Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2186 The Blue Fire Tribe! (2 updates)

The old man's seven-day mourning incense obviously drove away most of the greedy people, but some people still refused to give up.

Among them was the dandy boy who bid with the old man.

I saw that the handsome young man was surrounded by a layer of blue light, and the white-haired old man beside him didn't even use his body-protecting energy. He walked directly into the space where the fragrance spread without any reaction.

The old man and the young man strode towards the mysterious old man and stopped ten steps away from him.


The dandy boy stepped on the ground of the warrior who fell to the ground, and directly stepped on the opponent's head until his brains burst. The scene was very bloody.

A hint of anger flashed in the eyes of the mysterious old man. He used the Seven Days of Soul-Losing Incense because he didn't want to hurt anyone, but this dandy boy was so ruthless when he made a move, and his vicious heart was evident.

"Old man, I'll give you a chance!"

The dandy boy stared at the mysterious old man coldly with a condescending attitude, "Here are 1.5 billion high-grade yuan crystals. How about you keep the glazed fire tree and make a friend with me from now on?"

The mysterious old man shook his head and smiled, "The Glazed Fire Tree is of great use to me. I'm sorry, but I can't give it to you!"


The handsome boy's eyes flashed coldly, "You are so shameless!"

He was about to take action, but was held down by the white-haired swordsman beside him, "Young Master, don't act recklessly."

As he spoke, the white-haired swordsman looked at the old man opposite, bowed his hands, and said calmly: "Brother Taoist, the Glazed Fire Tree is also of special value to our Azure Fire Tribe. Please sell it to our Azure Fire Tribe to save my face. I will definitely be grateful.”

The white-haired swordsman mentioned "Blue Fire Tribe" three times in a row. As expected, many warriors hiding in the dark left in anger.

The Azure Fire Tribe is a very special force in the West Sword Territory.

Because they are the legendary gods!

General forces, even the three major sword houses, would not dare to go against the Gods easily.

"Azure Fire Tribe?"

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, showed a hint of disdain, "Compared to our Jiuli God Clan, the Azure God Clan is nothing but rubbish. How dare you use it to bluff people?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Only Yu Junyao dared to say this.

However, the mysterious old man didn't seem to buy it, and still shook his head, "I said that this glazed fire tree will not be given to anyone."

"Old thing!"

The dandy boy's eyes were filled with anger. He broke away from the white-haired swordsman's hand. Blue flames surged around his body. He wrapped his fist around the blue flames and attacked the mysterious old man fiercely.

The temperature of the blue flame was hotter than ordinary strange fire. For a moment, a wave of heat swept across, and even the surrounding forest began to make a violent "click-click" sound and burned directly.

"What a domineering flame!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Although the mysterious old man's poisonous aura was powerful, if he was approached, I'm afraid...

Although alchemists are rich, they generally do not have strong combat capabilities, especially close combat capabilities.

Ling Feng, that is an exception.

As for the boy from the Azure Fire Tribe, he seemed to be a gifted person at first glance. If he really got close to him, I'm afraid the mysterious old man would suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng quickly deployed his body skills, and in a flash, he landed in front of the old man. Although his move was a little hasty, the power of a hundred dragons exploded and he kicked on the ground. The huge movement caused still made the blue The boy from the Fire Tribe was stunned for a moment.

And with this stunned effort, Ling Feng had already killed him.


Lan Huo faced Yan Yan.

The fire exploded, and Ling Feng and the boy from the blue fire tribe took several steps back at the same time. Ling Feng was victorious because of his strength, while the boy from the fire tribe was victorious because of the domineering power of the flame rules.


The punch was knocked away, and a look of shock and anger flashed in the eyes of the young man from the blue Fire Tribe, and he stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Boy, who are you?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and used the power of swallowing flames to disintegrate the blue fire that invaded the body. However, he did not pay attention to the Fire Tribe boy. Instead, he looked back at the mysterious old man and nodded slightly to him, "Senior, you are okay. Bar?"

The old man looked at Ling Feng and then showed a faint smile, "It turns out that I am a little friend who can discern pearls with a sharp eye and recognize the preciousness of the Scorpion Fruit. Do you think you are also a practitioner of alchemy?"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. This mysterious old man was indeed an alchemist.

"In front of the seniors, this junior's meager attainments mean nothing."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "If I have the chance, I would like to learn something from my senior."

"Lowly bastard!"

When the Fire Tribe boy saw Ling Feng chatting with the old man, he didn't take him seriously at all. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, urging the domineering Lan Yan to attack Ling Feng again.

"Senior, I'll deal with this kid first, and then I'll tell you in detail!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, then looked back at the young man, and said coldly: "I advise you to go back and forth from where you came from, otherwise, you will regret it!"

"Boy, how dare you say that! Who do you think you are? Do you know what the gods mean? How can you, a lowly bloodline, understand what real power is!"

The Fire Tribe boy stared at the flames around Ling Feng and was even more furious. He was obviously just a low-class untouchable, but he actually had flames that were comparable to the blue fire.

He couldn't accept this.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng shook his head, "Then pick me up and give me a normal punch!"

Ling Feng raised his hand slightly, and a domineering swallowing flame swept away. At the same time, the divine power of a hundred dragon elephants was concentrated on the point of the fist.

"You bastard, you are seeking death!"

When the Fire Tribe boy saw that Ling Feng dared to despise him so much, he immediately became furious and waved his fists to attack Ling Feng, intending to fight with each other.

"Young Master, get out of here!"

The white-haired old man saw the clues. Ling Feng's seemingly ordinary punch actually had the power to destroy the world.

He quickly spoke to remind him, but the Fire Tribe boy was so arrogant that he didn't believe that his blue fire would lose to Ling Feng's flames.


The white-haired old man screamed secretly, and was about to take action, but was locked by an invisible pressure and could not move at all.

"In a fight between little kids, you, an old guy, actually have the nerve to take action?"

A burly figure suddenly descended from the sky, and he saw a bald man two meters away, wearing a yellow robe and showing a round belly. He was holding a banana fan and stared at the white-haired swordsman with a smile.

The breath of this bald man was extremely terrifying. For a moment, even the white-haired swordsman felt as if he was being strangled by the throat and unable to move.

"you you……"

The white-haired swordsman's eyes were full of astonishment, and a terrifying thought came to his mind.

"Old Chang, if I hadn't been kind-hearted and followed you, you dead old ghost would have turned into a corpse on the ground now, wouldn't you?"

The bald man turned back with a smile and looked at the mysterious old man.

"Cough cough cough..."

The mysterious old man coughed violently, "When did you, Xiaoxiao'er, dare to claim to be kind-hearted?"

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