan Cangtian!


This time, it was Yan Cangtian's turn to be shocked. What kind of person is Yun Danqing?

Twenty years ago, Yun Danqing was already a rising alchemy master. Even Yan Cangtian, although he was arrogant and rarely convinced others, admired Yun Danqing's alchemy skills.

Such a person who can cause an uproar in the world of alchemists with just one stamp of his feet actually knows Ling Feng?

"Old Yun, you actually know that boy?" Yan Cangtian looked at Yun Danqing in disbelief, and Ling Feng's figure flashed in his mind.

What a mysterious background this little guy has!

"I just heard about it." Yun Danqing took a deep breath, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Speaking of which, Yun Danqing had indeed never met Ling Feng, but that day Yuan Qiansheng took out a "Sha Yuan Dan" refined by Ling Feng and asked Yun Danqing to identify it.

After that, Yun Danqing learned Ling Feng's name from Yuan Qiansheng.

Later, Yun Danqing found the old man Wen Tingguang and found out that Ling Feng had been sent away and would not go to Cangqiong Mountain again for half a year.

Yun Danqing asked many questions, but Wen Tingguang remained tight-lipped and refused to reveal any information about Ling Feng. This made Yun Danqing even more interested in Ling Feng.

"Hehe." When he heard that Yun Danqing had only heard of Ling Feng's name, but he had also taught Ling Feng the "Tianhuo Dao Jue" and was considered half of his teacher, Yan Cangtian beamed with joy.

"Old Yan, what do you mean, are you familiar with this little friend Ling Feng?" Yun Danqing was slightly excited.

"Normally familiar." Yan Cangtian raised his eyebrows and said triumphantly: "I know what you want to ask, but you'd better not ask. That kid doesn't want you to disturb him."

"Hey!" Yun Danqing sighed, feeling very regretful. It seemed that he and this mysterious "young master" still lacked some fate.

Shangguan Chu on the side was confused when he heard what Yan Cangtian and Yun Danqing said.

A teenager?

A young grandmaster that both Yan Cangtian and Yun Danqing admire highly?

Who is this young man named Ling Feng?

Shangguan Chu secretly wrote down this name, maybe this would be a peerless person who would push the level of alchemy in the Tianbai Empire to a new height.

"That's okay, that's okay!" Yun Danqing sighed, and then said: "Old Yan, you said that you have obtained the complete recipe of 'Blue Green Cloud Pattern Pill', can you take it out and review it in detail together?"

"This is why I came here today. Naturally, I won't be stingy with the small prescription."

Yan Cangtian took out a handwritten elixir recipe from a shining golden spirit ring, and said lightly: "All the materials are basically complete in my elixir garden, but the most important thing is missing. Material, the eyeball of the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle."

As he spoke, Yan Cangtian couldn't help but sigh. The Blue Cloud Pattern Pill was related to his alchemy career, so it was naturally the most important thing for him.

Yun Danqing and Shangguan Chu came forward and took a closer look at the prescription. But when they saw half of it, they realized that the content behind it was obscured, and they couldn't help but frown.

"Old Yan, you are so insincere!" Yun Danqing said displeased.

"Hehe, villain first, then gentleman!" Yan Cangtian put away the elixir recipe and curled his lips and said: "You have just heard that refining the azure cloud-pattern elixir still requires the eyeballs of the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle. As long as your alchemist union I can provide this kind of demon king’s eyeballs, and I will give the pill directly to you without saying anything!”

"Demon King's Eyeball!" Yun Danqing and Shangguan Chu couldn't help but gasp.

"Old Yan, you really dare to say that!"

"What's wrong? Isn't the formula of Blue Cloud Pattern Pill inferior to a Demon King's Eyeball?" Yan Cangtian looked disapproving.

"In terms of value, naturally the elixir recipe far exceeds that of a demon king's eyeball." Yun Danqing said solemnly: "However, it is difficult to obtain the bodies of demon kings like the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle..."

"Then it's none of my business. In short, if the Alchemist Guild can provide me with the eyeballs of the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle, I will give away the alchemy recipe." Yan Cangtian suddenly stood up and said calmly: "I have to go there later. The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and Yingxiao Black Market ask whoever can provide the Demon King’s eyeballs, and I will give the elixir recipe to him.”

With that said, Yan Cangtian walked towards the door carelessly, "I don't believe it, they are not interested in this recipe of Blue Cloud Pattern Pill!"

"Wait a minute!" Shangguan Chu, as the acting president of the Alchemist Guild, quickly stopped Yan Cangtian and gritted his teeth: "Master Yan, can you give our Alchemist Guild three months first? If you cannot provide the Demon King after three months, Eyeball, it’s not too late for you to bring it out for the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and Yingxiao Black Market to intervene.”

"Why?" Yan Cangtian didn't look back, but walked faster and faster.

Shangguan Chu gritted his teeth and stamped his foot, "Master Yan, if the transaction is successful, our Alchemist Guild will provide an additional 500,000 high-grade Yuan Stones. Is this enough?"

"Hehe..." Yan Cangtian's lips curved, then he turned around leisurely, nodded and smiled: "After all, I was once a member of the Alchemist Guild, okay, that's settled!"

Shangguan Chu breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that if the president were here instead, he would be willing to accept higher conditions.

Yun Danqing saw this and couldn't help but shake his head and said: "The world says that you old guy is crazy. In my opinion, not only are you not crazy, but you have become more cunning!"

"Hey, each other!"

Yan Cangtian curled his lips and smiled, then strode out of the Alchemist Guild.

Next, the disciples and grandsons of the Alchemist Guild will probably mobilize the power of alchemists across the country to search for the eyes of the Blazing Blood Dragon Eagle.

I have to say, this method is truly amazing!

The person who came up with this method was not Yan Cangtian. The "dog-headed military advisor" behind him was actually Ling Feng.

The martial arts arena in the east courtyard.

After the relatively "easy" training ended, the devil's training finally announced its disbandment. A group of tired and staggering students supported each other in twos and threes and returned to the residential area.

After these few days of training, most people have begun to adapt to this level of weight-bearing training. While their physical fitness has improved, their reaction abilities have also increased simultaneously.

It has to be said that the reason why Tianwei Academy can become one of the four major universities is that it is indeed unique in the teaching of martial arts.

Ling Feng even secretly made a note to apply this training method to the daily training of Wenxian Sect disciples after returning to Wenxian Sect.

Although I dare not say to what extent the level of Wenxian Sect will be improved at once, it can definitely improve the overall level of Wenxian Sect in general.

After a while, Ling Feng and several other students living in Tianshu East Campus returned to the courtyard.

As soon as I sat down to rest for a while, I heard a knock on the door outside, and then a rather respectful voice came, "Excuse me, is Mr. Ling Feng Ling here?"

Everyone looked up and saw that it was a young man wearing a blue gown standing at the door, knocking gently.

When he saw the "Sky" badge worn on the young man's left shoulder, Yang Jun, who had the most prominent family among the people, his eyelids jumped suddenly.

Because this badge means, disciple of Cangqiong!

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