Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2195 Is this okay? (2 updates)

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

Time passes day by day.

Ling Feng seemed to have turned into a wooden mannequin, sitting there in a daze, as the sun rose and the moon set, over and over again...

Yu Junyao had given up long ago, but Blood Demon Shou worked at sunrise and rested at sunset every day, as if he was a diligent farmer.

According to him, when he swings his hoe, he can completely smash the entire farmland boundary, and there will be no need to continue cultivating the land in the future.

However, even with his ability, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach that level in another hundred years.

It was another new day. Ling Feng finally opened his eyes, stood up, and held a hoe beside him in his hand.


The blood demon's hand looked over here, and Yu Junyao, who was so bored that she started weaving grasshoppers, also blinked.

Is Ling Feng finally going to take action?

"According to what the blood demon said, it took him an unknown amount of time to take this first step, and I, I don't have that much time!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He couldn't be like the Blood Demon Shou, who had been digging here for decades.

Therefore, he must take risks.

He has to use different methods to pass this first test.

If he couldn't get out of the Valley of the Evil, he wouldn't be able to go to the Ten Thousand Monster Cave to collect materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill. If he couldn't quickly recover his cultivation, he wouldn't be able to truly compete with those veteran saint-level powerhouses.

Sooner or later, the demon clan will completely break with the human clan because of their killing of Young Master Jin Jiao.

Once a war breaks out between the two races, too many people will die because of themselves.

Although Ling Feng never considered himself a great saint, he never wanted to see such a thing happen.

Therefore, there is not much time left for yourself!

"Senior Blood, you mean that as long as I use this hoe to dig a crack in the ground, it will count as me passing the test, right?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at the blood demon's hand.

"Yeah, that's what I mean."

Blood Demon Hand thought for a while, then nodded, "Just a small crack is enough, it proves that you are qualified!"


Ling Feng raised the hoe high, kicked the ground with his left leg, and suddenly his whole body rose into the sky. Then he spun in mid-air with his head facing down. He grabbed the hoe tightly and used all his strength to smash it against the ground.

"Haha, after thinking about it for so many days, you came up with this method?"

The blood demon hand on the side grinned. Although Ling Feng's method relied on a downward dive, which could reduce the force on the wooden handle of the hoe to a certain extent, once it touched the barrier, the two The wooden handle broke due to the force of the impact.

The remaining power dissipated naturally and was not enough to break the barrier.

However, the next moment, a scene appeared that dumbfounded Blood Demon Hand.

He saw a crimson dragon-shaped phantom surrounding Ling Feng. It was obviously pushing his power to the extreme. The power of a hundred dragons exploded at the same time, and the energy and blood condensed, converging into the phantom of the ancient dragon.

Of course, Hoe couldn't bear such an explosion of power.


The fragile wooden handle broke with a sudden sound. However, the broken hoe was like a cannonball, its speed did not slow down, and it hit the ground heavily.


There was an explosion, and the golden light on the barrier flowed. Along with several cracking sounds, the golden barrier on the ground broke, and Ling Feng's blow just now actually left a fist on the ground. potholes.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng stood firmly on the ground like a hawk landing, with a smile on his face.

"Senior Xue, I used this hoe to make a hole in the ground! Is my test passed?"

"This this……"

The corners of the Blood Demon's hand and mouth twitched, and his eyes almost fell off. Is this okay?

Indeed, from a literal point of view, just use a hoe to make a hole in the ground. It does not say that you cannot use a broken hoe.

With Ling Feng's hand, he took the initiative to explode the hoe in the air, and used the impact of the explosion to slam the hoe onto the ground.

Although the method is completely different from my own, the final effect seems to have no flaws.

"Well, at least in terms of strength, you are indeed qualified. You kid, it's a shame you can figure it out!"

Blood Demon Shou swallowed hard. This method was indeed tricky, but it also had hard power in it.

"The junior knows that he will never be able to reach the level of the senior in a short period of time, so he is a little clever. Please don't take offense, senior."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. He had already used all his strength, but he could only open a small hole in the ground. However, the blood demon's hand could explode such a large crack in the ground without damaging the hoe. What he had to say was The control of power is really beyond his reach.

After returning from the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, I must consult the Blood Demon Shou again.

I have a lot to learn from him.

Even if you only learn 30% of what he learned, it will be enough to benefit you for a lifetime.

"Seeing that you have good strength and are smart, well, I will take you to the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave today. Let's go for a walk!"

The Blood Demon put the hoe on his shoulder. In fact, he had long been tired of cultivating the land here every day. It would be more satisfying to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave and kill a few monsters than to fight the land here.

"I am coming too!"

Yu Junyao quickly followed. She had been bored watching Ling Feng in a daze every day for the past few days.


Blood Demon Hand glanced at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, you have the final say. Boss Mu's restrictions are only for you, not this little girl."

"Then let's go together."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Yu Junyao was actually not a weakling, and she also had many life-saving trump cards in her hand, which might come in handy at critical moments.

"This is a human saying!"

Yu Junyao then showed a smile and handed the grasshopper in her hand to Ling Feng, "For the sake of taking me out with you, I'll give this to you!"


Ling Feng took the extremely deformed grasshopper. To be honest, words like dexterity and dexterity have nothing to do with Yu Junyao.

However, seeing Yu Junyao looking unkind and about to explode at any moment, Ling Feng had no choice but to ignore his conscience and give Yu Junyao a thumbs up and said: "You are really... uncanny in your craftsmanship!"


Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, but then she didn't explode.

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting over it.

"You two, go home while you are flirting, don't irritate people here!"

There was a sad expression on the face of Blood Demon Shou. He spent the first half of his life focusing on killing people, and the second half of his life was here fighting every day. After living for hundreds of years, he was still a C man! How can I bear being treated like a dog in person?


Ling Feng was immediately speechless, but he couldn't explain it to the Blood Demon Shou.

Yu Junyao's face turned red and she gave Ling Feng a hard look. The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

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