Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2180 Fight and win! (2 updates)

After only thirty breaths, Dongfang Chun was like a lion that had been fighting fiercely for a day and a night. He could only launch an attack once in a while, and after each attack, he would be out of breath. However, his attack failed even Ling Feng. Not a single corner of his clothes was touched.

In this battle, Dongfang Chun actually consumed himself to death!

But when Dongfang Chun was close to exhaustion, Ling Feng's three figures suddenly merged into one, and punched Dongfang Chun in the abdomen, knocking him off the ring.

The battle is over, the winner is Ling Feng!

Although I can’t say how beautiful it is to win, a win is a win.

What's more, Ling Feng defeated a saint-level powerhouse head-on with his sealed body!

The whole place was dead silent, and after a brief silence, there was a burst of earth-shaking shouts.

Countless people cheered and shouted Ling Feng's name.

"We won! We won! Great, we won!"

The most excited ones were the members of the Lingyun Alliance. Xiao Juanyun was even more excited and grabbed Tie Yan beside him and shook him, making Tie Yan dizzy for a while.

Then, a member of the Ling Yun League excitedly rushed to the ring and threw Ling Feng's body high. Only in this way could they express their inner excitement and joy.

Xiao Hen was also watching the battle in a corner. After seeing Ling Feng's victory, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That night when he had a discussion with Ling Feng, Ling Feng exposed the clone's methods.

And this method turned out to be the key to reversing the situation of the war.

Unlike others, Xiao Hen is not used to standing next to his friends and enjoying the excitement. He prefers to stand silently in the corner alone, silently supporting his companions.

After seeing Ling Feng's victory, he turned around and left silently.

On the other hand, the Eastern Alliance looked as dejected as a defeated rooster.

The undefeated legend in their hearts, Dongfang Chun, actually lost!

Lost to a Ling Feng who even had his dantian sealed?

On a high platform in the distance.

"Good boy, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Xuanyuan Longteng was overjoyed, with a hint of joy on his face. He glanced at the elders present and said in a deep voice: "Everyone should be speechless now. Even if Lingfeng's Dantian is sealed, his strength is still comparable to that of a saint." ! As long as he remains a disciple of my Duyue Heavenly Palace, no matter if he is a demon clan or any other force, I will definitely protect him!"

"The palace master is wise!"

None of the elders had any objections, and the elder of the Dongfang family turned red.

Although no one actually forced him to eat the tea cup, there was no doubt that he had lost his face.

"I...I'm going to see Chun'er!"

Elder Dongfang clenched his fists and left angrily.

The attitude of Du Yue Tian Palace towards Ling Feng is a foregone conclusion and no one can change it.

Time flies, and three days have passed since Ling Feng defeated Dongfang Chun, the leader of the Eastern Alliance.

In the past three days, the Lingyun League has regained its strength, and a large number of outstanding students have poured into the Lingyun League. The Eastern League and several other major alliances have also removed their suppression of the Lingyun League.

After all, even Dongfang Chun was defeated by Ling Feng. Anyone who dares to stir up trouble is seeking death.

With Ling Feng as the leader of the alliance, the development of the Lingyun Alliance will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.

Of course, Ling Feng did not forget to learn from the previous lessons.

Lingyun Alliance not only needs to be strong alone, but also needs to cultivate a group of real elites.

In the past few days, in addition to his daily practice, Ling Feng also did not forget to guide the core members of the Lingyun Alliance.

Just like Xiao Juanyun, his strength has doubled in just a few days.

It is said that he can now tie with the weakest among the top ten.

The increase in Sword Domain for swordsmen is indeed obvious.

On this day, Ling Feng was in the alchemy room again, refining elixirs.

The process of refining the elixir can not only temper the power of spiritual consciousness, but also temper one's own strange fire, which is also helpful in breaking through the seal in the body.

The so-called dripping water wears through the stone is not a day's work.

Although these actions cannot show much effect in a short time, Ling Feng believes that persistence is victory.

Over the past few days, Ling Feng asked his subordinates to make inquiries, and finally learned about the Xieluo Fruit in Yingxiao's black market.

The Scorpion Fruit is also one of the materials that Ling Feng needs to refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill.

Ling Feng has gathered most of the spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses, leaving only three types of poisons, which are more difficult to find than the spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses.

After all, most alchemists can use spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs, but poisons are generally only accessible to poison masters and some evil cultivators.

The so-called supply and demand relationship means that there will be a market when there is demand.

A highly poisonous thing like the scorpion fruit is rare and few people know how to use it. Naturally, it is even more difficult to find.

"Is there a black market for Eagle Owl?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, then raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Juanyun, "How is it? Is the news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable. We don't have the poisons you want in the inventory of Du Yue Tian Palace, nor do several large chambers of commerce. There is only the Yingxiao black market, because there is a mix of fish and dragons, and there are also many evil cultivators and demon cultivators. Among them, that’s why the Scorpion Fruit exists.”

Xiao Juanyun said slowly.


Ling Feng nodded, Yingxiao Black Market, he had heard of this name before when he was in Dongling Territory.

This is a large-scale auction market just like the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. There are many semicolons in the Dongling Territory. Compared with the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, it is no less generous.

But in the West Sword Territory, the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce has much fewer semicolons. Some semicolons can only be seen occasionally in very large cities, and their influence is obviously not as good as in the Eastern Spirit Territory.

But the Yingxiao Black Market is different. In the West Sword Region, the status of the Yingxiao Black Market is still very high. Even in this Yueling City, it is no weaker than the auction house with the support of the nine major families.

This can't help but make Ling Feng a little curious. Who is behind the Yingxiao black market? It can actually spread its branches all over the major areas, and they all have considerable influence.

However, this is not what Ling Feng needs to care about now.

What he is more concerned about now is how to obtain the Scorpion Fruit.

"Brother Xiao, when exactly will the Scorpion Fruit be sold?"

Ling Feng looked up at Xiao Juanyun. He had spent half a year in Miluo Continent in vain. Although everything seemed calm at the moment, he knew that this was just a prelude to the coming storm.

The demon clan will not let him go.

Although he was protected by Xuanyuan Longteng in the Single Moon Heavenly Palace, he did not want to be dependent on others all the time.

Therefore, in order to have the strength to protect himself, he must unlock the seal as soon as possible.

Similarly, he has not forgotten that Mu Qianxue's wedding only lasts three years. Now that more than half a year has passed, there is really not much time left for him.

He must get out of the West Sword Territory as soon as possible, move towards a broader world, and become stronger!

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