Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2253 The truth of destruction! (3 updates)

"I said, brat, you are exaggerating!"

Yu Junyao murmured for a while, and she also understood one of the scrolls, but the swordsmanship in it was difficult to understand. She felt that she would have to spend at least several months or even years to figure it out.

But luckily for Ling Feng, he just realized it and was able to use it immediately.

The gap between people is a bit too big!

After all, he is also a god!

"well enough."

Ling Feng shrugged, looked at Duan Tianliang, and said calmly: "How about it, now, who wants to kill whom?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and unfolded the "Xuantian Breaking Cloud Sword". Even he was a little surprised by this power.

Moreover, although this sword technique consumes a lot of money on him, it is much smaller than the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique.

If he uses his full strength to use the Eight Swords as One, even if he combines Xiaobai's power, he can only use it about three times.

However, if it were the Xuantian Poyun Sword, it could be used at least six times!

Six times, six people killed, that’s enough!

If anyone has bad intentions and dares to snatch it, I don't mind letting them see the true power of Xuantian Poyun Sword!

Duan Tianliang only felt that his scalp was numb, and even his breathing became a little short under Ling Feng's gaze.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from inside the house, and an old voice sounded.

"Oh my god, could it be that in the ancient times, there was a terrible war in the Immortal Continent?"

For a moment, everyone looked at him in unison.

"Mr. Gongsun, what did you discover?"

Everyone immediately became attentive.

The old man who just spoke was named Gongsun Xuan. He was also a veteran saint-level powerhouse, and he was also an old scholar.

When he was outside the valley, he was the first to notice that the boundary of the valley was weakening. He was an extremely knowledgeable elder.

Moreover, Gongsun Xuan likes to study ancient books the most, and he knows much more about things in the ancient times than ordinary people.

Therefore, most of the people present who knew him called him "Old Sir" with a hint of respect.

"This pagoda records some incomplete information, and I can only decipher one or two!"

Gongsun Xuan took a deep breath, and his hands trembled slightly with excitement.

This is natural. The so-called immortality is the ultimate dream for these old men who have spent countless lifespan in the holy realm!

Even if he stands at the top of this continent, he is still no different from an ant in front of the gods.

There have been rumors about Taihua Immortal Palace for a long time. We only know that it is a fragment of the Immortal Realm that collapsed, but no one knows the specific situation.

But if some clues can be found here, even if it has no practical significance, it will eventually solve a mystery that has lasted for tens of millions of years.

"Please sir, please explain!"

Everyone came here in droves.

Under everyone's gaze, the old man spoke slowly.

"We shouldn't mess with that guy, that scary guy!"

"The catastrophe has come. Your Majesty's insistence has finally led to a huge disaster!"

"It's over, everything is over, everyone turned into ashes, and that person just waved his sword lightly! I didn't die immediately because I had swallowed a drop of the blood of the ancestral dragon? But even so , my life has been cut off!"

"Taihua Immortal Palace...Taihua Immortal Palace is destroyed! It has been passed down for millions of years, but why did it provoke the Son of Heaven...Dao...!"

"No, the sword energy broke out again. Where are the five immortal emperors? Where are the Immortal Lords of the Ten Directions? Have they all died in the battle? It shouldn't be... you shouldn't provoke that person..."

Gongsun Xuan read some intermittent words, and finally stopped abruptly at the last sentence.

"No more. As I write this, the person who left the last words seems to have died."

Gongsun Xuan sighed softly and remained silent.

There was silence.

Although they have not been there in person, everyone can still relate to some scenes.

A sword energy destroyed a sect that had been inherited for millions of years, and caused the entire plane to directly shatter and break away from the fairyland...

How terrifying is that kind of power?

Everyone looked at each other, feeling as if they were covered in cold sweat.

Among all of them, only Ling Feng might know something specific.

Among the words in blood, "Son of Heaven" was mentioned!

In other words, the strong man who once destroyed Taihua Immortal Palace may be the ancestor of the Tiandao clan!

Ling Feng clenched his fists and felt the blood in his body boiling slightly.

It turns out that it was here that his ancestors were surrounded by powerful men from the Immortal Realm?

And even though his ancestors had such powerful power, they were still unable to protect the Tiandao clan, causing the entire Tiandao clan to almost perish...

He only felt that the mountain behind him that had been oppressing him seemed to be heavier.

I have always taken it too much for granted!

He knew so little about immortals and gods that he was so naive that he thought that he could naturally fight against those powerful men in the immortal realm.

But now, he realized how huge the gap between himself and these strong men was!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng buried this depression and heaviness deep in his heart.

If you were afraid of those strong men and stopped moving forward, then why would you have gone all the way to this point?

Now that he has decided to embark on this road of revenge, no matter how powerful his enemy is, he will never back down at all!

Five Immortal Emperors and Immortal Lords of the Ten Directions, you were the ones who besieged my Tiandao clan and drove our clan to extinction, right?

Then, sooner or later, I, Ling Feng, will cut off your heads one by one to pay homage to your ancestors!

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