Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2177 The decisive battle is coming! (2 updates)

"As expected of the Ling Feng I know."

Xiao Hen showed a faint smile on his face, "However, he has made great progress in the past six months, while your cultivation has been sealed. Then, as usual, I will fight you first to test your depth!"

"That's what I meant!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and saluted Xiao Hen.

"Enter my spiritual realm first!"

Xiao Hen's mind moved, and a surge of momentum spread out, and in an instant, he pulled Ling Feng into his spiritual realm.


This battle lasted until dawn.

"Brother Ling, I didn't expect that your Yuanli was sealed, but you still have such strength. I admire you, I admire you!"

Xiao Hen's face showed a look of sincere admiration. In the battle last night, he used all his means and tried his best to force out Ling Feng's true strength.

After all, the current Dongfang Chun is no longer the same as before, and it is extremely difficult for Ling Feng to defeat him.

However, judging from the battle last night, Ling Feng does have a chance to defeat Dongfang Chun.

"Brother Xiao, you are too kind." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "If Brother Xiao had used the silver soul skill on me, I would have been defeated long ago." "If your fighting spirit had not been sealed, what would my little trick mean?" Xiao Hen looked at Ling Feng deeply, "I will definitely be there for the decisive battle in two days! I hope you can defeat Dongfang Chun!" "Definitely!" Ling Feng nodded and looked at Xiao Hen with great solemnity. The battle last night also made him realize how terrible Xiao Hen was. Perhaps, if he was going all out, Xiao Hen's strength might not be inferior to Dongfang Chun. "Then, goodbye!" Xiao Hen was like a night walker. After saying this, he immediately floated away, like a shadow in the dark night, disappearing in the blink of an eye. "Thank you, Brother Xiao!" Looking at Xiao Hen's departing back, Ling Feng showed a trace of gratitude in his eyes. He was not completely sure of fighting with Dongfang Chun, but he knew that he could not afford to lose. Xiao Hen's arrival confirmed this and also told him a lot of information about Dongfang Chun.

This information was undoubtedly a timely help to him.

For the upcoming decisive battle, he had a better chance of winning.

After stretching, Ling Feng yawned and went back to his room to rest.

Although he had only fought hard in the spiritual realm for a night, his body and mind were exhausted to the extreme.


Time passed quickly, and the day of the decisive battle finally arrived.

Early in the morning, the entire Lingyun Manor was already restless.

Their leader was about to challenge the most outstanding and powerful genius among the younger generation of the entire Duyue Tiangong.

This decisive battle, which was delayed for half a year, was finally coming. How could they not be excited?

On the contrary, Ling Feng was slow and orderly from beginning to end, and everything was normal. After breakfast, he even took the time to instruct the disciples of Lingyun League on a few swordsmanship moves.

"Hey, leader, you are too calm!"

Xiao Juanyun was so anxious for Ling Feng that he looked at Ling Feng eagerly and said, "We are going to fight Dongfang Chun soon. My leader, please say a few words to encourage everyone."

"I am fighting, not you, why are you encouraging me?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I'm nervous!"

Xiao Juanyun felt that his body was trembling slightly. In the bet with Dongfang Chun that day, if Ling Feng lost, Lingyun League would be completely disbanded.

Although Ling Feng's battle might save everything for Lingyun League, he might also lose everything.

This was undoubtedly a big gamble, no wonder Xiao Juanyun was so nervous.

In contrast, Ling Feng only regarded Lingyun League as a group of like-minded companions, but for Xiao Juanyun, Lingyun League was his hard work.

"The so-called emperor is not anxious to death eunuchs, I have finally seen it this time."

Yu Junyao giggled, looking at Xiao Juanyun's appearance, he was just like an anxious eunuch.

"Miss Yu, I admit that I am an eunuch, who can not be anxious!" Xiao Juanyun was like an ant on a hot pot, spinning around.

"Don't be nervous, I will win this battle!"

Ling Feng patted Xiao Juanyun's shoulder gently, slowly fixed his hair, and then smiled slightly: "Okay, let's go!"



All the members of Lingyun League seemed to be ignited in an instant, and they all looked at Lingfeng excitedly.

Under the leadership of Lingfeng, a group of more than a hundred people set off in a mighty manner.

When the people of Lingyun League arrived, the martial arts square of Duyue Palace was already crowded with people.

It was still the same arena, and it was still the same two peerless geniuses. This half-year-late decisive battle had already driven all the warriors in Yueling City crazy.

Not only the students, but even some elders of the Duyue Palace were paying close attention to this battle.

"Ling Feng is here!"

With a shout, everyone's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng. This genius who had disappeared for half a year was finally back.

Today, will it be a battle to restore his reputation as a king, or a battle to fall in complete defeat? Let's wait and see.

On the high platform in the distance, Xuanyuan Longteng, Zhuge Qingtian and other senior members of the Duyue Palace had already occupied advantageous positions, ready to watch this decisive battle.

"Hmph, your Yuanli cultivation has been sealed, and you still dare to challenge Chun'er. You are simply bringing humiliation to yourself!"

The elder of the Dongfang family had a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Now Dongfang Chun is already the elder of the One Moon Heavenly Palace. Logically speaking, with his status, fighting Ling Feng will undoubtedly mean that he has lowered his status.

However, this battle is already expected by everyone and no one can stop it.

In the midst of everyone's expectations, Ling Feng strolled onto the ring, stood with his hands behind his back, closed his eyes slightly, and calmly began to wait for Dongfang Chun's arrival.

Not long after, Dongfang Chun finally arrived.

Different from Ling Feng's very ordinary way of appearing, Dongfang Chun came almost riding the nine-colored divine light, falling from the sky as if the God of War had descended.

As soon as he landed on the ground, an invisible aura spread out with him as the center. As his eyes opened and closed, there was a bright light that radiated in all directions, as if a king was coming to this world and looking down at the world.

Under this momentum, a transparent wall of energy condensed in front of Ling Feng, which fluctuated violently like water.

Compared with half a year ago, Dongfang Chun has obviously undergone a huge transformation.

He finally took that step, and once he entered the Saint level, he was completely transformed. Now he can be called a truly strong man, and he can conquer the world.

"Ling Feng, you actually came back alive."

Dongfang Chun looked at Ling Feng with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

In his eyes, Ling Feng was once his defeated general.

But now, half a year later, he has become a saint-level powerhouse, and Ling Feng...

Now Ling Feng is nothing to worry about!

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