Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2300 Believe me or not? (2 updates)


The Sky Clan Leader was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already landed on the shoulders of the giant demon. He flapped his wings and set off a violent wind, forcing Xuanyuan Longteng and Jun Jiuyou back. Come on.

"Humph, you old bird, why are you taking action now!"

The giant monster was ten feet tall and roared at the top of its lungs, the sound almost deafening.

"It's better to come early than to come late!"

The leader of the Sky Clan stood on the shoulders of the giant demon and said with a cold smile: "You're not dead yet!"

The giant demon snorted softly and stared at Jun Jiuyou and Xuanyuan Longteng with a pair of huge pupils. Although his brain was not very good, he also knew that now was not the time for internal strife.

"A birdman actually came!"

Jun Jiuyou smiled coldly, glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng with his peripheral vision, and said calmly: "Leave the birdman to me, you take care of that big guy!"

After saying that, without waiting for Xuanyuan Longteng to speak, his figure flashed and he directly attacked the Sky Clan leader.

With the power of the gods added to me, I am invincible!

The human warriors under Ling Feng gathered more and more, and Ling Feng opened the infinite horizon to the extreme. The routes they traveled were all the optimal routes selected by Ling Feng after analysis.

Following his route, he completed the double-teaming in front and back again and again, killing all the monsters that were besieging the disciples of the Du Yue Tiangong, and at the same time, he continued to recruit the rescued disciples.

Moreover, often by the time the demon clan next to them arrives to support them, they have already left, leaving no chance for other demon clan to surround them.

After repeated attempts several times, Ling Feng's strength and resourcefulness were both extremely admirable.

In this battle, because of Ling Feng's participation, the balance of victory seems to have tilted a bit.

Although it was not enough to turn the entire battle situation around, Ling Feng's strategy greatly delayed time.

"Reinforcements are coming soon!"

Under Ling Feng's infinite vision, he could already sense that a large number of powerful human beings were arriving quickly from thousands of miles away!

After procrastinating for more than half an hour, reinforcements are finally arriving!

After hearing Ling Feng's words, all the disciples under his command became energetic.

Once the reinforcements arrive and the elites of the three major sword houses unite, these demon clans will be completely wiped out!

"Everyone, hold on! There is a battle group of fifty people ahead, let's go support them!"

Ling Feng swung the long sword in his hand, severely splitting several monsters in front of them in half, and continued to charge with his army.


The disciples were inspired and became very energetic, as if they had endless strength.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, from high in the sky, figures fell from the sky like falling meteors.

More than 5,000 sky monsters, like divine soldiers descending from the sky, instantly intercepted Ling Feng and his party.

"Where to go?"

The leader of the Demon Saint stared at Ling Feng coldly with a cold gaze in his eyes, "Boy, after killing so many of us, where else do you want to go?"

Just when these sky monsters surrounded Ling Feng's army of thousands, the angry monsters behind them also arrived one after another, and there were more and more of them.

They were all unprepared and were attacked by Ling Feng's men. After making them pay a heavy price, Ling Feng did not hesitate to fight and ran away immediately.

Ling Feng seemed to be accurate and always one beat ahead of them, and the thousand-man team he led continued to attract hatred in this way.

It seemed that he didn't kill too many monsters, but he successfully contained tens of thousands of monsters!

Using an army of thousands to contain tens of thousands of demon clans, it can be said that it has greatly eased the pressure on other human clans.

It's a pity that the arrival of those sky monsters completely disrupted Ling Feng's "quick beat" rhythm.

Without this shot, the tens of thousands of monsters who were angered by Ling Feng, filled with evil spirits, and vowed to cut Ling Feng into thousands of pieces, finally caught up with him.

"Damn little bastard, how dare you attack me secretly!"

"I'm going to cut out your heart and liver and drink it!"

"I'm going to cut this kid into pieces!"

Teams of demons led by demon saints continued to gather, surrounding Ling Feng and the thousands of troops he had collected.

Seeing more and more demon clans surrounding them, the disciples of Ling Feng's Du Yue Tiangong all looked extremely desperate.

More than a thousand people were surrounded by nearly 30,000 to 40,000 monsters...

Such consequences are almost unimaginable!

That would be a massacre without any room for resistance!


The demon saint of the sky demon clan laughed loudly, "The clan leader's worries are unnecessary. Boy, give up the unnecessary resistance. Maybe I can give you a good time!"

"what to do?"

The human warriors were completely panicked.

Ever since Ling Feng led them to break out of the encirclement, in their hearts, Ling Feng was almost an omnipotent "god".

But now, their god has led them into a desperate situation.

One thousand versus thirty thousand...

This is an unwinnable war!

Everyone looked desperate. In this situation, resistance was futile.

"Do you believe me?"

Ling Feng held the seal of commander in hand and shouted in support of the crowd.

Everyone's eyes turned to Ling Feng.

Believe him or not?

People were silent. At this time, whether you believe him or not, does it make any difference?

Tens of thousands of demon clans stared at him with greedy eyes.

In their eyes, these thousand people are already their big meal.

Finally, one of the disciples gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "I believe you! If it weren't for you, I would have died at the claws of the demon clan!"

These words instantly made everyone wake up.

Yes, if it weren't for Ling Feng, they wouldn't be able to survive this moment!

Their lives were originally saved!

"I trust you!"

"I trust you!"

"I trust you!"

One disciple after another, they gave out sonorous and powerful shouts. Even if they were in desperate situation, they would never give up their last hope.


Tens of thousands of monsters laughed at the same time. A thousand people, surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters, how could they survive?

It's just futile resistance!

"Then, hold on to the swords in your hands! Point them at the enemy in front of you!"

Ling Feng was raised high and destroyed in all directions. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his blood-stained robe, giving him an indescribable sense of majesty and majesty.

"Even if you are in a desperate situation, as long as you don't give up hope, miracles will happen!"

Ling Feng swung his long sword in his hand, "What you have to do is believe in miracles!"

There was a trace of tragedy on everyone's face. Even today, in a bloody battlefield, they will fight to the last moment with the sword in their hands!

"At this point, you can only hope for a miracle!"

The Demon Saint of the Sky Demon Clan snorted coldly, "It's a pity that you are a bunch of stupid humans. There won't be any miracles. You will all die! And, you will die in an extremely miserable way! Kill me, you men!"

All the monsters roared at the same time, and tens of thousands of monsters rushed out together. The terrifying aura swept over them like an overwhelming force.

However, everyone raised their swords high!

There may not be a miracle, but they will never give up!

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