Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2290 Think long term! (1 update)

Unlike second-generation ancestors like Lan Yan, Jun Jiuyou, the young master of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, does not only represent the identity of a direct descendant of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

With his strength and talent, he will definitely be the next successor of the Jiuyou Divine Clan in the future.

Therefore, even though Xuanyuan Longteng was the sect leader of the Duyue Heavenly Palace, he had to show enough respect in front of Jun Jiuyou.

If it were Lan Yan, he would just nod at most and forget about it.

In the world of martial arts, strength is ultimately the most respected thing and strength speaks for itself.

Regardless of status or talent, Jun Jiuyou is undoubtedly a dragon among men.

Xuanyuan Long Teng's eyes flashed with excitement. He never expected that Ling Feng would become a companion with a protoss genius like Jun Jiuyou.

If the Jiuyou Divine Clan comes forward, no matter how crazy the Golden Dragon Great Sage is, how dare he not give up this face?

"You don't have to be polite. I'm just here as a friend of Brother Ling. It doesn't mean that I, the Nine Nether God Clan, will intervene in this conflict between you and the Monster Clan."

Jun Jiuyou's words were like a bucket of cold water poured down, making all the elders in the tent disappointed.

However, even if the Jiuyou Divine Clan does not intervene, with Jun Jiuyou's strength, if he is willing to help, it will be a big help.


After all, Xuanyuan Longteng is an experienced person. The look of disappointment in his eyes flashed past, and he immediately said with a smile: "Young Master Jiuyou came from afar. I should have hosted a banquet to entertain you, but the war is tight right now. , I have no time to hold a banquet, so I can only prepare a small amount of wine to catch the wind and wash away the dust for the young master of Jiuyou."

"No need."

Jun Jiuyou looked calm and said slowly: "I said, I am only here as a friend of Brother Ling this time, you don't need to care about my identity."

"In that case..."

Xuanyuan Longteng laughed twice, and then said: "Young Master, you have been running all the way, so you should rest first and recharge your batteries."

As a result, under Xuanyuan Longteng's arrangement, Ling Feng and others were settled down.

This valley has an open terrain and is guarded by sentries on both sides. It can be said that it is heavily guarded.

In front of the valley, a large number of elite disciples of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace were stationed, responsible for resisting the demon clan. Otherwise, how could the camp at the rear be so stable as Mount Tai.

"Little friend Ling Feng, you will stay here for the time being. Take a good rest first and don't rush to join the war. I still have things to deal with, so I won't stay any longer."

Zhuge Qingtian led Ling Feng and others to a man-made cave. There were several stone chambers inside. Although the conditions were a bit crude, they were much safer than the tents outside.

Time is tight and the war is tight. Generally, only senior elders like them can be assigned their own cave.

However, with the strength of Ling Feng and the others, it is more than enough to rival the elders.


Ling Feng stopped Zhuge Qingtian, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "I heard that the Ling Yun Alliance..."

"I also know about Lingyun Alliance's affairs."

Zhuge Qingtian sighed, "The demon clan is coming fiercely, and our Single Moon Heavenly Palace has suffered heavy damage this time. People are in urgent need of someone to vent to, but you are not here, so the Lingyun Alliance who has a relationship with you will naturally become the target of public criticism. The disciples were so excited that even the sect master could not completely ignore the wishes of the disciples, so most of the members of the Lingyun Alliance were sent to the most dangerous front lines."

"Hey, it was me who harmed them..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, these people were ultimately implicated by him.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much."

Zhuge Qingtian patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "How can there be a war without bloodshed? Instead of finding out who is responsible, it is better to find a way to completely solve the problem! Since you are back, I think you should have your own plans. ?”


Ling Feng nodded, "In a head-on battle with the demon clan, regardless of victory or defeat, bloodshed and sacrifice will inevitably be inevitable in the end. I don't want to cause unnecessary deaths because of my fault. Therefore, I prefer to capture the thief first and capture the king first!"


Zhuge Qingtian's eyelids twitched, "Little friend Lingfeng, I must remind you that the Great Sage Golden Dragon is not an ordinary demon sage. It is simply too whimsical to surpass the thousands of demon clan's troops and capture him. !”

"I know it's hard, but how do you know if you don't try?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Is this also a way to minimize casualties? After all, the demon clan is more chaotic than our human clan. Once the dragons are leaderless, they themselves will start fighting for the position of leader. Wait. If they fight for a result, their vitality will be severely damaged. How can they still have the energy to deal with us humans? "

"That's true, but it's a bit too taken for granted."

Zhuge Qingtian shook his head and smiled, "Okay, you'd better have a good rest first. It's better not to act rashly before the sect leader gives the order."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and nodded.

I thought it was really good, but the actual situation could not be so ideal.

If you want to sneak into the side of the Golden Dragon Great Sage, it may be difficult to reach the sky.

"Hey, it's better to calm down and think about it in the long run!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, the more times like this, the more he needs to calm down, otherwise, once he acts impulsively, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Early the next morning.

Ling Feng heard the sound of horns outside early and flew out of the cave, only to find that a large number of elite disciples had gathered in an open space in front of the valley!

There are tens of thousands of people, uniformly arranged in a square formation, with a look of solemnity in their eyes.

"One Moon Heavenly Palace is worthy of being the first of the three major sword houses in the Western Sword Region. It does have some background."

A lazy voice came, but it was Jun Jiuyou who also walked out of his cave and stood side by side with Ling Feng.

Although the Jiuyou Divine Clan is aloof from the outside world, there are only a few members in the clan. In terms of the number of emperor-level experts, it is naturally far less than that of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace.

In this huge square array, they are all in the Imperial realm, and more than half of them are at the third level of the Destiny realm or above.

Such a lineup, placed in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, can easily sweep through any holy land.

"Although there are a lot of people, I heard that the demon clan sent an army of 100,000 people!"

Yu Junyao's voice came from the other side. Because she was stimulated by Ling Feng in the Valley of Evil, she had already gotten rid of her laziness and got up quite early.

Of course, if you can still sleep when you hear the horn sound outside, you may have to be deaf.

Not long after, the phalanx was assembled, and a strong and powerful voice came from above the commander's tent.

A huge power of the saint spread, lifting everyone's spirits.


The next moment, a figure soared into the sky, suspended in the sky above a group of elite disciples, standing with hands behind its hands, with divine light blooming in its eyes, like a god descending.

Countless disciples looked at that figure with reverence in their eyes.

This person is Xuanyuan Longteng, the sect leader of the One Moon Heavenly Palace. Title, Dragon Sword Master!

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