Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2255 Demon Blood Refining Map! (2 updates)

For a moment, Elder Sword became murderous.

Since this kind of person has already formed a grudge, we can only strangle him in the cradle.

Otherwise, once he fully grows up, he may bring huge disaster to the entire Azure Fire Clan.

In particular, Lan Yan provoked him again and again, and the conflict between them had reached the point of no return.


Ling Feng spat out a mouthful of bloody foam and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

After all, he is a veteran saint. With his current strength, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with him.

However, it is very rare to be able to achieve this step.

After all, when I first met this sword elder outside Yueling City three months ago, I probably didn't even have room to resist.

Today, he can already challenge him head-on.

However, if the fight continues, he may have to explode with Shura power to be able to fight.

Ling Feng did not want to use Shura's power easily unless absolutely necessary. After all, this was his biggest trump card.

"Boy Ling Feng, use the picture just now!"

At this moment, the bitch winked at him in a sly manner.

As soon as this guy entered the stone house, he started rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, but unfortunately he couldn't find a single hair, so he could only return to Ling Feng in despair.

Although others were surprised why a strange "black donkey" suddenly appeared here, they found that this black donkey actually had the aura of a demon saint, and they were not willing to provoke this guy easily.

And when Jianlu found the piece of silk cloth in Ling Feng's hand, he began to rack his brains and meditated for a long time, and finally thought of the origin of this treasure.

"how to use?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. He had just checked the piece of silk. Although the texture was special and the pattern inside was very strange, it seemed to have no real use.

Could it be that those strange beasts inside could come out and serve as his thugs?

"Inject your consciousness into it!"

The asshole's voice sounded in his mind again.

This guy communicated with Ling Feng through the spiritual pet contract, so except for Ling Feng, no one else could hear the conversation between them.


Ling Feng nodded. At this critical moment, there is no need for a bitch to lie to himself.

Otherwise, I will throw him out to deal with that sword elder.

Anyway, he brags about what kind of mythical beast he is every day, so let’s show it to himself today!

"Boy, do you still want to resist?"

The elder Jian took a deep breath, and the murderous intent in his eyes grew stronger. Lan Yan urged him repeatedly: "Elder Jian, what are you waiting for? Take his life! Kill him quickly!"

Duan Tianliang also held the weapon tightly, ready to hit the target at any time.

Ling Feng glared at the people opposite him, his momentum not weak at all, and slowly took out the piece of silk cloth from his sleeve robe.

The next moment, he followed the instructions of the bitch and injected his consciousness into the silk cloth.


My mind seemed to explode. Immediately afterwards, eight giant heads appeared in the sea of ​​​​spirits. They were exactly the same as the patterns on the silk cloth, but each head came alive. It was three-dimensional and could be viewed from top to bottom and from left to back. See every detail clearly.

They all exuded extremely terrifying power. In front of their huge bodies, Ling Feng was just like a tiny ant.

For a time, the entire spiritual sea was filled with these eight-headed behemoths, making Ling Feng's spiritual sea almost unbearable and almost collapsed.

It is certain that if ordinary people rashly inject their spiritual consciousness into it, the spiritual sea will collapse directly and die suddenly on the spot.

Ling Feng's physique was special, and he had broken through to the level of a golden fighting spirit not long ago, so he could barely bear it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be killed by a bitch this time!

Immediately afterwards, a message came, and Ling Feng finally understood how to use this treasure.

It turns out that I can choose to communicate with one of the strange beasts at a time!

The next moment, Ling Feng's eyes returned to clarity, and with a thought, he poured all the Yuan Jing from the spiritual ring into the silk cloth, as if it was free of charge.

Immediately afterwards, a huge beast appeared from the void, with a bull-headed wolf body and astonishing sharp claws. It was more than three feet tall and had a terrifying aura. This strange beast exuded supreme power, even if it was a veteran saint. Super powerful people all have a powerful feeling of powerlessness deep in their hearts.

It was an absolute suppression, completely crushing all aspects of realm, strength, and life level.

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and he could feel that there was a vague connection between himself and this strange beast, but it was very strong.

This is just the incarnation of an ancient strange beast. Although its power is not as good as one ten thousandth of the original form, it is already invincible in front of these saint-level powerhouses.

The only drawback is that it consumes too much Yuanjing.

In just a short time, Ling Feng had already burned one billion high-grade Yuan Crystals.

Almost every ten breaths of time it takes to maintain it will cost one billion high-grade Yuan Crystals.

Even if Ling Feng was not short of money, he still couldn't afford such expenditure. He fixed his eyes on the sword elder and issued a cold command.

"kill him!"

The bull-headed beast had a fierce light in its eyes, and in an instant, it rushed directly towards Elder Jian.

With just one claw, Elder Sword's fairy-level sword shattered into pieces, and half of Elder Sword's body was torn apart by the release of violent power.


Accompanied by a burst of heartbreaking screams, Elder Jian, a veteran saint-level powerhouse above the fifth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm, was torn to pieces by the bull-headed beast in the blink of an eye. .

It's like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, with no room for resistance.

The expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Oh my god, just summon an ancient beast. Wouldn't that be invincible?

"Oh My God!"

Yu Junyao was also completely stunned, her pretty face turned pale with fright, this was too fierce!

"Hahaha, it is indeed a demon blood refining diagram. This divine beast is indeed correct!"

The bitch showed a proud expression, as if it was not the bull-headed beast that suppressed Elder Jian, but him.


Blood foam splashed, and in the blink of an eye, Elder Sword had already fallen, and immediately after, the bull-headed beast rushed towards Duan Tianliang again.

This place is only so big, how can we hide? How to escape?

Duan Tianliang also screamed, his neck was broken by the monster, blood rushed out from his chest, and he lost his life in an instant!

Everyone was horrified and hurriedly ran out, fearing that Ling Feng would kill him.

In front of this ancient beast, they are all like chickens and dogs, and they are completely vulnerable.

In the blink of an eye, almost everyone fled. Only Lan Yan was so frightened that he peeed and collapsed to the ground. Looking at the body of Elder Jian, he felt a strong hatred in his heart.


Why is such a powerful treasure not mine?

Ling Feng waved his hand and called back the strange beast, but there was not much joy on his face.

Big loss!

The Yuan Jing that I had worked so hard to save, and even emptied out the Yuan Jing that had been saved by several ancient sects, was consumed in less than thirty breaths just now!

It is indeed a treasure of the Immortal Realm. He is really a big eater of Yuanjing!

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