Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2236 The power of heaven and earth! (1 update)

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

From the cracks in the void, an unparalleled terrifying impact burst out, and everything between heaven and earth was crushed into pieces as if it were destroyed!

The terrifying energy swept through, and the warriors below the imperial realm were instantly crushed into blood foam and completely dissipated between heaven and earth!

Only the warriors above the Imperial Realm could barely resist, but almost all of them were swept away by this sudden shock wave. There were also many Imperial Realm experts who fell.

Even though he was a strong man in the Holy Realm, he was seriously injured by the explosion if he was not careful. He was smashed deep into the ground and even lost half of his skin.


Boom boom boom!

The earth shattered, and a majestic thousand-year-old city was instantly wiped out. It even created a large crater hundreds of feet deep in the ground, stretching for thousands of miles!

Its destructive power is so terrifying that it makes one’s scalp numb!


In the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng dragged Yu Junyao and ran directly into the Mu Zhiyuan Realm. The two of them collided and almost fell to the ground.

Yu Junyao frowned, pushed Ling Feng away, and said angrily: "You bastard, what are you doing!"

She was suddenly dragged into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace by Ling Feng, and she didn't even realize what happened.

"Look outside!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.


Yu Junyao snorted softly and looked at a light curtain in the center of the hall. At first glance, her eyes suddenly widened with horror.

Songfeng City was razed to the ground!

Stretching for thousands of miles, it’s a mess!

"What...what's going on?"

Yu Junyao was almost stunned. This kind of destructive power was probably even more terrifying than the destructive power of two great saint-level warriors who fought fiercely for three days and three nights.

And all this happened in an instant!

"I'm afraid it's the shock wave caused by the arrival of Taihua Immortal Palace."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and recalled that the crack in the sky didn't look big, but that was because the distance was too far.

The area of ​​Taihua Immortal Palace is probably as large as a dozen Songfeng cities.

The impact of such a huge thing falling from the sky is naturally unimaginable.

By rough estimation, I must have at least the divine power of a thousand dragon elephants. No, I estimate that I must have the divine power of five thousand dragon elephants or more to be able to produce such destructive power with one punch.

And my current level, haha, is just the pitiful power of more than a hundred dragon elephants, and there is still a huge difference!

"It doesn't make sense. That god is infinite, isn't it harmful to people?"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, "I knew that the magic stick was not a good person. He deliberately gathered people in Songfeng City. I'm afraid 99% of the people died in that moment!"

"It's too early to draw conclusions now."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "It can only be said that Shen Buliang did predict the arrival of Taihua Immortal Palace, but perhaps even he himself did not expect that Taihua Immortal Palace would cause such a terrifying disaster. Bar."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng turned to look at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice: "This is not the first time that Taihua Immortal Palace has appeared. Have there been any records like this before?"

"That's not true...but in the past, the arrival of Taihua Immortal Palace was mostly in uninhabited places in the wild. This time, it may be that it happened to arrive in the sky above Songfeng City."

Yu Junyao shook her head. As far as she knew, Taihua Immortal Palace had visited the Zhongyuan Domain five times in total, but it seemed that it had never caused such a huge disaster.

"Probably because martial arts experts often don't care about the lives of ordinary people."

Ling Feng sighed softly. Judging from the terrifying shock wave just now, even if it came to a deserted land and stretched for thousands of miles, there would probably be many people who would be robbed.

However, those martial arts experts only saw the opportunities of Taihua Immortal Palace, and naturally ignored the casualties of ordinary people.

"It seems to have calmed down outside, let's go out and take a look!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Under that terrible shock wave, those who could survive were all the emperor-level experts. You can imagine how tragic the scene outside would be.

With a flash of purple light, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao flew out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and landed on a ruined wall.

Even though I had already seen the scene outside in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, seeing the broken earth and collapsed mountains and rivers with my own eyes was still shocking to the extreme.

In front of the power of heaven and earth, even a strong martial artist is as weak as an ant.

Perhaps, only by reaching the realm of immortality can one be able to compete with the power of heaven and earth.

"Oh my this still the inn we are in?"

Yu Junyao covered her cheeks, barely daring to look at what was in front of her.

What you see is bright red blood, broken buildings, and crushed corpses!

"I'm afraid it is..."

Ling Feng shook his head. In the face of natural disasters, ordinary people are the real ants.

" hurts me so much!"

"Help, help me!"


There were constant screams and calls for help from everywhere. Many Imperial Realm experts were also seriously injured by the terrible force. Many of them were missing arms or legs.

"Go rescue people first."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he couldn't save everyone, he couldn't ignore death.


Yu Junyao nodded, and the two of them split up to rescue some of the warriors who were stuck in the cracks in the rocks and brought them back to the ground.

At this time, many warriors one after another flew out of their hiding places without being seriously injured.

Some people will also take action to rescue some people in distress, and some people show a shameless and vicious side. If you want them to help, you must pay a certain amount of crystals or treasures.

What's more, they directly plunder other people's spiritual rings, but do nothing to save them.

Human nature is so vicious sometimes.

And more people flew to the ground and looked up at the "extraterrestrial thing" emitting white light in the sky.

It seems to be getting bigger and bigger, emitting a blazing white light, getting more and more powerful. If ordinary people take one more look at it, their eyes will be burned out immediately!

Even the saint-level experts were restrained and did not dare to act rashly.

"Help me, help me!"

A middle-aged man was stuck in the ruins. He was covered in blood, and half of his body was almost crushed. If it hadn't been for a piece of Yuanli to protect him, he might have died.

His condition was already very dire. He finally saw another warrior passing by and quickly shouted for help.


Passing by was a very handsome young man, and beside him was an old man carrying a long sword.

This young man was dressed luxuriously and elegantly, as if he was born with a feeling of superiority to others.

"Great! Help me! Help me!"

When the middle-aged man saw the young man looking over, he immediately showed a look of ecstasy, "Young master, please save me quickly. I will be very grateful!"


The young man in fine clothes grinned, "What use do I need your gratitude for?"

As he spoke, his eyes turned to the Naling Ring in the middle-aged man's hand.

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