Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2238 Floating Island! (3 updates)

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Elder Jian couldn't help but tremble in his voice.

Xiaoxiao'er, Blood Demon Shou, Crazy Wulang, Shura Cooking Saint...

Which of these names is not famous and powerful?

Any one of these people can kill him. If they all get together, I'm afraid...

"What happened this time was a misunderstanding!"

The sword elder grabbed the dandy young master's shoulders and ran away without thinking!

Under the title of "Top Ten Evil Persons", he was completely frightened and how dare he continue to stay.


In the blink of an eye, the sword elder disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace of the Taihua Immortal Palace or the heaven-defying opportunity!

Saving your life is the most important thing!

"Isn't this too cowardly?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Last time, the sword elder cut off his arm to save his life from Xiao Xiaoer. This time it was even more exaggerated. He just casually mentioned the names of four villains, and this guy was scared away. .

I really don’t know how he cultivated to the holy level!

Is it because you are cowardly enough?

How did he know that there were a few people in the world who would not shrink from hearing these names.

It is estimated that there are only those ancestor-level experts who have been in seclusion all year round and have not come out of the world.

"Brother Ling, are the people you mentioned just now the top ten villains who were famous and feared all over the world?"

Xiao Hen had obviously heard something about the Valley of the Wicked, and there was a hint of horror on his face.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "During this period, I was indeed taken to the Valley of the Wicked."

"I never thought that Brother Ling would have such an opportunity."

Xiao Hen took a deep breath and didn't ask any more questions.

He is not an overly curious person. Ling Feng can speak if he wants to. If Ling Feng doesn't speak, it doesn't matter to him.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, why are you here too?"

Ling Feng glanced at Xiao Hen. He had always been reclusive, so why would he come to join in the excitement of Taihua Immortal Palace?

Xiao Hen shook his head and smiled, "Speaking of it, it's really a coincidence."

"So what?" Ling Feng asked a little strangely.

"Do you still remember what I said that day, if I join the Lingyun League, I hope you can do me a favor?" Xiao Hen said in a deep voice.


Ling Feng nodded, "That's the case."

"What I was talking about at the beginning was referring to Taihua Immortal Palace." Xiao Hen shook his head and smiled, "There are a large number of extremely high-level soul skills hidden in Taihua Immortal Palace, and they require extremely high soul talent. Only warriors can understand. Therefore, I hope you can enter Taihua Immortal Palace with me.”

"Originally, I was ready to mention this matter to you, but you suddenly left Yueling City. I went to Lingyun Village to find you several times, but you were not there. I had given up hope on this matter, but who would have expected, Met you here again!”

Xiao Hen looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Do you think this is called God's will?"

"So, you already knew about Taihua Immortal Palace more than half a year ago?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked at Xiao Hen in surprise, "'re not that Shen Buliang, are you?"

"Of course not."

Xiao Hen shook his head, "However, he and I do have some relationship. I also learned about Taihua Immortal Palace from his mouth."

After a pause, Xiao Hen said slowly: "Actually, most of my soul skills were taught by him."

"Then isn't he your master?"

Xiao Hen shook his head, "No, although I have always regarded him as my master in my heart, he did not accept me as his disciple, or maybe I am not qualified enough."

"To be able to teach a genius like you in the way of soul, I think Master Shen Buliang is also an unparalleled powerhouse in the way of soul, right? By the way, is he here too this time?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he actually wanted to meet this master Shen Buliangshen and ask for advice.

"He didn't come here."

Xiao Hen shook his head, looked at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "Senior God once made a prediction for me, saying that if I could meet a genius who appeared out of nowhere, I would be able to get a huge opportunity in Taihua Immortal Palace. .So, I approached you with a purpose in mind.”

"No wonder."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. According to Xiao Juanyun, Xiao Hen was a lonely guy who rarely interacted with others, but he was actually very "special" to him.

It turns out that it's not because he has such a charming personality, but because he is Xiao Hen's "lucky star".

"I'm sorry." Xiao Hen gritted his teeth, "But later, after I got along with Brother Ling, I found that you are indeed a friend worth keeping, so I hope to make things clear. I sincerely regard you as my good friend! "

"Brother Xiao, why do you need to apologize? If it were me, I would deliberately approach Brother Xiao because of this."

Ling Feng patted Xiao Hen's shoulder gently, "In that case, let's go to Taihua Immortal Palace together!"


Xiao Hen nodded heavily, and the two of them rescued the warrior who had fainted from pain, and then flew up to join Yu Junyao.

"Phew... I'm so exhausted!"

Yu Junyao rescued a dozen people in total. She wiped the crystal tears on her forehead and suddenly saw Ling Feng and Xiao Hen coming together. She couldn't help but be curious, "Hey, you're not that one, Xiao Juanyun's Fourth brother?"

Xiao Hen just nodded lightly. When facing others, he looked like a cold person who cherished his words like gold.

"Gloomy weird guy!"

Yu Junyao cursed in her heart without saying much. She just looked at the white light in the sky and it was getting closer!

"Taihua Immortal Palace seems to be coming to a halt!"

Yujunyao blinked her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Ling Feng also raised his head and squinted his eyes, only to see the crack in the void, almost tearing open the entire sky. From the white light, a huge rock could be vaguely seen.

No, this can no longer be described as a rock. The exposed part alone is larger than the size of a city!

It's like a small continent!

Even at such a long distance, he could still sense the prehistoric aura emanating from that "continent", which seemed to come from tens of millions of years ago, so vast and majestic that it overwhelmed the heavens!


That continent, suspended in the air, is getting closer and closer!


Finally, the huge floating island seemed to have stopped high in the sky.

The ground below suddenly shook violently like boiling lake water!

The void trembles, and the heaven and earth shake!

Everyone quickly left the land opposite the floating island and fled far away, but even so, a terrifying weight still made everyone present almost breathless.

Ling Feng felt deaf in both ears. Apart from a buzzing sound, he could no longer hear any sound.




There is only the sound of the sunken earth, which is shocking!

Finally, after lasting for a full hour, the floating island stabilized!

Emitting dazzling white light, a huge dome can be vaguely seen.

That is Taihua Immortal Palace!

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